Monday, August 21, 2006 |
I feel like poo |
I have a cold. My throat is raw and my nose is doing that irritating "stopped up and yet drippy all at the same time" thing. Every time I even think about looking down, my nose leaks like someone turned on a faucet. I went to weigh in tonight at Weight Watchers and had to set my purse on the floor when I stepped on the scale. Ugh...I had to pinch my nose when I bent over to pick it up so I wouldn't drip on the floor. Gross much? I had planned to go get my birthday piercing last night, but figured that there was not much sense in puncturing a hole in my body while it's not necessarily well in the first place. Blah-I'm chewing some gum so I don't taste the nose spray I just used (I can't taste my dinner but I can taste the friggin nose spray-please explain that one to me) and very nearly shot the gum across the room in a sneezing fit. Yuck. I'm going to bed...night! |
posted by Jen @ 7:36 PM  |
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