Tuesday, February 28, 2006 |
What time is it, boys and girls? |
It's Tuesday, so it must be the day after weigh-in! Drum roll, please...
Nah, just kidding. I lost another 2.5 pounds. Whoo hoo! Being the computer geek that I am, I have an Excel spreadsheet on my PDA that charts the weight loss, but also tells me what percentage I am to my first goal, as well as what percentage I am to my ultimate goal. My ultimate goal? To try to take over the world! Ha, just kidding...I had a Pinky and the Brain moment.
According to my handy dandy spreadsheet, a steady 2 pound loss per week will get me to my goal by the first meeting of April. My average loss per week is right at 2.5, but I'm not going to count on that lasting for any amount of time. I'd rather overestimate the time than underestimate, ya know? So anyway, there you have it-another week of negative numbers, and a happy Jen. Now if I could just straighten out this whole Tooth Fairy thing, everything would be peachy! |
posted by Jen @ 8:18 AM  |
The tooth drama continues... |
Cam took his tooth to school yesterday and the nurse gave him one of those plastic tooth chests. He was ecstatic. TJ had duty yesterday, so I thought that maybe the Tooth Fairy would find it easier to do the exchange if Cam camped out in my room last night. We set up a pallet on the floor, got his pillow and blanket and such together and were ready for bed. I watched him the whole time, mind you. He set that plastic chest on my dresser. I said, "Are you going to keep it there instead of under your pillow?" He said yes. All righty.
Sometime around, say, 5AM, the tooth fairy comes. I think she had to use her cell phone for light (my bedroom is like a cave) as I saw a pale blue glow flitting about my dresser... I woke him up around 6:30 to get ready for school, and a few moments later he goes, "Mom, look." All bummed out. He picks up his pillow, AND THERE'S THE DAMN TOOTH! "Wait, wasn't it in the chest?" No, he took it out with some freakish slight-of-hand and put the damn thing under his pillow! "Wow, honey-but look on the dresser! I BET the Tooth Fairy thought the tooth was in your chest still-see, it's gone!" In its place were two shiny new gold dollars. Not the $9 he seemed sure he was going to get, but not a bad haul for such a little tooth. So now I'm going to have to have a talk with the Tooth Fairy-maybe see if we can get the chest back (ahem) and the tooth taken this time. I probably ought to ask her why she didn't make sure the tooth was in the chest when she took it away, too. Sheesh. Well, it was early, and I bet she hadn't had any coffee yet. Yeah, that's the excuse we'll use. :) |
posted by Jen @ 8:09 AM  |
Monday, February 27, 2006 |
Wait just a darn minute... |
I had an epiphany this weekend concerning my weight, dieting, and food. It's not anything I haven't really considered before, it just seemed to coalesce at a very appropriate time; just sort of a little light bulb going off with the classic "Ding!" sound.
The annual Grubbs/Morton (Mom's side of the family) family reunion...well, thing was this past weekend. There's more eating than 'reunioning', but that's par for the course given my family. If there were something else going on beyond the dinner it would be one thing-but nope. It's a food thing. At an all-you-can-eat buffet, no less. The Golden Corral. Or the Golden Trough, as we fondly refer to it. So in reality, there's between 40 and 60 folks there (including children-gads, we're a prolific family) squeezed into 4-top tables in the most crowded buffet restaurant in Pensacola. How much 'reunionizing' do you expect to take place? The kids had a great time-there's no way to impose the strict Morton law when the kids nearly outnumber the adults, and besides your great-aunt-whats-her-name won't make you chew with your mouth shut or tell you to stop running up and down the minuscule aisles between the tables. ...sigh... The one time each year that most of the family members get together, and it's AYCE. Don't get me wrong-I don't necessarily mean that I want to hang out somewhere else with all these people!
And then, as if that was not enough family togetherness to last me for the next 6 months, we had a Tucker (Dad's side) family dinner on Sunday. Aunt Fay is in town and it was the best way to get everyone together. This was pizza. Oh, and fried spring rolls from Val's in-laws, and potato salad from Grandma Morton. ...sigh...
Now, to see members of my family is to realize why all our bonding occurs across the dinner table. I didn't buy this amazing figure from a catalog, folks; it was proudly passed down by generations of Southern cooks and connoisseurs of anything fried, fatty, and/or containing "may-nays". (Partial credit to Val on that one, heh.) Very few members of either side of my family could be described as 'slim;' most range from 'pleasantly plump' to 'morbidly obese.'
Upon realizing this, I found myself at a crossroads. I could either say "to hell with it" and go with Mother Nature (and my voracious Southern appetite) or I could be the non-conformist I've always wanted to be (hey, I'm one of the only people I know that does not have a MySpace-I'm TOTALLY nonconformist!) and continue busting my ass to lose the weight and do my best to ensure that it doesn't creep back up. Still in the throes of a steady weight loss, I opted for the 2nd choice. Ask me again once I hit my first plateau. Anyway, I'm teaching myself to ENJOY eating right, and trying to set a better example for Cam. I'm hoping that getting (and keeping) the weight off will prevent the diabetes that my doc warned me of; I was borderline diabetic when I was pregnant with Cam, and I have many relatives on both sides of the family that are diabetic, too. Getting older is hard enough without your own body betraying you. Stupid pancreas.
Anyway...I've wandered off the topic. Yes, yes, it does happen from time to time, don't look so shocked. Tonight is a big night for me; my 7th weigh-in, and this could quite possibly put me over 20 pounds lost total! Well, online...in the meetings it will still be 15, but hey-I'll get more gold stars! (insert happy gold star dance here) I really am enjoying the whole Weight Watchers thing-the meetings aren't embarrassing at all, except for the fact that they are 2 store fronts down from the Riviera Gym...geez, guess which building MY fat ass is going into? Ahem. Anyway, I'm still all gung-ho about the diet and the weight loss and had to share my weekend story.
Oh-I did very well at both dinners, by the way. I had to use some of my weekly allowance points for the Buffet, but it wasn't with dreadfully unhealthy stuff. I didn't need to use any at all on Sunday-I brought stuff to make a grilled chicken wrap. :) It wasn't NEARLY as good as the pizza looked, but I behaved very well. I'm going to go drink some water-keep your fingers crossed for me regarding the weigh-in! |
posted by Jen @ 8:00 AM  |
Sunday, February 26, 2006 |
Remember back in December when I mentioned that Cam finally had his first loose tooth? The replacement tooth has already more than half grown in, but that baby tooth was NOT coming out. I was afraid we'd have to take him to the dentist to have the baby tooth pulled as the permanent one was growing in BEHIND it-but this morning he came barging in the bedroom at 6:15. I didn't hear what he said before the "My tooth came out!" part, but TJ says he heard, "It's an emergency-it's an emergency!" I asked Cam what he said (once I got up) and he says he said, "It's not an emergency, but my tooth came out!" LOL Regardless, he's FINALLY lost his first tooth. We have to hold off on the tooth fairy as the nurse at school told him that if he looses it over the weekend that he should bring it in and she'll give him one of the little tooth chests that the kids get if they lose a tooth at school. Apparently there was some tooth-related drama at school Friday. :) Now I just hope the permanent tooth will move up a little and sit where it's SUPPOSED to be...however given my dental history I'm not going to hold my breath. Oh well, we'll see. |
posted by Jen @ 8:17 AM  |
Thursday, February 23, 2006 |
Thoughts on Jens |
Speaking of Jen (previous post), back before she moved we had an all-Jen sleepover. It was a blast, except for the allergies and the sleeping arrangements...LOL! Since then, another Jen has coined the phrase "Jenapalooza" for any given gathering of 3 or more Jens. I'm pretty sure it has to be at least three-four or more is better, but 3 will certainly do. I do believe that our 4-Jen sleepover was the first "Jenapalooza" ever. Good times... |
posted by Jen @ 8:44 AM  |
Part of my son's genetic inheritance |
I just read Jen's post about genes as my son sits on the couch playing a video game before we leave for school. Spiderman, if anyone is interested. He's fully dressed to the shoes, with his backpack packed and ready to go. He's fighting a big bad guy, and it's stressing him out a little bit. One of the things Cam got from me is a complete and total lack of inner monologue. I habitually talk to myself-out loud. Constantly. I talk to my computer-mostly in a raised voice when it's not doing what I want it to do. Anyway, he's sitting on the couch playing Spiderman...he's apparently not doing as well as he'd like, because he says, "Man, I'm just dying to DEATH over here..." Heh... |
posted by Jen @ 6:35 AM  |
Tuesday, February 21, 2006 |
My battle with the scale |
Yes, I know, two posts in one day-someone call Hell and see if they're ice skating down there! There, do you have it out of your system now? Sheesh...
I started Weight Watchers online about 2 days after Christmas. I didn't attend my first meeting until the 2nd week of January, but I have gone faithfully every week since then. Of course, things can't be SIMPLE when I'm involved, right? Since I started keeping track online before I attended my first meeting, my numbers online and at the meeting don't match. I actually lost 5 pounds between the time I started keeping track online and when I had my first weigh-in at a meeting. According to WW online, I've lost 18.5 pounds. According to my WW meeting leader, I've lost 13.5. I'm very, VERY hard pressed to give up those 5 pounds.
Don't get me wrong-I'm not going to nitpick a stupid technicality (that is entirely of my own doing) and lose track of the fact that I've lost 20 pounds-I do a happy dance every morning now that I have more clothes to choose from as I get ready. Heh...don't you wish you could get THAT image out of your head now? Anyway, my first mini-goal is to lose 10% of my weight. Unfortunately, as my online numbers and meeting numbers differ, so do my goals. I'll reach my online goal at least a week before my first meeting goal...which is really not all that bad. It'll be like having 2 birthdays, or 2 Christmases. Only without the presents. Oh, and definitely without the cake...or holiday dinner... Ok, so it will be NOTHING like having two birthdays or Christmases, but I'm sure you understand what I meant originally.
Anyway, I've had a few non-scale victories in the meantime, as well. I wore an outfit I haven't worn in over a year yesterday-it was a tad bit more snug that it was 12 months ago, but I could actually pull the pants up over my hips and snap them without doing irreparable harm to myself. :) In fact, I was able to sit Indian-style at my computer at home quite comfortably. Grandma asked me yesterday how much weight I've lost-whoo hoo! It's the little things. :)
OK, that's probably all I'll bore you with today-you can thank Resa for my talkative nature this morning-I was hoping to get online with her this morning and she never did show. Probably doing something like sleeping or studying...granted that it's nearly midnight in Korea, so she's allowed. :) I'm such a good sister... |
posted by Jen @ 8:23 AM  |
Good hair days |
Some of you have heard this little brain fart before-feel free to ignore it. I had a brilliant day about a month ago...long, but brilliant. One of those, "I'm actually doing the thing I WANT to do-and getting PAID to do it!" moments. On top of that, it was an AMAZING hair day. As if either of those wouldn't be enough to put you on cloud nine, right? LOL Seriously, I had the best hair day ever. Sadly, I have no idea what I did differently that day, and all attempts since then to duplicate the 'do have failed. ...sigh... Anyway, it was great. I had 3 kids tell me at school that "I sure wish *I* had naturally curly hair..." Ha! I replied, "Yeah, me too. This (indicating my hair) is the result of a very patient and amazingly wonderful hairdresser." Three kids said that! And then I got various, "Your hair looks great, Mrs. Smith!" throughout the day.
Then there was a big event that night, and I ended up being paraded in front of an alarming number of people at the Saenger with the high school band directors...it was a good night to have a good hair day, so to speak. Some of the kids' parents were there and I had many of them comment on my hair-and got another "naturally curly hair" comment. Most of these folks haven't seen me since the last football game; my football game uniform consists mostly of jeans, band shirt, bandanna, and 2 braids. Sexy stuff right there, no? Anyway, they had to comment on how Mr. K and I both clean up pretty well from our football game outfits, and complimented my hair again.
Since then, I've done a lot of thinking. Oh, and thanking my extra wonderful hairdresser, Jenz. Thanks, Jenz! I've decided that it's not so much my hair that people liked, but the fact that my ears were out of sight. I can ruin a good hair day by pulling my hair behind my ears. It's as easy as that. If I leave my hair hanging down OVER my ears, framing my face, things are good. As soon as my ears come out, it all goes downhill. So, my good hair days are more like good ear days, or NON-ear days. Stupid ears... |
posted by Jen @ 8:11 AM  |
Tuesday, February 14, 2006 |
I Hate Quizzes... |
...but I love my sister. ...sigh...
Three names you go by: 1. Jen 2. Jenni (only by my family, and they drawl it into "Jean-nee") 3. Ms. Jennifer or Mrs. Smith (to the kids at school)
Three things that scare you: 1. Looking out windows at night-GAH! I get the wiggins just thinking about it... 2. Miscellaneous adolescent fears; open closets at night, waking up to find my arm hanging off the bed (eep!!), etc. 3. Something bad happening to Cam.
Three of your everyday essentials: 1. Cell phone 2. Glasses 3. Diet Coke
Three things you are wearing right now: 1. Pine Forest Hoodie 2. Jeans 3. Terrycloth socks-SO warm I don't need my slippers!
Three of Your Favorite Drinks: 1. Diet Coke 2. Water 3. Buttery Nipple (butterscotch shnapps & Baileys)
Three of your favorite songs - at the moment: 1. Rise & Fall of Rome - we're playing the short version next year at the Gator Bowl! 2. Ma Na Ma Na - by the Muppets...we sing it all the time at home. 3. misc. punk cover of "Happy Happy Joy Joy" from Ren & Stimpy
Three things you want in a relationship (other than real love): 1. Communication 2. Patience 3. Brave but gentle (to totally copy Resa)
Two truths and a lie: 1. I've lost 15 pounds on Weight Watchers. 2. Dieting sucks. 3. I love cleaning the kitchen.
Three of your favorite hobbies: 1. Reading - but I don't get to do much anymore... 2. Web design 3. Hiking & Camping
Three things you want to do really badly right now: 1. Camp without freezing, sweating to death, or getting rained on. Impossible in Florida. 2. Eat a chocolate-covered Oreo a customer brought to the store yesterday. 3. Wear a cute little sundress I bought the year I got married...guess I'll skip that Oreo...
Three places you want to go on vacation: 1. Disney World!! 2. Anywhere (civilized) outside the U.S. 3. The state parks in the Western US; mountains, huge forests, and the Grand Canyon
Three things you want to do before you die: 1. Hike the length of the Florida Trail 2. Hike the Appalachian Trail, if I can do it without freezing 3. Retire with lots of money to support my hiking and internet hobbies.
Three ways that you are stereotypically a chick/guy: 1. I cried (a little) when I watched THIS Budweiser commercial during the Superbowl. 2. I'm addicted to shoe shopping. 3. I say no when I mean yes, and vice versa. And I expect whomever I'm lying to to KNOW that I mean otherwise.
Three people I would like to see take this quiz: 1. Eh, whomever. |
posted by Jen @ 8:07 PM  |
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