Saturday, April 30, 2005 |
The hymn we were trying to rememeber? *I* remembered it. With no provocation whatsoever, it popped into my mind as I strolled past the sheet music department. "He Lives" THAT'S the one.
Ahh...I need a cigarette. |
posted by Jen @ 4:06 PM  |
Food, yet again |
I feel like my life revolves around either eating or reporting what I eat...cripes. Anyway, yesterday went like this: Eggs, whole wheat english muffin with "This Bit Is Starting To Get Old" butter spray no snack Arby's turkey bacon wrap no snack Steak, peas, South Beach "potatoes"
I'm still feeling really crappy, but went walking yesterday regardless. About halfway through my 2.5 mile walk I realized that while exercise in general is good for you, exercising while sick ought to be worth twice as much. Hell, three times! I mean, getting your shoes on and walking out the door is a great achievement. Then there's the fact that your body is already working harder than normal to try to get you well, and you're exercising on top of it. Exponential results! I wish. It was hot and muggy out, so I was walking, sweating, and my nose ran the whole damn time. I figure since I'm boring you with the details of my meals I'll start boring you with the details of my MP3 player's contents when I walk. Yesterday I had:
(Punk covers) I would walk 500 miles, Hotel California, songs from Grease, Baby Got Back (awesome cover), Phantom of the Opera, and some other tunes I can't remember...then there was... Disco! Copacabana (hee!); then... Rap: Half of the Beastie Boy's latest album; then... Classic Country: The Gambler, Coward of the County, He Stopped Loving Her Today, and various and assorted Hank Williams tunes; and last but not least... The Cure: Half their Greatest Hits album
I'm pretty sure that there was a SpongeBob tune on there...yeah, the FUN song. Great song. Look up the lyrics sometime, you'll like it. And on that note, I'm off to hum the Gambler for the rest of the afternoon. |
posted by Jen @ 2:53 PM  |
Friday, April 29, 2005 |
Food yesterday |
Breakfast: bowl of Uncle Sam cereal (it's like eating seeds, leaves, and twigs for anyone that's never had the joy of trying it) and a slice of wheat bread with "I Can't Think of Anything Witty to Say This Morning" butter spray. Cheese stick for a snack. Baby spinach and chicken salad from Subway for lunch. On a side note, I always have to be very careful when I order that because my brain files it as "Baby chicken and spinach"...which is disturbing. No snack here...dinner was a few ham slices, mixed veggies, and 2 slices of wheat bread with "Cam Used This at Dinner and Sprayed it all Over his Hand" butter spray. I felt too crappy to stay up very long so didn't have anything for dessert.
Rash Report (insert breaking news music here): Partly rashy with a 30% chance of early morning itchiness...nah, just kidding-that is far too dorky to continue any longer. I didn't break out anywhere, but my cheeks were really flushed...dunno if that means a damn thing or not, but there you go. |
posted by Jen @ 9:35 AM  |
My thoughts on convenience stores |
Convenience: noun - The quality of being suitable to one's comfort, purposes, or needs: the convenience of living near shops, schools, and libraries.
- Personal comfort or advantage: services that promote the customer's convenience.
- Something that increases comfort or saves work: household conveniences such as a washing machine, an electric can opener, and disposable diapers.
- A suitable or agreeable time: Fill out the form at your earliest convenience.
My mornings are extraordinarily hectic as of late. I teach a first period class at a local high school, but only on even days. MY MIL, bless her heart, meets me all over town on her bus to pick Cam up for school. On even days (teaching days) she meets me in a parking lot as soon as she drops off her high school kids. On odd days she meets me at a Tom Thumb along her route to pick Cam up. The past couple days I've been feeling a little more and more run down-my throat is a little scratchy, I have some congestion in my chest, and my sinuses are beginning to rebel. This morning I woke up sneezing and have yet to stop. My nose is runny and I just generally feel like crap. Since today is an odd day, I met Barb at Tom Thumb. I had planned to drop Cam off, drive up the street to Wal Mart, and pick up a box of non-drowsy Alka-Seltzer cold as we're all out at home. Cam and I got to Tom Thumb a little early, so I figured I'd go in and see if they had anything similar rather than wait here and then drive down and spend 20 minutes (and surely end up buying more things than I intended to) at Wal Mart. They had the Alka Seltzer I wanted...for over $6!! Here's the internal debate that went on:
Common Sense: "The hell? $6 for 10 packs? Uh uh, no way. Don't even pick it up."
Laziness: "But we're already here...we might as well-"
Common Sense: (adamantly)"No."
Laziness: (sulking)"Fine. You'll spend $2 in gas driving down to Wal Mart anyway."
Common Sense: "..."
Laziness: (sensing weakness)"And besides, if you get it here you can get to work and get online with Resa that much faster!"
Common Sense: "Well...okay. Just this once."
Sadly, my laziness does often get the better of my common sense more often than I'd like to admit. So once again, overpriced convenience beats a reasonably priced, barely difficult task.
Signed, Fat, lazy American
P.S. There's a 5th definition of convenience that is by far my favorite:
5. (Chiefly British.) A lavatory. |
posted by Jen @ 8:09 AM  |
Thursday, April 28, 2005 |
Buffalo Security |
Because we're so clever and amusing (at least to each other!)
So there was an elephant stampede in Seoul a week or two ago and I only found out through Jen. We were talking about hiking tonight, and this is where our conversation went.
LdyLeaess: you can mosey in the city LdyLeaess: as long as you're not run over by stampeding elephants or anything teresalynntucker: I'd rather not LdyLeaess: that would be more like RUNNING teresalynntucker: nobody else knew about that teresalynntucker: I felt in the know teresalynntucker: then they asked me how I knew LdyLeaess: LOL LdyLeaess: MY sister (in the states) told me teresalynntucker: and I was all sheepish, " sister told me about it." LdyLeaess: that's too funny teresalynntucker: Your sister where? teresalynntucker: yeah...I'm a dork LdyLeaess: HA LdyLeaess: somewhere over here a herd of BUFFALO got loose LdyLeaess: ended up in some high end neighborhood's tennis courts teresalynntucker: ha! teresalynntucker: double ha! teresalynntucker: that's quite funny LdyLeaess: hee hee LdyLeaess: gated community my ass teresalynntucker: if a herd of BUFFALO can get in teresalynntucker: hire new security LdyLeaess: HEE LdyLeaess: that's great LdyLeaess: that'll be some company's new slogan LdyLeaess: "Buffalo Security" teresalynntucker: ha again! LdyLeaess: they'd all have to wear hats with horns LdyLeaess: but you'd know they're not vikings because they wouldn't have braids LdyLeaess: that's a different company altogether |
posted by Teresa @ 12:27 AM  |
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 |
Food...again |
same breakfast, no snack, caesar salad AGAIN, leftover pork roast, and that's all as of now. Lunch was so late I have yet to feel hungry. There. No rash. Of course. As long as I keep track of what I EAT, the rash will stay away. Twenty bucks says that the day after I stop boring y'all with these details the rash comes back. Go
PS - This was Jen's post, that she somehow managed to post on my site. While I'm enthralled by her eating habits and skin issues, I'm fairly certain she meant to post it here. So I deleted it from my site, copied and pasted it here, and expect she'll remove my name from it and change it to hers later on.
PSS - Jen, you're a goober. |
posted by Teresa @ 9:09 PM  |
"Mosey" day |
Resa and I have been chatting all morning and the word "mosey" has popped up an unusual number of times. Therefore, I have decided to work it into as many conversations as possible. As long as my ADD doesn't kick in too badly, I hope to post the "mosey" count at the end of the day. Stay tuned!! |
posted by Jen @ 11:06 AM  |
My boring food diary for yesterday |
I forgot to write down what I ate and drank's so exciting, you know. I figure I'll keep track of it here and bore all 2 of the people that read it to tears...since I'm one of those people, I don't really feel bad.
breakfast: omelet, cheese, whole grain toast with "I Can't believe How Stupid Our commercials Are" butter spray, V8, and part of a Sprite Zero (10 minutes of my life I'll never get back) no snack...lunch: chicken Caesar salad - and I ended up having to change clothes...story to follow no snack...dinner: turkey, green beans, and 2 slices of whole grain bread with "Seriously, They Really Suck-Have You Seen Them?" butter spray
As far as drinks...I had 2 diet pepsis (one of which I ended up wearing); crystal lite lemonade, and a liter of fake crystal lite strawberry drink.
My lunch was quite an adventure. I was eating at my desk and had already opened my Diet Pepsi not once, but TWICE. I always close my drinks at my desk because I'm incredibly clumsy, and have lost 2 keyboards to beverage spills in the past. Well. The THIRD time I opened it, it SPEWED everywhere, narrowly missing my keyboard. After a brief clean up, I went in the kitchen to have more salad, and the bottle of dressing burped when I opened it, showering me with Caesar dressing. Blah. Hopefully today's lunch will be a little less exciting. |
posted by Jen @ 10:42 AM  |
Harrumph |
Well, I've joined, so there. I have nothing to say at this point, but figured I would post so that you would know I joined and wouldn't have to change the name. Hopefully, at some point, I will have something to add. I will go now. May the force be with you. --Val-- |
posted by Val @ 9:53 AM  |
Tuesday, April 26, 2005 |
I don't know what this is but it sucks. It's been called a funk, hormones, grief, and a few other more colorful and less appropriate names. All I know is that I dread my life. I'm unhappy with myself, my apartment, my dog, my job, my friends. I don't want to be here anymore, but I wouldn't be happy in the States either. (Not to mention I'd inevitably be getting paid less.) Whatever. I'll get over it. But not right now. So consider this my certificate Jen authorized - the official "I'm in a funk so buggar off" certificate. |
posted by Teresa @ 12:00 AM  |
Monday, April 25, 2005 |
Falling apart!! |
It's happening AGAIN!! I'm breaking out and am all itchy. I'm keeping a food diary now to prevent this shit from happening again. I dunno if it's the food or if it's this possible thyroid thing, but damn. I just took a couple Benadryl and expect to be completely unconscious here shortly. So what did I eat today? Omelet with bell pepper and cheese, and one slice of whole wheat toast with "I Can't Believe They Named This Fake Butter In Such A Retarded Manner" on top. I had a cheese stick for lunch. I had a turkey wrap from Breaktime and some pickle slices for lunch. Dinner was salmon (which I'm really, really hoping is not the problem) marinated in a Dijon lime sauce, roasted bell peppers and onions, and broccoli. I had 1 19 oz. Bottle of Crystal Lite lemonade; 1 19 oz. bottle of Crystal Lite Rasbperry Ice; 3 Diet Cokes, and (no lie) 2 liters of a strawberry Crystal Lite wanna-be drink. I won't tell you how many times I've peed today. I'm going to look back and see if I can remember what I had the last time this happened. God help us all if it turns out to be the diet coke. |
posted by Jen @ 9:16 PM  |
Tuesday, April 19, 2005 |
"It's nothing to be worried about..." |
That's what Dr. Willis' nurse said, in reference to the thyroid test they ran last week. Wha? If it's nothing to worry about, why the hell did they CALL ME TO TELL ME NOT TO WORRY WHEN I WASN'T WORRIED IN THE FIRST PLACE?! As you can probably tell, it's too late, I'm worried. I went in last week for my annual physical. Anyway, he had them run bloodwork while I was in as they're supposed to monitor my blood sugar since I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with Cam. Something hinky came up with the thyroid results, but she wasn't any more specific than that. So I don't know if I have nothing to worry about in the "too much" range or the "too little" range. So I've decided to settle on "just plain worried" for now. I'm glad I took Biology last summer, so I know more about thyroids now than had I been told not to worry two years ago. "Don't worry" my ass... |
posted by Jen @ 4:33 PM  |
Monday, April 18, 2005 |
Genetics: the good, the bad, and the ugly |
I love my child. Really, I do. He's cute, he's sweet (most of the time), and still thinks I'm pretty smart. In discussions with various people I've inventoried the parts of my son that are most like me. We've decided he has my long legs, my freckles, and my lips-his upper lip dissappears when he smiles...that's how I know. I'm not complaining, I mean, at least he didn't get my metabolism, right? That was the PHYSICAL that he's getting older and is able to express himself better, I'm slightly dismayed to learn that he's inherited a few traits of lesser value. For example? A bizarre and completely unexplained fear of clowns. Okay, not COMPLETELY unexplained; reading It by Stephen King on a 6th grade Girl Scout camp out probably wasn't the smartest thing to do and MIGHT have something to do with the whole "clowns are evil" viewpoint, but I digress...where was I? Ah, Cam's newly presented clown phobia. How do I know he doesn't like clowns? Check out this picture he drew at school, he calls it "Clowns are Evil." Truly a child after my own heart. Love you, Cam!
posted by Jen @ 8:09 PM  |
Saturday, April 09, 2005 |
Witty Clever Dysfunctional Bound for greatness
I'm not that cheesy in real life (yeah right). I just had to post something in order to tweak the template - which I will inevitably screw up and ask Jen to fix. Ah....predictable things in life can be so reassuring sometimes. |
posted by Teresa @ 2:38 AM  |
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