Monday, October 31, 2005 |
Cam told me the other day that Santa is going to bring him an Xbox, since I told him that we probably wouldn't be able to get him one. "Santa doesn't have to pay for it, so HE can bring me one!" Ah, hell. We're not necessarily so broke that we can't afford it, I just don't want all the CRAP that goes with it, KWIM? Every time we go to the store he'll want another game...everyone in the house will be obsessed with playing at some point, and other various and sundry complaints along those lines. So I caved this morning and started looking into Xboxes...he's picked a very inopportune time to delve into this, as they're coming out with the NEWEST Xbox within two weeks. Whee! Let's pay first-issued prices! Hence my latest dilemma. Let's assume a few things first: 1. That he will in fact, get an Xbox. 2. That I'm not remotely wealthy and don't want to spend a whole lot of money. OK, everyone assuming? Good. Here we go. The figures I'm going to quote below are from a very, VERY cursory glance at prices online, so if they seem off, they very well may be. Humor me. :)
dilemma: To buy a NEW Xbox system or the original one
OLD ONE: I think I can get the console (new) and at least one controller for $150. NEW ONE: (Xbox 360) Pshaw. Once it's released (11/11?) you have two options: basic console with corded control for (MSRP) $299, and the 'bundle' for $399. I can't even remember the details.
Now, the new one will (I think, I went cross-eyed reading all this crap and had to stop) play the Xbox 360 games, as well as the OLD system's games. The old one? Just the games designed for it. However, now that there is a new system, the old games will be less expensive. Hopefully. However AGAIN, they will not continue MAKING the old console games much longer.
I'm THISCLOSE to saying screw it, and getting the old one. I remember getting the old school Nintendo for Christmas the year it came out-we played Mario Bros. until our eyes bled. Ahh....good times. I just hope he understands that if he gets this one big thing, he won't be getting a ton of other stuff. I really enjoy this time of year, and yet I detest it so much...
Have any of y'all started shopping yet? Has anyone FINISHED? On second thought, don't tell me. It'll only depress me further. |
posted by Jen @ 12:00 PM  |
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