Thursday, April 28, 2005 |
Buffalo Security |
Because we're so clever and amusing (at least to each other!)
So there was an elephant stampede in Seoul a week or two ago and I only found out through Jen. We were talking about hiking tonight, and this is where our conversation went.
LdyLeaess: you can mosey in the city LdyLeaess: as long as you're not run over by stampeding elephants or anything teresalynntucker: I'd rather not LdyLeaess: that would be more like RUNNING teresalynntucker: nobody else knew about that teresalynntucker: I felt in the know teresalynntucker: then they asked me how I knew LdyLeaess: LOL LdyLeaess: MY sister (in the states) told me teresalynntucker: and I was all sheepish, " sister told me about it." LdyLeaess: that's too funny teresalynntucker: Your sister where? teresalynntucker: yeah...I'm a dork LdyLeaess: HA LdyLeaess: somewhere over here a herd of BUFFALO got loose LdyLeaess: ended up in some high end neighborhood's tennis courts teresalynntucker: ha! teresalynntucker: double ha! teresalynntucker: that's quite funny LdyLeaess: hee hee LdyLeaess: gated community my ass teresalynntucker: if a herd of BUFFALO can get in teresalynntucker: hire new security LdyLeaess: HEE LdyLeaess: that's great LdyLeaess: that'll be some company's new slogan LdyLeaess: "Buffalo Security" teresalynntucker: ha again! LdyLeaess: they'd all have to wear hats with horns LdyLeaess: but you'd know they're not vikings because they wouldn't have braids LdyLeaess: that's a different company altogether |
posted by Teresa @ 12:27 AM  |
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