Tuesday, February 14, 2006
I Hate Quizzes...
...but I love my sister. ...sigh...

Three names you go by:
1. Jen
2. Jenni (only by my family, and they drawl it into "Jean-nee")
3. Ms. Jennifer or Mrs. Smith (to the kids at school)

Three things that scare you:
1. Looking out windows at night-GAH! I get the wiggins just thinking about it...
2. Miscellaneous adolescent fears; open closets at night, waking up to find my arm hanging off the bed (eep!!), etc.
3. Something bad happening to Cam.

Three of your everyday essentials:
1. Cell phone
2. Glasses
3. Diet Coke

Three things you are wearing right now:
1. Pine Forest Hoodie
2. Jeans
3. Terrycloth socks-SO warm I don't need my slippers!

Three of Your Favorite Drinks:
1. Diet Coke
2. Water
3. Buttery Nipple (butterscotch shnapps & Baileys)

Three of your favorite songs - at the moment:
1. Rise & Fall of Rome - we're playing the short version next year at the Gator Bowl!
2. Ma Na Ma Na - by the Muppets...we sing it all the time at home.
3. misc. punk cover of "Happy Happy Joy Joy" from Ren & Stimpy

Three things you want in a relationship (other than real love):
1. Communication
2. Patience
3. Brave but gentle (to totally copy Resa)

Two truths and a lie:
1. I've lost 15 pounds on Weight Watchers.
2. Dieting sucks.
3. I love cleaning the kitchen.

Three of your favorite hobbies:
1. Reading - but I don't get to do much anymore...
2. Web design
3. Hiking & Camping

Three things you want to do really badly right now:
1. Camp without freezing, sweating to death, or getting rained on. Impossible in Florida.
2. Eat a chocolate-covered Oreo a customer brought to the store yesterday.
3. Wear a cute little sundress I bought the year I got married...guess I'll skip that Oreo...

Three places you want to go on vacation:
1. Disney World!!
2. Anywhere (civilized) outside the U.S.
3. The state parks in the Western US; mountains, huge forests, and the Grand Canyon

Three things you want to do before you die:
1. Hike the length of the Florida Trail
2. Hike the Appalachian Trail, if I can do it without freezing
3. Retire with lots of money to support my hiking and internet hobbies.

Three ways that you are stereotypically a chick/guy:
1. I cried (a little) when I watched THIS Budweiser commercial during the Superbowl.
2. I'm addicted to shoe shopping.
3. I say no when I mean yes, and vice versa. And I expect whomever I'm lying to to KNOW that I mean otherwise.

Three people I would like to see take this quiz:
1. Eh, whomever.
posted by Jen @ 8:07 PM  
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