Saturday, November 18, 2006 |
Before I pass out |
I'm about to lay down and PTFO...
So Friday night...the wonderful news man patiently leads a pathetic caravan of 2 vans, 2 charter buses, and few band parents' cars to the stadium. We pulled in at kickoff, and the band made it in the stands in time to play for PFHS' first touchdown in the beginning of the 2nd quarter. They filed back down to warm up for halftime, and I stood resignedly on the sidelines. I had given up hope that the day would have any redeeming value whatsoever, and figured that they kids would all be struck deaf and/or dumb as soon as the drum major counted off the opener. Once again they surprised me and performed an awesome show...which made me feel better about contest the following day.
The plan was for the van people to leave immediately after halftime to go get everyone checked into the hotel so that the kids could just get their keys and go straight to their rooms and "go to bed." (eye roll here) So we start getting the kids together that ride the vans, because silly us, we assumed that we'd be taking the kids that have been riding in the vans this whole time. Their instrument cases are in the vans, their luggage is in the vans, their uniform hangers and boxes are in the vans... Well, it turns out that keeping 3 of the 6 kids we planned to take with us was integral to the continued survival of mankind as the dominant species on Earth. Who knew? So we had to find 3 other people to go...they would ride from Jax to Tampa in their band uniforms, as all of their other clothing would be under the bus and completely inaccessible until everyone arrived at the hotel around 3. Guess how many takers we had? I was livid by this time, and resolved myself not to speak to my boss again until I had slept and had a slightly better attitude.
We eventually get enough children in the van and leave. The GPS unit steers us out of Jax as I drive a van with our head chaperon and 3 bubbly band girls. R slept off and on throughout the trip; E and A? They talked the whole way. The W H O L E W A Y. Not loud, but constant. We arrived at the hotel, and were amused to discover a "Gentleman's Club" sharing the parking lot with our hotel. No lie. "The Caberet" Anyway, we get the rooms divvied up and I head up to put my luggage in it so I can get the kids settled once they arrive...I'm sharing a room with our other Mrs. Smith, and our room has one double bed and one couch bed. Hell's bells. I spent the next two hours helping arrange the kids and chaperons into rooms based on how many beds/couches are in each room. Oh, and there ARE no other rooms...they're booked. The genius at the counter was no help whatsoever...and I've worked the front desk at a hotel before. It's not rocket science.
The kids get there, and all hell breaks loose again. They have to completely unload the buses; luggage, instruments, and equipment. They're all too happy to get off these buses - they were disgusting. One bus had 5 broken seats, and had been used recently as a litter box by what could only be a very, VERY large cat. It reeked of cat urine, and there was actually cat poo on one of the seats. A few of the window latches were broken, and the bathroom door was locked shut with 2 Master locks. They got lost twice on the way from the game to the hotel. Imagine that.
So I got in bed around 5 AM, and one of the girls in one of mine and Mrs. Smith's rooms called at 7 to see if they were still taped in their rooms...they were ready for breakfast. The hell?! Did you even SLEEP?!! So we were up and running at 7. We went down for coffee and bagels, and helped spread the word about getting down to load the buses before we left for contest. We were back to our original bus drivers again.
We left for contest, and the buses went one way...the vans followed the GPS advice and went the other way. We got there about 30 minutes before the buses did (you guessed it, they got lost again). We ate lunch in the stadium, and then headed off to get dressed and ready for warm-up. They warmed up well, and were dead silent on the way to the field. Their show was nice...the music was nice, but not exciting. They didn't do a bad job by ANY means; it just wasn't their best show.
The results of the prelims were announced; we weren't in any of the "best of" categories. There were 14 bands in the contest...they announced them in reverse order. "Number 14 with a score of 6o-something...." D'oh!! "Pleasedon'tbeuspleasedon'tbeuspleasedon'tbeus" And it wasn't! This was met with general relief from the kids and staff...."SHOO! We aren't last!" Number 13: again, not us. Hmm... Number 12...STILL not us. The kids were getting excited. Number 11...not us! They were getting GIDDY by this time. Number 10...NOT PFHS! A male chaperon that busts his hump moving equipment around was sitting behind me and said, "Oh God, I can't take this. I'm going to cry!" We ended up number 9 overall, out of 14. Not too shabby! The more I think about it, the more I think it's a damn good place to be. I mean, we're not LAST, and we're also not going to finals...which would probably only just NOW be wrapping up.
Our drumline received 3rd place overall with a score of 88.something. Not bad! We headed back to the hotel and changed clothes to go to the mall. The parents decided that we would NOT eat in the food court this time, but would find a sit-down restaurant and only eat food that was BROUGHT to us. It ended up being 6 chaperons, me, and one student, D. He is enormously tall, and can eat like only an enormously tall, teenage band student can. We went to a very nice seafood restaurant outside the mall - not a chain place, but very, VERY nice. It cost as much as the rest of my meals combined, but it was SO very much worth it. D was very well behaved, and even tipped the waitress well. It was a very, VERY nice evening, and much needed after the shitfest that Friday was.
So here I am, up way later than I intended, but I wanted to get as much down as I could before I finally go to bed and lose any of these interesting trivial details. :) I'm going to take my make-up off and pass out. See ya! |
posted by Jen @ 10:21 PM  |
Jen and I had a great time reading your descriptive commentary. It was as if we were right there waiting for the results with you. I hope there is some kind of refund from the bus company for unsatisfactory service and cleanliness. Or a lawsuit from the district for having the bathroom locked and a unhealthy environment for travel.
You forgot to mention that PFHS did win their football game. The band gets to play their show ONE more time!
Looking forward to hearing about the trip home!
I promise I tried to post last night but your blog was possesed by satan, so anyways glad you had such an AWSOME time! mwahahaha and seriously I think I would inform the bus company that the state of their bus endangered childern and that you guys need a refund or you will go to the school board about it. oh and never rent from then again. who all from oakaloosa county was at the band compattition? Just curiuos b/c wms friends son went to a band comaptition this weekend too. anywho i have rambled enough!
James: Heh...funny I forgot to mention that. We did win, and then Washington friggin LOST. I'm just so very over football season...the football team won't listen to me, though...
Cassi: Choctaw went - they placed 2nd overall, which was no huge surprise. I know that Ft. Walton didn't go, but beyond those two schools I dunno who else may have gone. As for the buses, I chewed the travel agency woman a new one today. I feel a little better. :)
yeah wm confirmed that he goes to choctaw he came home saying they lost 8rolls eyes* apoperntly they were going for 3 years as first.
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Jen and I had a great time reading your descriptive commentary. It was as if we were right there waiting for the results with you. I hope there is some kind of refund from the bus company for unsatisfactory service and cleanliness. Or a lawsuit from the district for having the bathroom locked and a unhealthy environment for travel.
You forgot to mention that PFHS did win their football game. The band gets to play their show ONE more time!
Looking forward to hearing about the trip home!