Tuesday, January 17, 2006
Once more, with feeling
Jen and I officially joined a Weight Watchers meeting last night. We went to the Monday night meeting...probably not the best night of the week, but really the only night the two of us could make it. Also, don't forget that it's January-all the folks with weight loss resolutions are still gung-ho, so there was nearly 20 new people there last night. I recognized one as an old friend from high school, and later realized that the girl with HER? Also and old friend from high school. Small world, no? Anyway, the race is on. We'll see if knowing more people in the group will help or not.
On another, much weirder note, I believe I slept on my left wrist wrong. Told you it was weird. It has that loose, needs-to-pop kind of feeling, but any time it gets near the point that it should pop, it hurts like hell. I figure I'll ignore it for now-hell, I can still type, what more do I need?-and if it keeps bothering me, I'll do something about it later. Which is funny, because I got mad at my grandparents yesterday for doing the same thing...more on that later, though. Gotta go to the post office for Jen-I know they must all go, "Oh God, it's that girl!" when they see me now. At least I'm not trying to mail another package to Korea. Yet. That will be later this week. ...sigh...this feels like Monday!!
posted by Jen @ 8:21 AM  
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