Monday, January 22, 2007 |
Sleep? Who needs sleep? |
The handfasting went well Thursday - the acoustics in the room and the flute I borrowed from work (Sonare - I need one!!!!) made me sound amazing. The ceremony itself was lovely, and we all had a great time. On the way home that evening, I complained that I had a dull ache in the back of my head - a weird place for a headache. I took some Tylenol and went about my business.
Friday I got up to get Cam ready for school, and when I bent over to put on my pants I suddenly got so dizzy I nearly fell over. Hmm...odd. I was more cautious when I bent over to tie my shoes, but still got dizzy. Very odd. I took Cam to the bus and then headed home to rest a while and get ready for work. I sat at the table with my puter for a little while, and realized that I really didn't feel well. The longer I sat there, the worse it was...I went to lay down for a while. I woke up about an hour later, realizing that all the little dreams I'd had while I was asleep involved me having a headache. I gingerly opened my eyes, and then my brain exploded. OK, it didn't really explode, but that's certainly what it felt like.
I knocked gingerly on the wall and TJ comes in the room (along with annoyingly bright, beautiful sunshine from the sliding glass door - oooog...). I asked him to bring me some more Tylenol, and I take my drugs and then roll over to try to sleep it off. I woke up a few hours later and realized I could open my eyes without crying...a nice improvement. I turned on my bathroom light so I could start adjusting to light again, and then managed to turn on the overhead. Baby steps, ya know.
I thought that was the end of that godforsaken headache. I was mistaken. It's sort of camped out in the base of my skull, scoffing gleefully at the many medications I've thrown at it. I tried Extra Strength Tylenol, Advil, and Aleeve. Then I thought maybe I'd pulled a muscle or pinched a nerve or something, so I tried a leftover muscle relaxer...nada. Then I just wanted to sleep so I took half a Lortab. I slept, but dreamed of headaches all night.
Last night was the clincher. I went to bed around 11, hoping to fall asleep quickly and stay that way - headache dreams or not. I laid there...and laid there...and laid there. TJ came to bed around midnight. (I apologize to any Aunts or Uncles that read this blog...look away for the next few sentences...) I thought I'd try to encourage sleep by having sex...the sex was good, but I just sort of laid there afterward. TJ fell asleep annoyingly fast, though. Good on ya, mate. So now I get to try to fall asleep while listening to him snore. ...sigh...
Around 1:30 I'm still just laying there, and my bedroom door opens. It's Cam. "I can't sleep." ...sigh again... I told him to bring his sleeping bag in the bedroom and lay down...a decision I came to regret within about 10 minutes. He brings his sleeping bag and his Panda, then lays down. Now...I dunno about your experience with sleeping bags - maybe you've just used them at sleepovers or occasionally for a camping trip. We use sleeping bags a lot. It's a good thing, too, because the ones we have are absurdly expensive. Ultralight sleeping bags for hiking and camping...and for sleeping in your bunk bed, if you ask Cam. Anyway, it's ultralight, but not much different from your average sleeping bag. I was amazed at the amount of noise this thing made, though. It chimed in on the symphony that was my bedroom last night. It went a little something like this:
TJ: lightly snoring....louder....snort! chewchewchewchew...deep breathing (about 5 minutes of relative silence) Cam: (moving around in the sleeping bag) (for like 45 seconds) (about 2 minutes of silence) I roll over to try to get more comfortable TJ: lightly snoring...louder...snort! chewchewchew...deep breathing (few more minutes of silence) Cam: (wallows around in his sleeping bag again) me: "Look, Cam, if you can't fall asleep I'm going to send you to your room - you can not sleep in there just as well as you're not sleeping in here." Cam: "Sorry." TJ: annoyed grunt, rolls over (silence)
So imagine this scenario played out for about an hour. The slightest sounds were magnified, causing me to start wide awake (not that I really slept...I was just a little less asleep) I tossed and turned, TJ tossed and turned, and Cam tossed and turned. Only when Cam tossed and turned, something magical happened. All the insulating parts of his sleeping bag were replaced by plastic shopping bags and bubble wrap. Never in my life has a sleeping bag made so much freaking NOISE.
I briefly entertained the thought of sleeping on the couch, but knew the cats would annoy me more than my husband and child were, so I just stuck it out. Cam finally fell asleep around 3 - TJ stopped huffing and puffing when I rolled over around that time, too. All was quiet again. Except for that intermittent scritching noise. A noise I'm sure I wouldn't have ever heard had I not been hyper-aware of every little sound in the room. Here's the internal dialogue:
The hell? Is that a bug? (sit up and freeze) ( I lay down) There it is again!! (sit up and freeze again) (nothing) Goddamnitalltohell!!!
I can't bloody well turn the light on, as Rip Van Winkle and Sleeping Beauty have FINALLY passed out, and I might cause myself physical harm if I have to listen to the "Insomniac Symphony" again. I get up and turn on the bathroom light with the door mostly closed and try to track down this tiny little noise... I stand there in the mostly dark, and try to remember not to step on my child. I manage to zero in on the mirror of my dresser...and after busting out a flashlight, I realize that one of the many ID tags I've received from one of the many band competitions I've attended is barely moving in the breeze from the ceiling fan. Every other minute or so it MIGHT tap on the side of the mirror. I stared at it with disgust. It was a laminated name tag, ever so lightly tapping the side of a mirror. Imagine the amount of noise that must have made! I snatched it off the side of the mirror and angrily hurled it at the top of the dresser...making more noise than the tapping ever made, might I add.
I crawled back into bed, waited for TJ to stop grumbling, and sighed. ...aaaahhh....quiet. Then, as if to get in the last word, the damn name tag slips off the dresser onto the floor. FINE - stay there! JUST BE QUIET!!! The last time I looked at the clock it was 4:15. My alarm went off at 5:30. I took Cam to the bus stop and came straight home and crawled back into bed. TJ predictably met me reentry to the covers with another unconscious complaining that point I didn't care. Move over, buddy - it's time for you to get up anyway. His alarm went off before I got the covers up, and as soon as he vacated his side of the bed, I rolled over into it.....mmmm, warm. And quiet....aaahhhh....quiet...
I woke up around 10 - not a whole lot of sleep, but it pretty much doubled what I'd managed to get overnight, so I'll take it. On a side note, Clark and his magic fingers worked on that spot in my back/neck...I'm pretty sure I have a few bruises, but for the first time since Thursday, my head doesn't hurt! Woot! |
posted by Jen @ 4:38 PM  |
ah Jen, only you could make a night of insomnia sound fun!
I am going to try and comment again.. I don't know whether to point and laugh or hand you a glass of good wine. can't do them at the sme time, I'll spill the wine!
Hope you feel better now.
Those Sonare's are FABOO! I have an 8th grader who just upgraded to one and she sounds amazing. Jumped up 3 chairs!
We're working on the bath today. Will post pics later. Ciao!
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ah Jen, only you could make a night of insomnia sound fun!