Wednesday, February 21, 2007 |
One of those weeks |
My Grandma is in the hospital. She's not doing very well at all, and for the better part of the weekend I wasn't sure she would have made it this far, but she has. I haven't had an update today, so I'm operating on the assumption that 'no news is good news'.
Cam came home early Friday with a tummy bug. His teacher noticed he looked kind of green and sent him to the nurse's office. Once he got there, he tossed his cookies. I picked him up around 1 and we headed home to rest. By that evening he was fine again. We had a birthday party at a roller skating rink Saturday (no, I did NOT skate - I figured we didn't need a trip to the ER) and another one at Chuck E Cheese on Sunday.
I slept very poorly Saturday night, and by Sunday morning was pretty sure I was coming down with a cold. I spent much of Sunday with a very runny nose and a very scratchy throat. Dinner time Sunday, Cam started whining that his throat, not to sound unkind...but my child is not the biggest fan of eating. I know, I know - my child is not fond of eating. If only we could all be so lucky. Anyway, he whines a lot during dinner, so I didn't fawn over him much. He finished eating and went to take a bath, when we realized that he's in there crying.
TJ goes in to see what's wrong, and he's sitting in the empty tub, no water running, naked as the day he was born, and crying like nobody's business. TJ asked him what was wrong, and Cam said that his throat really hurt. We rustled up a flashlight and TJ peeked down his throat to find his tonsils swollen up like golf balls. Eep! Now my child is no stranger to sickness, but he usually sticks to coughs and colds...he's not much of a sore throat kind of kid. We didn't have ANYTHING in the house for sore throats! TJ was about to leave to go grocery shopping, so he picked up some Triaminic and these diabolical tongue strips with a deceptively cute picture of Scooby Doo on the package. More on those later...
Cam takes the Triaminic with no complaints - he's good with medicine, really. Then I put one of those "soothes sore throat" strip on his tongue...his eyes open wide, and he starts doing that "reverse blow" thing you do when you take a bite of something that's waaaay too hot. His face is the absolute picture of alarm, and he's glaring at me like, "What did you DO to me?!" When he can talk, he says, "That is WAY too spicy!" Spicy? Ohhhkaaaay...
He stayed home from school the next morning because his tonsils were still swollen. I dosed him up with the Triaminic and asked if he wanted another tongue strip...he declined. Quickly. Heh. Later that day he was doing fine again. He does recover quickly, that son of mine. I, however, was feeling really crappy by this time. My throat was really bothering me, so I figured I'd try one of those fancy tongue strips that Cam didn't care much for...
Well. I set it on my tongue and closed my mouth. The strip immediately stuck to the roof of my mouth, and my first bewildered thought was, "Did I put it in upside down?" Do these things have an upside down?! So I then proceeded to use the tip of my tongue to pry the now gooey mess off the roof of my mouth, opening up a whole new set of taste buds to this experience. Yow...Cam was was spicy. It was sort of cinnamony/pepperminty mixed with FIRE. Just like that - in all caps. Not "fire" but "FIRE". I'm glad I did this alone, now that I think about it. The whole gooey mess was all over my mouth by this time, and everywhere it touched felt like it was on fire. Then I swallowed. Oh dear. The fire spread down my throat, and it felt like I had just done an overly large shot of very cheap tequila. The fire didn't make it all the way to my belly, thankfully. I tried to wash the whole thing down with a couple swallows of Diet Coke, but it was like taking a swig of Orange Juice after brushing your teeth...quite yucky.
Meh. So here I am, Wednesday of the following week...still sick. My ears are stopped up and my chest is congested, and I have a Nyquil hangover. I've learned a few valuable lessons in all this, though. 1.) My child recovers annoyingly fast from illness. 2.) Those tongue strips? Just don't. 3.) Teaching music while your ears are stopped up sucks.
So, there ya go. Words of wisdom (or whatever you want to call it) from your friend Jen. See y'all later. :) |
posted by Jen @ 1:11 PM  |
thank you I have had a really shitty day and you made me smile, infact your description of the tounge things ,made me laugh out loud. I am sorry you sdon't feel good, but at least you don'thave a sick kid on top of feeling bad, I reccomend my moms remedy for sorethroat, take half a cup of hot tea of your choice and fill the mug the rest of the way with the alcohol of choice, it will help your thoat and knock you out like nobodys buissness.
I forgot to tell you I hope your gramma feels better soon, I know what its like to have a sick granndparent. It sux
ROFLMAO!! *giggle* *sniff* *snort* *sigh* Oh that was fun!!!!
I do so enjoy your blogs. Seriously TEARS are rolling down my face!
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thank you I have had a really shitty day and you made me smile, infact your description of the tounge things ,made me laugh out loud. I am sorry you sdon't feel good, but at least you don'thave a sick kid on top of feeling bad, I reccomend my moms remedy for sorethroat, take half a cup of hot tea of your choice and fill the mug the rest of the way with the alcohol of choice, it will help your thoat and knock you out like nobodys buissness.