Thursday, July 05, 2007 |
Monday again? |
Don't get me wrong - I enjoy having a day off as much as the next person. I do! However, this middle-of-the-week stuff has thrown a curve ball to my system from which I may not recover. (Heh, TX Jen - the grammar thing is contagious! I keep hearing "with which to wick" in my head...LOL!!)
As I slowly woke up yesterday, I was thinking, "Aahhhh....I get to sleep in tomorrow, too!" "No - wait - it's a holiday...I have to work tomorrow. Oh hell!" I spent the rest of the morning having different versions of the same conversation in my head. Then I moved on to thinking it was Sunday. Crap. At least I knew I had to work the next day.
I got up this morning - grudgingly - and got ready for work, absolutely certain it was Monday. I could not convince myself otherwise, even though I KNEW it wasn't right. The way my morning went, it sure FELT like a Monday.
I got up and got myself and Cam dressed and ready to go. I found TJ's blue-tooth headset - he said I could have it as he didn't use it any more. Woot! He said the charger was on his dresser, so I grabbed it...guess what kind of charger it is? Mini USB. Guess what else it charges? Uh huh. My phone. It's been sitting there all this time. Now, I enjoy irony as much as the next guy, but this was a little ridiculous. "Doh!"
Cam was hanging around playing one of his new Gameboy games, and I actually got ready early. I told him that we ought to just leave early - I needed to get gas after I dropped him off at day care, and leaving early would get me to work at the usual time. We headed out the door. Got him to day care only to realize that we left his lunch at home. Shit! I got gas, went home, then took his lunch back up to day care. I got to work late, of course.
I kept thinking, "Shit, I'm going to miss the meeting!" The Monday morning meeting. The Monday morning meeting that was not going to take place BECAUSE IT'S THURSDAY! Bah! I finally worked my brain around THAT little bit of info, and settled down to get some business done. I wanted to charge the headset, fax my lab work to UWF for my medical records, and see what other hoops needed jumping through before I could register. I plugged in the headset, faxed my paperwork, and sat down to log into U-Dub's student services online. There was a brief moment of panic when I couldn't figure the stupid site out, and I kept thinking, "If I'm not smart enough to use their website, how am I going to earn a DEGREE?!" Don't worry though, I did manage to figure it out.
It took me 3 log-in attempts, but I finally got into my account, to see that they have everything they need for me to see my department head to register. They have my transcripts from PJC and from high school, but they insist that I have NOT met my language requirement. 2 years of Spanish and 2 years of Latin don't count? Maybe because it's been too long? Hell if I know - I"m going to ask when I go up to register. Then I realize they have me listed as a Senior. Wha?! I was talking to TJ as I was looking over the info, and when I mentioned that to him, he says, "Heh. Maybe they're referring to your age." Smart ass. Thanks for the support, honey. Though I do have to admit - it was funny. I'll straighten that out when I register, too.
All this has compounded to leave me feeling a bit slow on the uptake this morning. The final straw was not knowing the word of the day today. I have's word of the day widget on my iGoogle page. I take great pride in the fact that more often than not, I know the word of the day. Well, not so much today. I mean, really...heterodox? (It means "holding unorthodox opinions" know, in case anyone else is unfamiliar with it.) As I said before, I did take two years of Latin...that set me up with an amazing knack for word derivations. No use here...the 'dox' bit made me think of 'unorthodox', but why on earth would you create a word so similar to 'unorthodox' that just means 'has unorthodox opinions'??! Redundancy pisses me off. Especially when it catches me off guard and makes me feel stupid. I have therefore decided to ban "heterodox" from my vocabulary for ever and ever, and will rain down obscenities upon anyone else that uses it. Stupid word...I bet they just made it up, anyway.
So that's the tale of my Monday-that's-not-a-Monday. There is more to tell, but that's best saved for another day. This is my 2nd absurdly long post in the same day, and I'm afraid of overwhelming my dear readers. Heh. |
posted by Jen @ 12:46 PM  |
You know Jen, you are quite heterodox. I hope I used that right MUWHAAHAHAH! Love ya!
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You know Jen, you are quite heterodox. I hope I used that right MUWHAAHAHAH! Love ya!