Monday, April 02, 2007 |
I posted much of this to my Mommy group, but since nobody can overshare like *I* can overshare, I figured I'd post it here, too. Brutal honesty, my friends, is good for the soul...or so I've heard, so I figure I'll give it a shot. What the hell, right?
- Jen is back on antidepressants. Hooray for pharmaceutical medicine! As implied by the "back on" comment, this is not my first time on medication, but it's the first time my doc and I have found something that works. Whoo hoo! I started about 3 weeks before Grandma died...good timing, lol.
- Friday was Grandma's birthday...well, would have been her birthday.
- My baby sister came back from Korea for good. She stayed a few weeks, and then hightailed it out of P'cola before she got stuck like the rest of us. I miss her lots. I think she's terribly funny, and I swear it isn't just because she laughs at the same things I do.
- 3 of the 4 weeks in March were spent NOT dieting. ...sigh... The last week was good, but I haven't undone the damage completely yet.
- I've started walking most least a mile, and much of it at a pretty fair pace. I'm thinking about working my way up to jogging, which is a huge, HUGE step for me. I've always been of the opinion that the only GOOD reason to run is if you're being chased.
- I was possessed by a madwoman this weekend, and cleaned my room. No, cleaned is not appropriate...I excavated my room. Decades of crap were sorted into three categories...keep, throw away, and give away. More than half went into the latter two categories. I filled up the roadside garbage can and started piling stuff up on the porch to throw out once the garbage ran. It was cathartic.
- I also rearranged my room. I had much, MUCH help from my dear friend, Billy. He's a peach. He helped me with heavy things (everything except my bed) and did his miracle work with my TV/DVD/CD stuff. Every inch of my floor has been vacuumed, and I won't even go into how disgusting my bagless vacuum was by the time I'd finished. Blech!! By the time I went to bed last night I was exhausted, and yet still managed to toss and turn all night. I heard all the normal "Jen's bedroom in the middle of the night" noises, but as my bed was in a different position, I heard them from a different angle. I spent all night going, "What was that?!" "Where did that noise come from?" I was also pretty sure that I was going to oversleep, as every time I would jolt awake from a sound I would check the alarm clock to make sure I had not only set the alarm to go off, but that I had set it for the correct time, AND that it had not magically set itself an hour ahead or behind since the last time I checked. It was a busy night.
- I subbed Friday and most of today. That wears me out. I missed an after school meeting because I was at work trying to catch up on all the stuff I missed out on Friday by teaching all day. Viscous cycle. Tomorrow I only have to go to work - no school. Hooray!
- I'm worn out. I need a vacation.
Heh. Thanks to Val, from whom I stole the idea for bullet points. |
posted by Jen @ 8:26 PM  |
I don't run either. Thelma & Louise would probably give me a concussion if I tried.
Glad to see you back!
I hate the thought of running.
Okay but seriously, not that I like that you're sad from missing me ("sad" may be stretching it a bit, but I'm making myself feel loved here, so give me a bit of wiggle room) but it makes me feel like, UBER loved that you miss me enough to have mentioned it in TWO blogs! And I miss you SO much! I was just telling one of the Dunlap kids here that when I was in Pensacola I laughed until I gagged about four or five times. That's so far beyond chuckle humor.
I'm for sure coming back for Jacelyn's birthday party weekend. Maybe even the Friday before, so I can spend as much time as possible with you. I'm going through serious withdrawals! Our text messaging does help. I love the caRRRRRRRRRne asada thing. Makes me laugh till I need to pee.
This is a long comment. The upshot of it is simply this: I love you and miss you VERY much!
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I don't run either. Thelma & Louise would probably give me a concussion if I tried.
Glad to see you back!