Monday, April 17, 2006 |
Easter such and such |
We had a nice Easter here at Paulding Manor. TJ was on duty, but brought his crew over to him Mom's house for lunch. It's always much more interesting with THAT group of guys around. Jen and Billy went to her folks' house for the day, and we BOTH brought home leftover ham. Heh.
I spent the day at Barb's going through some of her family record stuff to back fill TJ's side of Cam's family tree. Once again, I can find tons of info on his side of the family...I've learned that as long as I'm not looking up someone directly (blood) related to me, I can probably find out what size SHOE he or she wore. However, if I'm looking up a blood relative, they never even existed. Even the ones that are still alive. I swear to all of you that my paternal grandmother was hatched. I can't find hide nor hair of that woman ANYWHERE. ...sigh...
Anyway, I learned that Barb's great great (maybe another great, now I can't remember...) Grandfather and his brother immigrated to the US together from Germany in the mid 1800s. Her ancestor settled in New York while his brother ended up in Mississippi. Figures that I'd end up married to the New York branch, eh? There are lots of other interesting stories to tell there, but that will have to wait for another's not even 7 yet and I've only had one cup of coffee. I'm due to get Cam to the bus stop here shortly, but thought I'd hop in (heh, geddit? Easter? Hop? ...sigh...yeah, it was pretty lame) and let y'all know about the weekend first.
Weigh-in is tonight...assuming I was able to shed at least half a pound this week, I'll have lost 10% of my starting body weight. Woot! We just won't think about how much more I have to go until later. :) Wish me luck! |
posted by Jen @ 6:47 AM  |
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