Thursday, June 28, 2007 |
Pat me on the head |
I deserve this for SO many reasons...sit back and I'll tell you why. :)
My lovely baby sister called me Tuesday to say that as she had left Alltel for T-Mobile she could no longer use her nearly-new Razr...would I be interested in having it? Well, DUH! I'm going from this phone to THIS phone...what would you say?
So, I said yes, and she said good, and that was that. The more I thought about it along the course of the day, the more excited I got about it. I called Kas and asked if she'd be interested in moving over to MY phone once I moved over to Resa's...we'll just play a big round of cell phone hot potato. I called Resa back to let her know how excited I was to get the phone, and she said that SHE was excited that *I* was excited, blah blah sister talk - we speak a different language so I won't bother you with the details. She said she would go the following morning to ship it out to me. Yay!
She called the next day to say that she had just dropped it off and that it would be delivered to Paulding Manor the following day (Thursday). Squee!! I spent all day today wondering if it had been delivered while I was stuck up at work...Resa laughed at me, and then tracked it. It had! I left work early and got home, found the box on the porch and managed to wait to rip the box open till I got inside. :) I closed the door behind me, then used the car keys I had never put away to rip the box open.
I pulled the phone out (insert angelic choir soundtrack here: "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh"), installed the battery, and managed to turn it on without having to consult the mini-encyclopedia of an instruction book. BEEEP! Low battery! Hmm...that's ok, she put a charger in the box, too. I take everything over to the outlet in the kitchen, plug the charger into the wall, and then go to plug the charger into the phone...where do you plug the thing in? OH, there. Hmm...doesn't's the wrong charger! I examined the plug on the phone more closely, and realized it's a mini USB plug, not a regular cell phone plug. Shit!
I set it down and called Billy - my go-to guy in the "anything electrical going haywire" department. He says to just use my camera's mini USB cable and plug it into my laptop - it should work. I was very skeptical, as the plug looked MUCH bigger than the little bitty hole in the side of the phone. It fit perfectly, though, so I plugged it in. I plugged the other end into my laptop, and saw the screen on the phone turn on...sweet!! Imagine the disappointment a few moments later when it says, "Unable to charge." Billy told me to look for the phone driver & that it would work once I installed the driver...I hit the first two pages of a Google search with no luck.
At this point I realize that I can't activate the new phone until I charge it, and I can't charge it till I get a charger. Now, for some background: I have an impulse control problem. When I want something, I want it now, and I do NOT want to wait. My first thought at this point: "I'm going to Alltel to buy a charger." But wait...aren't they usually ridiculously expensive there? I know I can get a charger (possibly TWO) for about $15 (including shipping) on Ebay. Crap! But that would take too long - I want it NOW! I got in the car with every intention of going to Alltel to overpay for a charger.
I got out on the road and along the way I decided to go to Wal Mart and see if they might have a charger. They did not, but in the meantime I managed to think through everything from a less frantic view, and decided (my first pat on the head) that I would wait at least one more day...I would continue my search for the phone driver this evening, and would just (gulp) wait to activate my new, shiny phone. Not to overstate my sudden maturity...I did call Billy to tell him how grown up I was being. Heh.
I got home and Googled for drivers again. Three pages into my search, I found; it has since become my new best friend! (my second pat on the head) I got my drivers and installed them all on my own, and yes, ladies and gentlemen...I was able to CHARGE MY PHONE!! Billy got home and we used his phone to call and activate the Razr with my number, and while we had someone on the phone we had her activate my OLD phone for Kas' number. Efficient, no? :) I put all my contacts in the new phone, and started poking around with the settings...I somehow managed to change the sound it makes when it takes a picture to a monkey sound. I have yet to sit down and change it back. Heh.
I feel like I've been very productive today. I didn't purchase an overpriced charger, and I figured out how to make what I had on hand work. Bonus! Now I get to play with my phone! |
posted by Jen @ 6:24 PM  |
Technically, it's a brand new Razr, as it's the second replacement phone stupid Alltel had to send to me. It had better be freaking brand new. Seriously, my experience with Alltel was somewhere between "insanely frustrating" and "murderous rage inducing."
But all's well that ends well, as I have successfully broken up with Chad (you SUCK Chad!) and love my new phone and T-Mobile, and you love the Razr, and Jen...well you get the idea.
SWEET! And kudos on being all adultish. I know the suck that can be, trust me.
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Technically, it's a brand new Razr, as it's the second replacement phone stupid Alltel had to send to me. It had better be freaking brand new. Seriously, my experience with Alltel was somewhere between "insanely frustrating" and "murderous rage inducing."
But all's well that ends well, as I have successfully broken up with Chad (you SUCK Chad!) and love my new phone and T-Mobile, and you love the Razr, and Jen...well you get the idea.