Monday, March 20, 2006 |
Vacation? What vacation? |
Bah. Spring Break was last week...I worked every day except Friday which was spent on the road going to the thriving metropolis of Umatilla, FL for the annual Florida Trail Conference. We had a really good time-no screaming fits at 2 AM like last year. Heh, that's a funny story (well, funny NOW) for later. Anyway, my only complaint was trying to sleep in my hammock the first night-ye gods. This was the first time I'd used it, so the ropes were all new and not-stretched out. Most uncomfortably, the ropes at the HEAD stretched out but the ones at the feet didn' within about an hour of climbing in the damn thing and maneuvering into my sleeping bag, I realized that my feet were about 6 inches higher than my head. By the time I gave up around 3 AM, they were about a FOOT higher than my head. I'll describe that adventure in further detail's quite funny NOW, but not so much at the time. I ended up sleeping in the backseat of the Tahoe the rest of the morning. TJ fixed it up for me, and the next night I slept like a dead person. Well, a cold dead person-it was pretty chilly that night.
We bought a meal package for the conference, so you can imagine how the diet went. Lasagna for dinner Friday night, eggs and bacon for breakfast the next day, tacos for lunch, and BBQ chicken for dinner Saturday. Weigh-in this afternoon will be interesting. Did I mention that I lost 2.5 pounds again last week? May have to make that stretch over two weeks. LOL
Oh, TX Jen, I have a band-related funny story for you. I was walking from the bathrooms to the hammocks Friday night and I SWORE I heard a Dr. Beat-DB88 with the emphasis on each beat. Very distinctive sound, no? By the time I made it back to the hammocks it had stopped. I asked TJ if he heard it and hadn't; shortly after, I heard it again (as did everyone else) and then I heard a snare tap off. Wha? Drumline warm-ups? Indeed-it was the standard marching band drum warm-up. In the woods. Okaaay. The next morning we go down to breakfast and I see a whole passel of folks in a field stretching-it must be a drum corp! And it was-Magic, to be precise. So even when I ride for 7 hours out to the middle of NOWHERE, I'm still hanging with a bunch of band geeks! Go figure. |
posted by Jen @ 10:16 AM  |
Heh-heh. Us band nerd are a breed apart, aren't we? Gotta stick together too. I'm all excited because my kiddos had their names published in the Dallas Morning News for their 1st division ratings! It was the neighborhood sectio, but still...
James is all excited because "Drums Along the Rockies" is in Denver this June. We have a friend from college who's on staff with Blue Knights (also out of Denver) and we're hoping to run into him at the contest.
Could have been worse, you could have heard "Dueling Banjos"! :)
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Heh-heh. Us band nerd are a breed apart, aren't we? Gotta stick together too. I'm all excited because my kiddos had their names published in the Dallas Morning News for their 1st division ratings! It was the neighborhood sectio, but still...
James is all excited because "Drums Along the Rockies" is in Denver this June. We have a friend from college who's on staff with Blue Knights (also out of Denver) and we're hoping to run into him at the contest.
Could have been worse, you could have heard "Dueling Banjos"! :)