Monday, August 28, 2006 |
My back, my car, my son, and my sister |
I went back to the doc today. The steroids and muscle relaxers worked...for a while. It's been two weeks since my appointment, and my back is hurting again. It's just as bad as it was when I went the first time. He said the swelling/inflammation is worse than last time, and wanted to add therapy to the scrips he gave me this time, but I asked if we could wait on that. This week is already full-to-overflowing. I left with some Celebrex samples, a scrip for Lortab, and directions to stay off my feet. I told TJ that unless I learn to levitate, I'll have a hard time following that order. I'm all floaty from my first dose of meds, and am flopped in bed about to fall asleep. The good news is that my back doesn't hurt right now. :)
On another note, we didn't make it out car shopping today. By the time I got back from the doc, picking up Cam, and picking up my scrips, I was done. Done with the heat, done with sitting in the van, and done not being at home. Done. It's fine, though. I'm ok with that.
Cam is doing really well at school. His teacher loves him. He's doing well at day care-his teachers there think he's awesome. The new woman at the counter thinks he's the sweetest child ever. "He's so polite, and is the most considerate child I think I've ever met!" He has them fooled. LOL
Resa called about an hour and a half ago. She was up and getting ready to head to the airport in Seoul! She'll be here in less than 24 hours now. :) I'm very excited, and I know she was. Cam talked to her for a few minutes-he's getting pretty excited, too. I think I'm going to go crash in a drug-induced sleep. See y'all tomorrow! |
posted by Jen @ 7:56 PM  |
VW Bugs are cool. My 6'1" grandfather, who is 76 and has a bad hip, can sit comfortably in the backseat. There's more headroom in my Bug than in the loaner Jetta I had while Daphne-Lola was in the shop.
Feel better soon! Now the teacher in me wants to know how your posture is during all this on-your-feet work. My teacher was big time into Alexander Technique and it's been passed down to me by osmosis.
Have fun with Resa!
See, I wanted a bug. A yellow one. Now I'm afraid it's more a matter of "whatever I can afford". ...sigh... That's ok. This is what I want: something small (2 doors is fine), something safe, gets at least 25 mpg, and I'd almost prefer a manual at this point. Oh, and not crappy. I definitely want a not-crappy car. :)
the new bugs are crap anyways, my SIL had one and it was a bane of my BIL's life. the eventually got a great trade in on it cause they threatened with the lemon law. and it was brand new.
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VW Bugs are cool. My 6'1" grandfather, who is 76 and has a bad hip, can sit comfortably in the backseat. There's more headroom in my Bug than in the loaner Jetta I had while Daphne-Lola was in the shop.
Feel better soon! Now the teacher in me wants to know how your posture is during all this on-your-feet work. My teacher was big time into Alexander Technique and it's been passed down to me by osmosis.
Have fun with Resa!