Thursday, June 01, 2006 |
Happy Hurricane season! |
Thanks, Cassi. I blame this on you. I dreamed about hurricanes and hurricane-induced madness last night. There's that dream of being lost in Wal Mart, and then there's the one where you're trapped inside a Wal Mart full of people getting ready for a hurricane. (shudder) Frankly, I'd rather have the dream about being unprepared for a pop quiz or forgetting my pants or whatever. Ick!
So yeah. Hurricane season again. Last year Barb, Cam, and I evacuated on Cam's birthday as Dennis rolled in. My "to stay or not to stay" argument changed after Ivan. Well, more like during Ivan...I've never been so scared in my entire adult life. Here's the new rules...we hang for tropical storms and minor hurricanes. A category1 or 2 is fine, and maybe even a minor, teetering-on-the-edge-of-a-high-category-2 category 3. Ivan was a 3, but had just been downgraded from a 4 when it came on shore. COMPLETELY different situation.
I had a lot of time to think as we hunkered down in the hall that night...I remember quite a few hurricanes in my time. I remember being terrified during Frederic, but I was very young then. I remember Mom and Dad put some mattresses in the hall for us to sleep on...and under. I remember Elena...and that one hit us what, 2, 3 times? Opal, Erin, Georges...lots of them. NONE of them were like what we had with Ivan. The ones I remember came and went relatively quickly. The worst parts, anyway. The "bad part" of Ivan? Yeah...I remember thinking around 11PM that "Wow...this is not good...and the eye isn't even supposed to make landfall until 2..." It just got worse and worse and worse and worse...
On that note, I've decided that this whole "category" system just ain't working. Nope. "Sustained winds" my ass... They need to change that more from a label to an equation...something to do with wind speed and how far out from the center those sustained winds reach.
Anyway...that's my hurricane rant. Let's hope it's all I have to say about hurricanes this year. Keep your fingers crossed! |
posted by Jen @ 6:33 AM  |
It's nice to be living more inland (just a little) than Pensacola when the dreaded H-word is used. During Ivan I worked for Escambia County EOC (taking phone calls & arranging shelter etc.). That hurricane was so bad that I was stunned by folks reaction to Katrina (not evacuating etc). I hope they all just die in the Atlantic this year (the hurricanes). We shall see.
Trade ya' for a cat 5 tornado any day! Can't evacuate, just lean over & kiss your butt goodbye...or hide in the bathtub.
James remembers when Alicia hit Houston. I remember when Alicia hit Dallas too! Windows blown out in the sky-scrapers downtown, lots of rain, flooding.
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It's nice to be living more inland (just a little) than Pensacola when the dreaded H-word is used. During Ivan I worked for Escambia County EOC (taking phone calls & arranging shelter etc.). That hurricane was so bad that I was stunned by folks reaction to Katrina (not evacuating etc). I hope they all just die in the Atlantic this year (the hurricanes). We shall see.