Friday, July 20, 2007
OK. Today is the day. Well, tonight, anyway...I plan on heading up to B&N around 8 tonight. I've warned the friend going with me that I just might become homicidal if some jackass blurts out the ending before I can leave the store. I'm thinking about taking my MP3 player with me for that exact reason.

So how about the rest of my day? Well. Within hours all the people in Europe that lined up for days for the last HP book will be posting about the book. I have decided upon the following rather radical course of action for myself:
  • No reading of online news. Period. I don't want to see a headline or accidentally pick something up that will ruin this for me. This will be hard - I'm constantly reading the news. Pray for me! Heh - I'm kidding...well, about the praying thing.
  • No listening to radio news. Except public radio. They'll have the decency not to say anything about it for a while yet.
  • Very little reading of emails, in the event someone thinks they're doing me a favor by passing anything Potter-related along.

Yeah. I'm taking this very seriously. I was the same way with the last Dark Tower book, only there wasn't the same frenzied hoopla in the press. I've worked up the courage to find out who lives and who dies on MY terms, dammit. I don't want the whole experience ruined! I plan to hang out at B&N until I get my book, when I plan to make a mad dash home where I plan to sit up all night reading. I told Val she can pick it up on her way to work Saturday morning. If, for some strange, strange reason I can't finish it (ha!) I told her I'd call her. Nobody's prying this book out of my hands until I'm done!


posted by Jen @ 10:05 AM  
  • At 3:09 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    me too me too... I'll have my cell phone and I should be done by sunrise. My plan is to sit in the B&N parking lot in my car so it will be quiet and interruption free. No dogs, no husband, no cats...

  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger Dawn Contemplates Life said…

    I'm jealous, very! But thanks to my bmom I can go get the book tomorrow after I get off work. And then I'll read. Unfortunately there will be distractions, but I've learned to live with them. Ok, back to finish six again so I'll be all ready...wheee!

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