Wednesday, April 12, 2006 |
I didn't get lost... |
...I've been busy running around like the proverbial headless chicken. I was chatting with Cassi last week about being in the woods and decided to plan an overnight camp-out this past weekend. The planning and prep work pretty much consumed the rest of my week, and the actual trip ate up my weekend. ...sigh... Anyway, that's the general report of my whereabouts for the past week plus a few days. :)
So the weigh-in from the week before...I learned something that week. Remember how I was very, VERY good? Didn't eat out, didn't divert from the plan on iota? I actually went to bed with a few points leftover at least 2 nights? Yeah. I lost a pound and a half. So, the following week, having learned my lesson, I ate all my points, and then went out for Chinese one night, ordered in wings another night, and then went camping this past weekend. I wasn't dreading weigh-in this week, but I wasn't looking forward to it, either. Once again, I lost another pound and a half. AND, as if all that wasn't enough (TMI alert-those of you that either don't know me well or just don't WANT to know me well, avert your eyes for the next sentence. You have been warned.), I started my period Monday, too.
I'm back on plan again after the weekend in the woods. I didn't oink out while we camped or anything-it's just very hard to find something good for you that you can tote in without coolers or such accouterments. I did some trail meals...cous cous, Spanish rice, and then some Easy Mac. That was EASILY my favorite meal of the weekend. Mmmm...mac and cheese... Plus I was moving around all weekend-we hiked in at least a mile, and all carried packs-even Cam! Bless his heart, he hiked in all of his stuff except his food. He carried in his sleeping bag, hammock, clothes, and game boy. What else does a boy need in the woods? LOL I have lots of pics from the weekend, but am waiting to get back to my laptop to resize them before I post them here.
Back (as usual) to the weight loss thing...I'm .5 lb away from my meeting goal. I'm not doing anything extraordinary this week; Jen and I had sushi Monday night (I didn't have anything fried...I had eel, soft shell crab, avocado, etc.) and went to Sonny's last night for the Warrington Revitalization Committee meeting. I was a good girl there, too, but still had to use some of my weekly points. Tonight we're having (fat free turkey) hot dogs (the guys are having sausage), baked beans, and I think maybe corn on the cob-I can't remember for sure. I'm hoping to get my loss back up (down?) to at least 2 lb/week again, now that things are settling back down.
And now I'm going to go...I not only neglected my blogging duties over the past week, I managed to put off laundry and kitchen duty, too. ...sigh... Off to get some work done! |
posted by Jen @ 10:07 AM  |
Way to go!!!
No more run ins with Magic of Orlando? I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that story with all my band nerd friends.
LOL! No-if they made it out where we camped this time I'd be damn impressed. We were out in the middle of Blackwater River State Forest...had to climb over a MASSIVE cedar that fell over the trail (I skinned my knee there on the way back out...sniff!) Those guys are really fit, but I don't see them toting all their crap out into the middle of the woods. I'd have been really wigged if I'd heard a DB88 out THERE, though. LOL!
You know, it's a very good thing that I live here, and you live there. Your diet would be shot to hell otherwise. I mean damn...look what happens when I come into town?? LOL
Can you say HOOTERS??? :)
Love ya!
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Way to go!!!
No more run ins with Magic of Orlando? I'm getting a lot of mileage out of that story with all my band nerd friends.