Thursday, April 20, 2006 |
Jen goes to the doctor |
I'm finally home. I never did eat lunch today-I just ran around late all damn day. I didn't think to get lunch before Clark left for lunch, and then couldn't get it while he was gone. I couldn't get it between work and the Doctor's office, because I was THISCLOSE to being late for that. I definitely couldn't stop between the doctor's office and school because I was VERY late for that. TJ was home with Cam, waiting for me to get home so HE could leave. I couldn't stop on the way home, either. It would have been pointless as late as it was, anyway.
I got home and made myself a tomato sammich while I made Cam's dinner (microwave pizza tonight-easy!). Then I ate MY pizza, and I feel much better. I'm afraid I may have eaten too much too close together, but right now I feel fat and happy, so I don't care. I'm still well within my points for the day, so that's a non-issue. By the way, I highly recommend Lean Cuisine's french bread pepperoni pizza...much yumminess. Doh! I just found my new MP3 player-it came today! Whoo hoo! :)
So while I was at the doc's office...have I mentioned how much our doc loves my child? I've been seeing my doc since I was probably 12. I switched Cam to him as soon as he turned 2 and didn't have to see his pediatrician any longer. He's a GREAT doctor. I went in the exam room, the nurse complimented me on my weight loss (woot!) and handed me the gown and sheet. I changed and here comes my doc: "Where's my little buddy?!" "Well, I figured I'd leave him home for THIS particular visit." "Ah, true." (Jen is laid back on the exam table and a breast exam is done) He told the nurse how cute my son is, and that he's just SO smart, and it's just like talking to a little grown up. Yeah, I can hear some of you saying the same thing I thought, "Who? MY Cam? Wait..what?!" (Jen is scooted down on the table and set up in the stirrups) "Is he still playing Tball?" "No, we asked him if he'd like to play this year and he said no, that it was 'too much pressure' and he'd rather not." Both he and the nurse cracked up at this. It's a word for word quote, I swear. (Jen gets 'speculumed' eep!) "Well, there are plenty of other sports out there." "Yeah, I asked him if he'd be into soccer, but we figured we'd just sit this season out." (My doc coaches his son's soccer team and keeps asking Cam if he'd come be on his team.) (Jen is poked, prodded, swabbed, and otherwise made uncomfortable) "Have you tried non-group sports?" "He loves hiking. He carried a 20 pound pack when we camped last time." (Speculum removed, replaced with my doctor's forearm up to his ELBOW) "That's great! He's a great kid. Tell him he needs to get coughed on or something-it's been ages since he's come to see me! What, he's starting Kindergarten soon, right?" (Jen coughs, trying to remove his thumb from the area of her left lung) "No, he's in 1st grade now-OW!" "Sorry. First grade? Man, I remember when you came in for your pregnancy test. First grade, huh?" (the doc removes his arm from my innards, leaving my internal organs to return to their original locations for at least another 11 3/4 months) Blah blah blah, small talk, get dressed again. He comes back in with my birth control scrip, my receipt, and a handful of stickers and candy....for Cam.
I love my doc. :) |
posted by Jen @ 6:11 PM  |
I laughed out loud *so so so* hard when I read this post. You are freaking hilarious! Even yesterday I was resting, waiting for my roommmate to get out of the bathroom, and thought about the lung comment, and chuckled to myself, which my roommate heard, and I then had to explain. Point're pretty dang funny. Love you!
Texas Jen's other half here...I have to say that is one of the more descriptive examinations I have ever read. I had to pick myself up off the floor from laughing SO MUCH!!! It's good to hear lung and other internal organs are where they should be.
You're very welcome, guys. :)
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I laughed out loud *so so so* hard when I read this post. You are freaking hilarious! Even yesterday I was resting, waiting for my roommmate to get out of the bathroom, and thought about the lung comment, and chuckled to myself, which my roommate heard, and I then had to explain. Point're pretty dang funny. Love you!