Wednesday, September 05, 2007 |
A really REAL post! |
Yes, a real post...but I will preface it with one more horoscope:
No matter how big a bite you take of reality, you will still likely get through it without too much of a headache. You may feel as if you were tricked into assuming too much responsibility, but somehow you were given a secret formula that enables you to perform like a superhero. Keep in mind that as long as you're not just doing it for the attention, this can work out to your advantage.
Enough with the horoscopes, right? Now for the post I’ve been promising. Sit back and get comfy – it’s gonna be a doozey.
Monday, August 27th, I started back to school. Again. LOL! I have my AA in Music Education and plan to wrangle out a BA if it kills me. At this rate, it just might do that. I’m still working at the store part-time and teaching part-time, so add on a full-time student’s schedule on TOP of all that, and you have (what's left of) me!
I’ve added a little blurb to the right with my daily agenda to give you an idea of what I’m talking about. It’s too complicated to try to explain. For example, I teach 1st period at PFHS…but only on even days. On odd days I usually go straight up to UWF to practice before my classes start. I have classes during the morning and early afternoon at UWF, then leave to go to PFHS for after-school rehearsals…but only Tuesday through Thursday. After rehearsal I go home to eat dinner with Cam and get him ready for bed. After he reads and goes to bed, I go to work. I usually work from 8PM-11PM most weekday nights. This is all out the window on Fridays (regardless of even or odd days) because of football games. See? Toldja it was complicated.
So now that I’ve griped about my schedule, let’s move on to school. Bah. It’s been twelve years since I took Theory and Ear Training. I did a placement test in both subjects the first week of classes and it was decided (understandably) that I should sit in on the sophomore theory and ear training classes just to refresh myself so I’m not so lost once I get to Counterpoint and such. I’m fine with that. I’m signed up for 13 hours of classes, but am doing all the work and attending all the classes for 17 hours.
Mentally, I have to switch from teacher mindset to student mindset and I really think that is the hardest part so far. Well, that and the placement tests. Shoo. I’m not the only one auditing classes, though. There are 3 other people that have been out of the loop for a few years (though none as long as me…yay, do I win something?) and they're just as lost as I am…which makes me feel MUCH better about myself.
I got most of my theory homework done correctly, and remembered what a secondary dominant was with minimal pain and suffering. I have Brass Methods tonight, where I’m learning to play trombone. We have a few vocal majors in the class and I refuse to laugh at them because they’ll probably be in my Vocal Methods class, too. I just hope they remember...
Band is going to be interesting. Our first concert will be all Russian music, to include a band arrangement of Rachmaninoff’s Piano Concerto #2. Three of our piano majors will each play one movement on the stage with the band. That’s already 30 minutes of music…add a couple Prokofiev marches, another Rachmaninoff piece, and some Shostakovitch and we’ll be done. I guess we’ll find out tomorrow how badly we sucked at our chair auditions. …sigh… I also have my first lesson. It’s going to be an interesting day.
I'm off for now...gotta figure out what I'll be writing my research paper on for music history. Whee!Labels: school daze |
posted by Jen @ 12:41 PM  |
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