Tuesday, April 25, 2006 |
Tuesday blues |
Well, once again it's the day after weigh-in. You know things don't go well when I don't post the night of, right? LOL Man. I gained a half-pound. Not entirely unexpected, but disappointing nonetheless. I went out for Chinese twice this week, and one of those days was Saturday. One thing I think may have affected things is that I didn't eat lunch until 3:30. I usually eat lunch around noon, and then do my dead level best not to put anything else in my tummy until AFTER weigh-in. Cheating? Maybe. Has it worked in the past? Damn skippy. Not so much yesterday, though. Oh well.
On an up note...I threw myself a big ol' pity party a few weeks ago. Dawn II was the only other person invited, bless her. It went something along the lines of "blah blah lost 30 pounds blah blah can't tell blah blah not fishing for compliments blah blah BUT STILL blah blah clothes fit SOMEWHAT better blah blah" Basically? I have no patience. That should come as no surprise to anyone that knows me, and especially to anyone that's ever ridden in a car with me behind the wheel. Heh. Anyway, a friend from work got married Sunday (Go Barry!!) (OH! TX Jen, I'll email you the details!) and I realized that I didn't have any idea what to wear. I was short on time, so what did I do? I cleaned out my closet! Yup. Shoveled out an absurd amount of clothing that I will never wear, mostly because it was either too big, or just plain UGLY. I found a great little tank dress to wear, and still felt like I looked pretty decent even though I was really, really late. I had a 6 year-old's birthday party to get to afterward, and so I managed to grab a change of clothes. The shorts I picked out, which were staples last year, were nearly too big. I was pleasantly surprised.
Then yesterday, the day of the craptastic weigh-in, I was wearing a pair of Old Navy khakis and a short-sleeved sweater. I sat down on the conductor's podium at school, and came THISCLOSE to a panic attack; my pants had just slid from "kinda low-riders" into "plumber's crack"/"Arrest that woman!" territory. Thankfully the sweater is long, so I was able to stand up without completely embarrassing myself. That's when I realized that I can now take those pants off without unsnapping or unzipping them. Which is really an odd thing to be happy about, but hey.
So my opinion of the scale situation? Meh. I'm not pleased that it didn't keep sliding down, but I gotta say I'm pretty happy with the clothing situation. FINALLY I can notice a difference! Val and Clark have been telling me all along that I'm losing weight, and I do appreciate that. :) It's just nice to be able to see it myself. And no, Val, I'm not talking about the fun house mirror at the school last night. LOL Though I still think we should have brought it back to the store-it was very slimming. :) |
posted by Jen @ 8:23 AM  |
I'm proud of you for doing something, me I'm just fat...ah well...
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I'm proud of you for doing something, me I'm just fat...ah well...