Wednesday, May 30, 2007 |
What's that noise? |
I had difficulties falling asleep last night, and then around 6 AM I woke up hearing something strange... Is that water dripping? It didn't sound like rain so much as dripping water. Know what I mean? When it rains there's usually more of a background noise, but I didn't hear any of that. Having left the sprinkler on all night a few nights ago (doh!!) I was a little paranoid, so I crawled out from under the covers and peeked out my window. It was rain! A very, very light rain. I couldn't see the rain falling, but I saw it dripping off the porch. Whee!! We haven't had any rain in almost a month, so this is quite welcome. My car was very pleased this morning, too. Regardless of how many times I wash it, all the very dry dust and dirt in the air makes it look horrible again within a day. Anyway - it was 6 AM and I was done sleeping.
So I slept for about 4 hours last night. This is becoming a trend...I'm like those idiotic commercials with the animated butterfly or the lampshade that flits around peoples' heads. About twice a week I have a hard time falling asleep, and then can't stay asleep to save my life. I may just be excited (or stressed?) about freshman camp - it is sneaking up pretty fast. I dunno.
Kas' baby bro is getting married on Saturday. The wedding will be outside, so the rain can only stay a couple days. :) The rehearsal will be Friday evening in Crestview, and I told Cam that he and I would be on our own that evening as everyone else was involved somehow in the ceremony. It also just happens to be payday (woot!) so I told him I'd take him out to dinner, and would even let him choose the place. Where does my child want to go? He wants to go to Ichiban. For sushi. Fried tofu and at least one eel roll. We went to Panda Chinese over the weekend and they have a sushi bar - he went up and was like, "Can I just try two of everything?" The guy rolling it grinned and put two of everything on his plate. He tried a California roll and liked it. I thought he would like the ones with cream cheese, but he wasn't all that impressed. He did NOT like the crab salad-looking ones at all. But he tried - bonus points for that!
Cam got straight As on his last report card. He got his Standford 9 results back the last day of school - the best way to describe the test is as a pre-FCAT test. They tested various reading skills, various math skills, and then "environment" skills, which is everything else: science, social studies, etc. He scored lowest on reading comprehension - a low 3rd grade level (he was in 2nd grade at the time) and highest in math problem solving: a very high 5th grade level. Yeah. So all those times I laughed about having to put Aunt Fay on speed dial for math homework help? That will come back to bite me in the butt shortly.
I start UWF in the fall. I attempted to finish filling out my FAFSA online last didn't go very well at all. Before I gave up in complete frustration I realized that while I don't have any money to speak of, we are not nearly poor enough to be considered POOR. We don't have money, but what we do have plenty of is W2s. I have one from the store, one from the school district, and a 1099 from the Boosters. TJ had one from the BOCC, one from PJC, and I'm pretty sure there was one other, but I can't remember which job it was for. There were countless bank statements, student loan statements, a day care statement, and investment statements to go through. I gave up and will try to wade through it again tonight with TJ's help. He's done it once to file the taxes, so I stand a much better chance of surviving with him there.
I need to get my medical records together and get whatever shots I need out of the way. Blah. I need to find out where to go to track that info down...I'm off to do something more productive! See y'all later! |
posted by Jen @ 9:16 AM  |
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