Monday, February 05, 2007 |
Losing time |
Ever since we went back to school after the winter break Cam and I have been habitually late to meet the bus in the mornings. Not so late that we miss the bus, but really within moments of doing so. I began to notice that somewhere between the time I left the house and got in the car I would lose about 5 minutes...not like a fugue or blacking out. By the time we would walk the 15 steps to the car, get in, get buckled, and get out the driveway, it would be 5-6 minutes later than it was when I walked out the door. And that doesn't include warm-up time - I go out early in the winter to warm up the car.
We have a clock over the TV, and clocks on various electronic devices around the living room and kitchen. None of which actually agree with each other, but that is neither here nor there. Apparently I will go out of my way to check the old-school tick-tock type clock over the TV rather than glance up at the digital one on the stove or on the cable box...don't ask me why, I don't know. It's probably something to do with being a visual person - I know we need to leave at this time and when it's this other time, I have about these few minutes left. I dunno. It involves less math, maybe? Let's not psychoanalyze won't be pretty. :)
So today, I've been checking the clock all morning, as usual, marveling at my son's ability to be distracted from the simplest of tasks (10 minutes to brush his teeth? wha?!), when I realized that the clock over the TV said it was 6:47, and the clock on the cable box said it was 7:02. Whoa...that's a large alarming one, especially as we should have been pulling out of the driveway at that time. I was waiting for Cam to put on his Chuck's so we could get out the door. I took over shoe-tying and sent him running out the door while I grabbed my purse and tried to think of anything I might be forgetting... I ran out the door behind him, and we made it to our regular bus stop late. This was the point at which I realized that I had also forgotten my phone. Niiiice. So I glance down the road and see Barb pulling away from another stop. We high tail it to the next stop and Cam runs up to catch the bus, grabbing the back of his waistband so his pants don't fall to the ground. Mental note: one more button on the waist band of his pants next time I do laundry.
So, I got home around 7:30 to see Jen running around late, thanks to this evil device. She got to work late, too. I spoke with her at 8:45 to say that the offending clock had been removed from the wall to have its battery replaced, and that she can tell her boss that she actually wasn't late because this clock said it was only 7:59...that made her early! That has to count for something, right? Turns out her boss wasn't in at the time, so it was a moot point. I replaced the batteries just now...and set the time about 1 minute fast. I enjoyed the irony. :) |
posted by Jen @ 8:26 AM  |
I always knew you were losing something I just assumed it was your mind!
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I always knew you were losing something I just assumed it was your mind!