Monday, September 18, 2006 |
Is it Friday yet? |
Hmm...according to my handy-dandy auto-fill (thank you, Microsoft, for assuming I want to type the same things over and over), I've used this title before. It's very apt today...I got very little sleep last night, and wanted to cry when my alarm went off this morning. It rained all day today...some times harder than others. Those times were usually when I was trying to get from the house or work to my car. Please remember that my windshield wipers are makes the drive to work SO much more interesting.
I taught a little , then went to official new position started up last week, and I spent much of today fulfilling my new duties as the official "batch queen". Heh. I'm now in charge of an internal billing system that bills for our band rentals. The company we've been paying absurd amounts of money to do this for us? They suck. No, that's too nice...they suck big, hairy, donkey balls. They are no help, really...they're like NEGATIVE help. They rarely bill on time, and when they DO, they miss people. We're pretty sure that they've not collected a LOT of money for us, and of that money that they actually did manage to collect, we've not received it all. So they've been dropped. I'm in charge of not screwing up the rental billing now. Whee!
I spent today printing, folding, and mailing out invoices for payments due on the 1st. That in itself wasn't all that bad. However, it was Keyboard Club day, so we had a store full of oldsters listening to old organ music, which was followed by a potluck lunch and much bitching about the weather and how far away our parking lots are. ...sigh...
I got home completely exhausted around 3:30. I knew I shouldn't lay down, but I was SO tired...I was startled awake around 5:30 when I realized how late it was, and that nobody else was home. I woke up completely unrested, groggy, and just a little grumpy. Ok, maybe more than a little grumpy...
So now I'm willing to bet that while I'm tired now, I won't be once it's time to go to bed. Tomorrow will be another long, long day...but I get to sleep a little later, so there's always that to look forward to. I work, then have rehearsal till evening-ish.
Now that I think of it...I don't know why I'm waiting for Friday...we have another game. How bout Saturday? Oh, wait-even about Fall Break? I need a vacation! |
posted by Jen @ 7:46 PM  |
Wednesday, September 13, 2006 |
My day |
- 5:30 AM: My alarm goes off. Blerg...
- 6:50 AM: Cam and I get out the door. It only took 4 tries for the van to start...whee!
- 7:20 AM: I get to school and teach "Somewhere Over the Rainbow"...which stuck in my head for the rest of the day.
- 9:00 AM: Leave for my great-uncle's funeral.
- 10:00 AM: Uncle Lynn's funeral. I was much more emotional than I expected to be. I hate seeing family member (regardless of how far removed) cry. There were SO many people took ages to get out of the parking lot because I was so deep in the pile.
- Noon: Got to work...tired physically and overtired emotionally. Rushed around in the computer system trying to get ready for my new duties there...more on that later.
- 3:00 PM: Leave to rush home and change for practice.
- logized in advance for anything shitty I did that afternoon. I tried really hard not to take it out on the kids...the only ones I lit into were the ones that truly deserved it...I hate being asked stupid questions.
- 5:20 PM: Left to go home.
- 6:30 PM: Started working on the FDCOW site email forms...the effing bastards. I've tinkered with it for over an's not working yet but I'm hoping that maybe it'll heal itself over night....sigh...
- 8:00 PM: Took a lortab to A) ease the back pain and B) ensure that I sleep deeply tonight. Now I'm heading toward bed with a fuzzy Lortab head...I hope tomorrow will be better. Night all!
posted by Jen @ 9:02 PM  |
Tuesday, September 12, 2006 |
She lives! |
Shew...things have been hectic the past few weeks! Things are slowly settling down here with a few glaring exceptions...coughMYCARcough... My back is doing pretty well, though it still aches a bit. I'm curious to see how things go when I run out of Celebrex. :)
We had a great time with Resa...Cam is going into withdrawals, it seems. I know my cats miss her luggage-they slept on it the whole time she was here. Interestingly enough, I didn't take a single picture the whole time she was here. Not a one. She did, thankfully; there are a few doozies in there, too. I'm talking Christmas card material. Val said yesterday that it was funny how Resa's been out of the country for 2 years and we're all "grown-up" now; we still fall into that family order though. Picture this on my couch: Resa, Dad and Val sitting there, with me sitting across Resa and Dad's laps. Phyllis says to say cheese, and Val sorta smiles. Resa glares over, hissing between her lips, "Valerie, you BETTER smile this time-for REAL!" CLICK! That moment preserved for posterity. ...sigh... It's very telling...and hysterically funny, to boot.
Anyway, I hope to get back to boring you all with the minutiae of my life again here shortly. I have some work to do on a friend's website tonight (ahem...EDWARD!) but will be back on once I get caught up. See you soon! |
posted by Jen @ 1:27 PM  |
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