Tuesday, May 01, 2007
It was almost TOO easy...
I moved up to Week 2 last night, with so little fuss and fanfare that I'm almost suspicious. All this time I've been worried about going from 60s running to 90s running...I mean, I could always tell when I hit 45s because my lungs went into a panic attack. I'd start breathing too fast and would lose whatever semblance of rhythm I had going and would just sort of flounder for the remaining 15s of my run. What the hell was I supposed to do when 45s became the halfway point? Yikes!

The first run was amazing. I didn't even look at the stopwatch until 1m 15s - which is most of the way there. Whoo hoo! The first two runs I ended up doing 90s running/90s walking because I'm an idiot and didn't remember the instructions. So I was actually cutting off WALKING time...ignorant!! The last two runs were the hardest, but still quit doable.

I finished the full 20 minutes without adding time to walks or shaving off time from runs, and tried harder this time to keep a steady pace. I also noticed that I'm getting my toes up when I run now - when I started I had this awkward flat-footed running thing happening that was just plain ugly to watch. I still look like a lumbering moose when I run, but at least I'm a lumbering moose with her toes up. As a marching band instructor, that makes me feel better. I'm wondering if I'll get some more of those "first time" aches and pains now that I've stepped up a little. I suppose I'll find out tonight. :)

On another note, I have plans for this weekend. I refuse to put them in print for fear that they will not come to pass, so you'll just have to wait until this weekend to find out. Neener neener!


posted by Jen @ 11:21 AM  
  • At 7:59 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    you are camping aren't you!!! you evil woman!!! AHHH!

  • At 9:19 PM, Blogger Jen said…

    No, not camping. I'm not up for that again quite so soon. LOL

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