Wednesday, November 22, 2006 |
I feel better |
So it turns out that Cam's vision is not as bad as originally thought. He saw our eye doc yesterday. The general consensus is that yes, he is just a little more farsighted than most kids his age, but he doesn't HAVE to have glasses to correct it. The doc said it wouldn't hurt, though, and as I only paid $35 for the exam and the glasses, he'll have glasses for reading now. He's absurdly excited about it, and has written "Cam might get his glasses" on the house calendar on 11/28. They told him yesterday it would probably take about a week, so he's taking their word for it.
I taught this morning, and don't have to go back until the football game Friday night. Woot! I'm extraordinarily excited about that - I won't lie. I left school to head to work and realized I had a nail in my tire...of my new car...grrrrr. I learned that it will be worth driving out of my way to hit up a Wal Mart with a tire place, as I paid $17.92 at Vannoy's to have it patched. Maybe they used gold plating? I dunno.
I'm going to move my weigh-in from Friday (the day AFTER Thanksgiving) to today...I'm not exactly optimistic about my results, thanks to the band trip this past weekend. I sure don't want to lump Thanksgiving on top of that. I plan to pick up a sushi platter while I'm out and bring it to work. Sushi makes you happy, and we could all use some happy.
So, that's all for now - I'll catch up with y'all later. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving! |
posted by Jen @ 11:05 AM  |
I hope you got him some really cool frames. Mine were pink. I'll have to drag out the pic & e-mail it to you when I get home.
We had SOOOO much fun visiting with you! Next time it's your turn to visit. March is usually good...or you can march a BOA contest...
Same thing happened to Zachary. The pediatrician said his eyes were horrible. They went to a pediatric optomitrist (sp?) and it turned out they weren't that bad. They opted not to get glasses yet. Bad enough that the kid is already freakishly smart. Seemed like such a stereotype to have him in glasses too.
Just baked two different kinds of brownies. When they tell you "don't go to a big holiday dinner hungry" I don't think they meant you should eat brownie batter and brownie crumbles and the broken brownies not pretty enough to put on the platter all afternoon. Blurg.
Oh, that last one was me, in case you couldn't figure it out. -Mary
Jen: These kids aren't ready for a BOA yet. They were eaten alive at Showcase...BOA is a ways down the road. I'm all for a road trip, though. :)
Mary: HA to the brownie thing - I bet you're right, but your way sounds better. I had one plate of food today, but also had about half a bottle of wine. I also helped cook, so there was the munching before the meal...I weighed in yesterday so I have until Friday to make up for today. :)
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I hope you got him some really cool frames. Mine were pink. I'll have to drag out the pic & e-mail it to you when I get home.
We had SOOOO much fun visiting with you! Next time it's your turn to visit. March is usually good...or you can march a BOA contest...