Friday, December 09, 2005
This morning
I came out to the kitchen and started coffee, then began the morning's internal debate regarding breakfast. I won't go into details-it wasn't pretty-but will say that all the voices in my head decided to go with peanut butter toast this morning. I had already started the coffee pot-that requires no debate-so got my breakfast together.

I carried my plate of toast and my really, REALLY full coffee cup out of the kitchen toward my desk...sloooooowly. I had overfilled the coffee cup, and apparantly staggering like a drunken sailor, so it was very slow going. About halfway there, I started to hear the "Mission: Impossible" song in my head, which made me giggle a little bit. About 4 steps from my computer, my nose starts that desperate, pre-sneeze itch. Nooooo! I stop breathing and make that goofy 'I-have-to-sneeze-but-CAN'T-sneeze-or-something-really-bad-will-happen' face.

Anyway, turns out that I made it to the desk in plenty of time (I still haven't sneezed, thanks very much) and didn't spill a drop. Why did I share that story with you? Because I can. :)
posted by Jen @ 6:05 AM  
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