Sunday, May 27, 2007 |
I need a(nother) vacation |
Well, it's been a week, and I'm mostly recovered from our little vacation to New Orleans. We really did have a great time - the wireless was a little spotty so I couldn't do as much online as I'd have liked, but hey. I'm cool with that. I've finally managed to get my pics in my online album the way I want them.
Before I give you the link, you need to know this: you'll have to register to be able to see the pics. All the info is on MY site and through MY server, so you don't have to worry about your email or name or anything getting out onto some freaky mailing list anywhere. When you get to the album there should be a button up on the top left that says "register"....just click it and follow the instructions. I'll have to approve the registration (I apologize for the hoops you have to jump through, but I'd rather do this than have the pics open to god and everybody), but once I do you'll have access to my complete album. gentle. LOL
So, after all that, here's a link to my album. There's an album titled "vacations"...the New Orleans trip is there. Note it's the ONLY vacation so far. ...sigh... Email me if you have any questions!Labels: vacation |
posted by Jen @ 12:21 PM  |
But...but..there are no pictures in it yet. *sob*
Helps if i read the entire post about having to register. *sigh*
Hee...that's OK...I approved your registration so you can go snoop through to your heart's content. :) Do you still need the phone book favor?
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But...but..there are no pictures in it yet. *sob*