Wednesday, April 11, 2007 |
...oh...emm...gee... |
I started this last night, but got sidetracked doing laundry and hating running. Oops, did I say that out loud? Holy crap. Here are my answers to the nervous questions at the end of the other blog:
- No, I do NOT have a stopwatch. Yet. I don't even have a watch-watch. I used the timer in my cell phone and ran with it in my hand. I wanted to throw the damn thing across the park by the end of the experience, but that is neither here nor there. I will be getting a stopwatch today or tomorrow.
- The 60 & 90 second intervals were easy to do - I just set the timer for a little less time than I needed, and used the extra time to set it for the next bout. As for "how do I know when 20 minutes is up"....We crossed the line at 8:41, a time which will be burned into my memory for EVER. Believe me, I was watching my phone for 9:01. I knew. Oh yes...I knew.
- I don't know how many laps I did, to be honest. We did one warm up lap and one cool-down lap...3.5 laps of this track make 1 mile, FYI. I'm pretty sure I ran/walked 3 laps, so I figure that total, I got in about a mile and a half. Run/walking, about 3/4 of a mile.
- I did manage to walk home under my own power. I needed to use my inhaler so we stopped and sat down before we left the park - I was afraid I would pass out if I used it standing up.
- I didn't fall down, so nobody that. Around the middle of the 20 minutes I felt like my version of "jogging" was more like a very long, barely controlled stumble. Nothing graceful about it. Toward the end, I was pretty sure that's what I was doing - just leaning forward and trying not to fall over. Great technique, eh?
- I did not throw up my delicious salmon dinner. However, once I got home and got over the "I hate this, and I hate you for making me do this" phase, I realized that not only was I hungry, but my stomach sounded like a starving animal. Shoo. I drank a lot of water and then showered, then I had a bowl of corn flakes. Don't be jealous.
So there it is. My first day on my new running program. I don't have to do that shit again until Friday, so I'm going to spend the rest of the day happy and very secure in that knowledge. I am very happy I'm doing this now, and not in front of the kids once it gets hot out. Ugh - that would be embarrassing.
Also, despite finding myself ravenously hungry (still!), this is going to help with my diet. I know a lot of people that look at exercise as a way to be able to eat more stuff...not me. I look at it as something I really don't LIKE to do taking away from what I've done. If I eat a twinkie just because I ran those laps, I would negate the whole dreadful experience. No freaking way I would do that - I'm not going to splurge just because I'm working out more - might as well just not work out!
Oh well...such is Jen. I never said I would make sense. :) (singing) I don't have to run today....I don't have to run today! |
posted by Jen @ 10:28 PM  |
hee thats a real good description of me running too, which is why i don't, Howvere I am up to 15 pushups with out stoppping :) lil twerps WILL NOT out do me heee!
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hee thats a real good description of me running too, which is why i don't, Howvere I am up to 15 pushups with out stoppping :) lil twerps WILL NOT out do me heee!