Friday, July 21, 2006 |
Catch-up |
I don't count that goofy quiz as a real post, so here's one to catch everyone up. We finished house-sitting with no further mishap. Barb and Vic came home to a bird and cat still living, a pool not green, empty, or destroyed, and all the mail and newspapers stacked neatly on the dining room table. The only casualty was the waterfall and pond...which was not entirely my fault. Honest! There's a leak in the line leading from the pump to the top of the waterfall...I could tell you exactly where the leak was, thanks to the lush, green grass growing there. (I said something to Cam about how lush the grass was, and he pointed it out later to Billy as "luscious grass"...hee!) I just had no idea how to GET there, much less patch it up. I just left the pump off the last two days, and made sure to let Barb know about it.
Barb brought Cam a stuffed moose and some "river rocks" that are actually candy-coated chocolate. They look for the world like real river rocks. Very cute. They picked up a box of chopsticks from Chinatown for everyone else, and I got a pair of gold dangly earrings. They're little gold totem poles with silver wings sticking out the sides, and there's a little round green (looks like jade, but I suck at stones about as much as I suck at plants, so take that with a grain of salt) stone at the top. They're very cute, and look deceptively like a little decorative cross upon first glance. Heh. That just makes them all the more endearing to me.
Band is trucking along. We taught music camp this past week, and we got a LOT done. The kids can play the first two numbers relatively well, and can make it through the last number. Well, mostly. BUT, that's all three numbers under their belt-that's well ahead of last year. We even...(GASP!)...played some STANDS music during music camp! It was amazing! They're being pushed hard, but they're doing a great job of rising to the challenge. It's hot as hell's bells out there, too. Starting Monday we'll be out on the driver's ed range (really, it should be the band range-I'm pretty sure that if the math were done the results would show that we have more students using it for more time than the Driver's Ed kids) learning the show. Twenty bucks says that we spend the first few hours reminding everyone how to march...but that's ok. The first day of all these camps have been reason this one will be different.
The woman at the counter at Cam's day care asked me today about the band...she's an ex-band geek herself. She may see about switching one of the school-age field trips from the park to the school to watch the band. I'm going to run that past Pete and see what he says...I dunno what we'd do to entertain them for more than a few minutes, really. Run through the show, play some stands tunes...uuuhhh...maybe they can march a little with my kids? I dunno. At the end of the show we do for the parents the last night of camp Pete has the parents line up behind their kids and march the show with them...that is prime, PRIME comedy, folks. Quite possibly one of the funniest things I've ever seen live and in person. I dunno...some of those spots are really hard to maneuver. We'll have to see.
I'm thrilled beyond measure that it's Friday, though. My low brass section leader has called 4 times since I left the school, and the director has called 3 times. I'm about ready to turn off the phone. It's been quiet the past 45 minutes or so, so things should be ok from now on. I don't really have plans for the weekend (though once I compare notes with the rest of the household I may have to revise that...) so I'm thinking maybe I'll sleep in as late as humanly possible, and then maybe some swimming out at Barb's. Beyond that, we'll just see what happens. Sometimes it's good not to have a plan. :) |
posted by Jen @ 6:06 PM  |
mmmmmmmm chocolate...
See you typed all that and that's all I saw wheeeeeeeee...
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mmmmmmmm chocolate...
See you typed all that and that's all I saw wheeeeeeeee...