Saturday, August 26, 2006 |
Van-capades |
So it rained this morning-I mean really rained, and for about an hour solid. I got in the van to come to work this morning and as soon as I opened the door, I knew it had leaked again. Something jams up at the dash where the windshield meets the engine compartment and all the water that's supposed to be diverted to parts unknown outside my vehicle pours inside. It goes behind the glove compartment and pours down into the foot well on the passenger side. You know what? All these issues I've had with the van have been on the passenger side...hmm...
Anyway, I got Cam in the van after much instruction NOT to put his Gameboy on the floor and listening to his comments about the bad smell (the windows had been rolled up tight...just use your imagination). It only took SIX tries to crank it up this morning - wow, huh? Then without thinking, I turned the wipers on to get the water of the windshield. Yeah-I won't even go into that little episode. Just imagine what I've already described, only with more creative cussing involved. I finally get them to STOP, and put the van in reverse. I backed out of the driveway, put it in drive, and touched the accelerator. Water comes GUSHING out from behind the glove box again - easily a gallon of water. Cam goes, "Mom, it's leaking again!" Yes, my dear...I know.
Bear in mind that it's still very overcast, and the parking lot at work is wide open to the elements. I can't very well leave the windows up - the whole interior would be covered in mold by the time I got out. I can't leave the windows down and hope it won't rain - that's not the way my life has gone recently. I parked in the garage (on the bottom level) and left the windows open. I'm halfway hoping it will be stolen...imagine how many problems that will solve! |
posted by Jen @ 10:30 AM  |
you really need to buy a clown nose for your van, you know that?
*shakes head* I think you should take the tahoe until the van is replaced. Course I'm evil that way!
Our van (which is actually my mom's van but it doesn't fit in her garage so she bought a car that does but doesn't want to get rid of the van because it's nice to have one when you are driving multiple grandchildren around at once so she lets us keep it except for when she needs it) does that same "water pouring out of the glove box" thing. The first time it did it, I opened the glove box expecting the contents to be soaked, but they weren't. Anyway, I don't have a solution for you... we've had a dry summer so I've been mostly ignoring it... but I did want to sympathize.
I've been enjoying your blog. In some ways we are so much alike it's funny. Too bad we live so far apart.
Give Teresa a squeeze for me. Tell her if she becomes too attached to living in Western Civilzation again and doesn't go back (but she's not bringing the dog, right? so she has to go back? but if she does...) I'll send her a ticket to come visit us. I'd send you a ticket too but it sounds like you're a little busy right now and I'd send Val a ticket but I'd never get her on an airplane.
Love you.
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you really need to buy a clown nose for your van, you know that?