Wednesday, April 11, 2007 |
Birds |
I'm sitting here watching birds at the feeder out back and it made me think of the other night - Billy was at the table and hollered for me to come look, but to be quiet and not to rush up to the window. ?? Cam got out of my room faster than I did, and he goes, "Oh, COOL!" I made it around the corner to see a very large blur take off from the top post of one of our garden benches and fly off over the garage. Billy's eyes were big and Cam was grinning. It was a hawk! Billy's not sure what kind, but he knows it was a bird of prey. Hooked beak, talons, etc. He said he noticed the birds at the feeder took off in all directions and was wondering if our cat was back there when he saw the hawk had just landed. Brings a whole new dimension to the words "bird feeder," eh?
We have two little blue finches at the feeder now -they are GORGEOUS, but we can't find them online or in our bird book. They have little yellow beaks, a black mask/head, and this bright blue body...very pretty. I never saw them at the feeder before this morning, but they are enjoying themselves there immensely today.
We regularly see cardinals, blue jays, mockingbirds, and pigeons. There are at least two red-headed woodpeckers that will land and sling food everywhere while they eat. There are a lot of little miscellaneous birds that I don't recognize or know the name, but none as pretty as those little blue birds.
Those of you that have known me for a while are probably curious about squirrels... We have at least one that raids the feeder, but I really think he's the only one. We used to have dozens of squirrels in our yard, but Ivan took care of them with much of our tree cover. We found a lot of dead squirrels with the tree parts in the was sad. I hated them eating all my birdfood, but didn't want them dead...know what I mean? Anyway, the squirrel isn't as big a pest (or entertainment...remember the Vaseline? Hee! Good times!) as before.
Bird feeders are fun. :)Labels: wildlife |
posted by Jen @ 6:34 PM  |
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