Friday, August 17, 2007 |
We had Orientation at Cam’s school today. 3rd grade… Shoo. I mean, ~I~ remember 3rd grade. It was a big year for me…I learned cursive, I learned my multiplication tables (however grudgingly), I moved upstairs to the “big kids” hall (3rd, 4th, and 5th graders), and my teacher’s name was Schwartz. Schwartz may not be a big deal right NOW, but in the 3rd grade, it was a WHOPPER of a name. One vowel in all that mess!
So here I am, looking at the 3rd grade again. Cam's classroom is further back into the school, as befits such a “big kid.” His teacher had the kids take the extra supplies (paper and pencils and such that go into a pile for classroom use later) to the place they belong rather than having the parents do it. She said they’d need to know where the supplies are later, so they might as well start now. I like her already. :)
She told us that she had received a grant that would purchase 19 laptops for her classroom, so the kids would be doing much of their class work on a computer this year. Cam, as you can well imagine, is stoked. He told his new teacher that he couldn’t wait for school to start on Monday.
The only downside is that Ty is in his class again this year. Cam saw his name on a desk nearby and went, “Oh…Ty’s in my class again.” I recall stories about Ty from Kindergarten up. A little girl from his class last year was saying hi, and he goes, “Hey Lizzie. Ty’s in our class again.” Lizzie made a sour face and goes, “Oh no…”. Lizzie’s Mom overheard the conversation and made her own face. She looked up at me and said, “Ty’s in this class? God!” That young man has made a name for himself already…I’ll give you a few guesses what that name might be. Heh…
We were on our way out the door and were stopped by Ms. Jane; she used to drive the bus that took Cam from school to after-school care and she just loves him to pieces. She hasn’t seen him since the end of the last school year and was aghast at how much he’s grown. Then the new Principal (the VP last year) stepped over and said the same thing. She also said that Cam’s new teacher is very gifted when it comes to Science…that’s very cool, because Cam’s favorite subjects so far are Science and Social Studies. Just wait till Social Studies turns into History. Heh.
Anyway – he’s excited and I’m excited and I just cannot WAIT until we get back into a more predictable routine. Even once ~I~ start school (the week after he starts) I think I’ll be happier. My schedule is going to suck, but at least it will be the same thing over and over. Right? RIGHT?! I’m grasping now, huh? …sigh…Labels: school daze |
posted by Jen @ 12:36 PM  |
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