Thursday, June 29, 2006 |
Don't ask me, I don't know... |
...why we don't take normal, air-conditioned vacations like everyone else. Oh, wait...because we're broke? LOL Well, not broke broke, but too broke to stay in a hotel and do the really fun stuff. ...sigh... Anyway, all that was to say that we're going camping this weekend. Yes, we know it's in the 90's outside, thanks. We're camping alongside a river, so it'll be relatively cool. It hasn't rained in P'cola for nearly 3 months...I'd say that our going camping would solve that, but we're camping up north of Milton...I dunno that our powers are strong enough to bring on a large enough storm that'll soak P'cola, too, so don't hold your breath. We'll be back Sunday! |
posted by Jen @ 2:48 PM  |
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 |
Surprise! |
Val and I were at work today, well, working. I heard Val say something about how nice it was to see someone, and I looked up to see Grandma and Grandpa Morton strolling up. They said they were downtown at the Social Security place (there's a whole story about people being too stupid to read his card number correctly there, but I'll save that for another day) and thought they'd drive by...if there was a spot open out front, they'd come visit. Anyone that's driven down Palafox around 11 AM on a weekday knows the odds of THAT happening, but there was one right in front of the store. Ta-da!
The really interesting thing? The building we're in used to be Newberry's, a 5 & dime. Before Town and Country or any of the Malls, it was one of THE places to shop in P'cola. They had a lunch counter where sit-ins took place during the Civil Rights movement, too. Anyway, back in the day, Grandma Morton worked the hardware department. LOL! She met Grandpa there, and he stood out in front of the store till her shift was over and walked her home. Then the next day he was waiting there again, and they walked up the street (to either the Rex or the Isis-whichever was open at the time) and they saw a Little Rascals film. :)
So I learned that my family has a long history in that particular building, and that Grandpa was quite the stalker in his prime. It's good to learn something new every day. |
posted by Jen @ 5:54 PM  |
Friday, June 23, 2006 |
Anyone read Artemis Fowl? |
I finished the first book off last the tub, actually, LOL! I told TJ that it's kinda like Harry Potter, only the main character is a bad guy...mostly. Has anyone read the following books? I don't even know how many there are, really-I got the book for like $2 at Goodwill. :) |
posted by Jen @ 6:00 PM  |
bwa ha!! |
You know, I dunno if it's because I was raised Southern Baptist and can identify, or if this is just a goddamn funny song...I recently reacquired "Mississippi Squirrel Revival" by Ray Stevens. Man oh man. The lyrics themselves are awesome, but you have to listen to the song. Here's a link to the lyrics for those of you that have no idea what I'm talking about. Sister Bertha BetterThanYou...heh.... |
posted by Jen @ 11:49 AM  |
Thursday, June 22, 2006 |
Peer pressure! |
 I've had a few requests for a picture...I despise having my picture taken, so finding one was nigh impossible. I had my resident photographer take one just now-it's stunning, believe me. I've spent the morning at my Dad's where we swam for an hour or so, then went to lunch, then spent a few hours at work. I didn't put on any make-up (not that anyone would recognize me if I did) and didn't fix my hair. In short, the picture is less than grand, but it's also of me 50 pounds lighter than I was in January. :) I can live with it. Note the baggy shorts...I'm down to about 2 pair that FIT now-the rest are in various stages of "too big". I'm holding a Capri Sun for my photographer, and laughing at how he cut my head off the previous pic. TX Jen, it was nearly the butt shot we talked about before. LOL Also note the fabulous tan-yeah, I'm a sunning GODDESS. Except that stops ABRUPTLY at my ankles and mid-thigh, and anywhere above my waist covered by a tank top. ...sigh... One feature I don't think you can make out is the raccoon eyes from my sunglasses...yeah. I'm dead sexy!! |
posted by Jen @ 5:40 PM  |
Tuesday, June 20, 2006 |
6 weird things about me |
Rules: Once you have been tagged, you have to write a blog with six weird facts/things/habits about yourself. In the end, you need to choose six people to be tagged and list their names. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "You've been tagged!" in their comments and tell them to read yours. 1. I have a blankie. 2. I refuse to blog at MySpace....hence the post here.
3. I have lost 51 pounds since the end of December. Not weird, really, but I have to brag.
4. As a general rule, I really don't like people. I love my friends, and my students aren't half-bad, but everyone else? Let's just say they're all permanently on probation until they prove they don't suck. :)
5. My next car will be a yellow Volkswagen Beetle. Oh yes.
6. One of my weight-loss goals is to be able to wear my husband's clothes. Not that his are so much more fashionable than mine...I just want to be able to.
My 6 people are: TX Jen, Geer, Cassi, Resa (YOU BETTER DO IT!!!), Becky, Dawn II
posted by Jen @ 7:54 AM  |
Sunday, June 11, 2006 | |
I tell ya, this Summer Band stuff is NOT for sissies. I'm not even the one standing at attention like these poor freshmen are. The part that I like even better is that there are quite a few sophomores coming out just to do whatever they can to help. Team spirit and all that. Anyway...the past week I've been getting up at 5:30, bathing, dressing, eating, and doing the same for Cam. He packs his lunch (Lunchables) and then I drop him off at Day Care just a hair before 7 AM. I drive to school, where I run, yell, clap, yell, sweat, yell, and teach until Noon. Then I hang out with the other instructors for a few minutes to go over what we need to do next, and head to work. I tidy up paperwork and move money around a bit, then (unless it's Monday, which is Weight Watchers night) pick Cam up from day care and go home, where I am fairly useless. Hot, sweaty, slightly smelly (not stinky, just sun-baked), I rinse off in the shower, then usually park my behind here in front of the computer until I begin to fall asleep. Well, I make sure Cam eats and gets in bed in time to get up at the butt crack of dawn again, and THEN I fall asleep.
Friday was different. Friday was Water Day at day care. They haul out a wading pool or two with sprinklers and order to participate, the kid has to come with his/her swim suit on, bring a towel, a change of clothes, sunscreen, and some kind of water shoes. Not a whole lot to do, really. I try to make sure I get his swim trunks and towel (they're both Yu Gi Oh, so it's very important that he get both...) washed, dried, and put away where I can find them. His water shoes? ...sigh... I got up and was bathed, dressed, and eating breakfast in no time flat. He got up and got dressed on his own-whoo hoo! I remembered it was Water day, though, so sent him back to his room to change into his trunks and such. I got his towel and such together, but couldn't find his water shoes anywhere. Crap. Well, the day care is like a minute and a half away from Wal Mart. Cam had just finished his breakfast, so I had him put on his regular shoes and scoot out the door-we were making an early morning visit to Wal Mart. I run in, grab another pair of water shoes and a new tube of sunscreen and head to the only open teller on the GM side of the store. It's the smokes line, but there's nobody in the line so there's no waiting-one of the perks of shopping before 7 AM. As I set my stuff down on the conveyor belt this woman rushes up from the front of the store, plops down a gift card and goes, "INeedToPut$100OnThisQuicklyPlease!!!"
Bi-otch! What the hell? The teller TAKES the card and does it. Fine, put your money on the card and GET OUT OF MY WAY! This is where my life once again became a sitcom. A poorly written, annoying sitcom. The woman whips out a checkbook. This is her writing, if she had sounded it out: "Juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnne niiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnth......twooooooo thoooooooouusaaaaaaaannnnnd siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix." It took her nearly a minute to write out the DATE. Great...I can see where this is going. She couldn't just sign the damn check and hand it over.....nooooo. We continue: "Wwwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaallll Mmmmmaaaaaaaaarrrrt" She sped through the numerical amount, but writing out the amount? Ugh. "Ooooone huuunnndrrrrrred dooooooollllllaaaaaaarrrs aaaaaaannnd noooooooooo/100" She looks up, all proud. I was standing there with my son's water shoes and a tube of sunscreen, my debit card in one hand and the other one ready to punch my pin.
Get. Out. Of. My. Way.
I dunno what her name was but she signed it with great pomp and flourish, then can't get the damn thing torn out of the checkbook. She tore one corner off, then nearly ripped it in half. I was ready to cry at this point.
The cashier takes the check and runs it through the magical check machine they use, and it goes up-down-up-down-up-downBEEEEEEEEEEP! Cashier: "Hmm. It didn't read it." Idiot woman: "That's odd." Me: "SHUT UP AND GET OUT OF MY WAY!!!" Well, on the inside. Cashier tries it again: up-down-up-down-up-downBEEEEEEEEEEP!! At this point I was ready to pay for her gift card, $100 be damned. I needed to have Cam at day care 5 minutes prior to the FIRST failed attempt thru the magic check machine. The machine must have felt the intense loathing I was projecting at the idiot woman, because it decided to work the third time. She smiled up at me like, "Gee, these machine are just so crazy!!" I didn't return a smile, but continued what I hoped was a withering glare. I had paid for MY stuff before the cashier got it all in a bag, and dragged Cam out the door to the car. I hauled booty to day care, where I had to go in, apply the sunscreen, wash my hands (stinky sun screen-shoo!) and then run out the door.
I was about 10 miles out from the day care when I did a classic Homer Simpson "DOH!" complete with forehead slap. I left my friggin cell phone at home. Too late now! Gotta get to school! I got to school with no further mishap, and managed not to embarrass myself that day. I stayed late to talk with Chad (our new brass guy) about stands tunes and what we wanted to get done next week, and then headed out to work around 3; about 2 hours later than usual. I got in, got my work done, and headed out to get Cam. Still no cell phone, btw. I rounded him up, and made absolutely certain to get his water shoes to bring home...that was a farce in and of itself, as there were three pair of the same size and brand sitting there. I got him home, and as we came in the door I heard my phone ringing. Cam goes, "You have 433 messages!" in a GREAT impression of my voice mail dude. Heh. I wonder where he gets his sense of humor...
The last call was TJ, so I radio him back. Barb was throwing a gasket trying to get hold of me-I never did call to let her know I forgot my phone. She had called work, and the person she spoke to hadn't seen me come in, so all she knew was that I hadn't returned her calls, TJ's calls, and hadn't shown up to work. Yeah. We got things straightened out and enjoyed a nice, peaceful evening.
It was just one of those days. I seem to have a lot of those. |
posted by Jen @ 7:30 PM  |
A blast from the past... |
This was a post I made to my Mommy group June 8, 2004. I know a lot of you will remember it, but there may be a few of you that haven't been regaled with this particular tale yet. :) Just bear in mind that this all happened 2 years ago...I'm fine, Cam's fine, my van is still dilapidated, and no, the assmunch never did pay up. Enjoy the story!
Y’all, I nearly got creamed by a 450 pound red oak tree trunk today. No lie!! I was driving up InnerarityPoint Rd. and this guy driving a tree removal service truck was HAULING ass toward me. He took the slight little curve by the fire station too fast, and proceeded to display his lack of knowledge concerning physics; that whole thing about objects preferring to move in a straight line rather than a curve, and maybe even something about centrifugal force… ANYWAY, this tree trunk-10 feet long and between 18-20 inches in diameter-FLIES out of the back of his truck, then BOUNCES up in the air (I never realized trees bounce) and is pointed toward me like a compass pointing north. I swerve off the road, but don’t slam on the brakes, as I’d rather end up in FRONT of the moving log than in its path…*I* don’t know a whole lot about physics myself, but I know enough to NOT get in the way of a tree hurtling down the road. I thought for a half second that I’d managed to miss it, till I heard this massive CRUNCH!!! I pull off the road, and in the matter of about 2 seconds I’ve taken a bodily inventory (nothing broken, bruised, smashed, or otherwise), a vehicular inventory (windshield intact, nothing smoking, engine still running) and picked up the phone and radioed TJ to have his Mom turn around and come back-they were about half a mile up the road. Conveniently, I was sitting half a block from Innerarity’s fire station, and TJ asked if I needed them to come patch me up-I told him the only medical need I had right then was some Valium-the adrenaline had hit full force by then and I couldn’t figure out if I was going to burst into tears, bust out laughing, throw up, or some freakish combination of the three. I got out and looked at the back end of the van-that’s where I heard the crunch. My back tire was obliterated; it was completely flat. The rim, however, was NOT flat-it was peeled back and thoroughly resembled a pouting child with his lip rolled out. TJ called the FHP, and we turned around in time to see 8-yes, EIGHT, grown men heaving and rolling this tree trunk out of the road into the brush about a block and a half from where I ended up. I walked back to look at it in a STATIONARY position (it looked MUCH bigger in mid-air, y’all, I swear) and found my hubcap about half a block along the way. Well, I found what was LEFT of my hubcap about half a block away. I realized what was pinched in the peeled back portions of my rim-bits of hubcap. I’m saving this, and am seriously thinking about framing it. It’s ROUGH, y’all. It looked how *I* felt. By this time the guy that was driving the truck came jogging around the corner-they didn’t stop till about 4 blocks down the road (TJ and I agree that that just happened to be the earliest they could STOP, they were going that goddamn fast). They all thought from the SOUND of the impact that it had gone thru the windshield. Now…let me just mention right here that the ORIGINAL plan at my MIL’s house was for Cam to ride in the van with me, but the little Sybil changed personalities and decided as we were walking out the door that he wanted to ride with his Grandma. All I can say about that is THANK GOD!! I’m willing to bet my emotional progression would have not been, “shock…fear…nervous energy.” Had Cam been in the van it would have been more like, “shock…EXTREME FURY…body cavity search” as I’d have MURDERED the asshole driving the van before he could ask if we were all right and been carted off to jail immediately. ANYWAY, he asks how we are, and if anyone is hurt, and is very apologetic and sincere even…which made it VERY hard to hate him as much as I wanted to, the rat bastard. He changed my tire, and I backed off the main road-people drive that road like fucking maniacs, might I add…those of you that have been down there know which road I’m talking about-and we waited for an hour a 15 minutes for the FHP. That’s what happens when you have an accident with no injuries in the boonies…that sure taught ME a lesson-next time we’ll have to bleed a LITTLE to speed up the process. Barb, god bless her, sees how freaked out I am, and asks if she could go get me a beer or a wine cooler….HA! Yeah, lemme guzzle that down before the cops get there… She brought me a diet coke instead, as well as her camera. She got pics of the amazing flying log, and my van, my tire, and my hubcap. And then we waited. In the meantime my loving, charming husband and MIL are regaling the poor guy (he went from rat bastard to poor guy that fast) with stories of their experiences with the 2 FHPs that work the Key and the Point-Barb knows them both very well, and TJ knows them both through work. He was squirming. It probably didn’t help that I ended up having to go over to the station to pee-nervous energy + 2 diet cokes = serious need to pee. I walked in and 2 of the guys recognized me & asked what was going on. I started babbling (I really haven’t stopped, to be honest), and said that we were waiting across the street for the FHP, that some asshole in a really big truck threw a tree at me and I barely missed it and REALLY needed to use their bathroom-oh, and TJ was over there if they wanted to talk to him. I went in to pee, and when I came out the station was EMPTY. The phone was ringing off the hook, and the guys were nowhere to be seen. I found them across the street, admiring the trees skid marks along the road, and my pouty tire. The officer finally shows up, and TJ calls him by name, shaking his hand…much to the other guy’s chagrin. (heh) We drove over to where the big ass truck finally managed to stop, and sat in the heat another 20 minutes while the FHP (and his rookie-don’t forget the rookie…) did paperwork…in his AIR-CONDITIONED CAR...the rookie gets out to give me the paperwork, and actually has the balls to go, “Shew! My glasses are all fogged up! We have the AC cranked in there!” …fucker… At that point I disliked HIM more than the dude that threw the tree at me. Anyway. The tree guy didn’t “have an insurance card on him” at the time, but he assured the cop that he was insured. Keep your fingers crossed…lol. The end result: the tree-thrower was issued two tickets; one for failure to secure the load properly, and the other for failure to provide proof of insurance. I suppose the “flinging 450 lb. tree trunks” law isn’t on the books yet… The officer is supposed to get back to us when (if?) he provides them with the proper information. So…I’d like to thank whoever was riding in my passenger seat today-be it my guardian angel, protective spirits, or the Lord and Lady themselves…I have a fucked up tire, busted hubcap, and probably some axle damage, and wouldn’t be at all surprised if there was damage to the frame…but the GOOD part of the story, boys and girls, is that *I* was not damaged. I didn’t even spill my soda!! We called our insurance company this evening and when TJ said that I’d been in an accident the guy’s first question was to ask if I was ok-which I thought was pretty cool. Of course, they may have been TOLD to say that, but I thought it was a nice touch. They’re sending someone out tomorrow to check out the van, and Barb’s made me promise to ask about a rental car (on their tab, of course). In the meantime I’m driving her convertible, and am totally and utterly paranoid on the road. Someone set their glass down loudly at dinner and I about came unglued-I’m still feeling a little high-strung, but it’s all good. I’m about to go to bed and dream tree-less dreams…I’ll see y’all later. |
posted by Jen @ 9:49 AM  |
Thursday, June 08, 2006 |
A blog about girl parts... | guys, consider yourself warned.
I realized Sunday as I was taking my vitamins that I was going to start the GREEN pills that day. (For the boys that are still reading along, I'm talking about the 4th week of my birth control pills...see, I TOLD you that you might not want to read this!) I have Freshman camp this week and next week, and decided in like .04 seconds that I really didn't want to have a period this month, so I refilled my birth control that morning and started on the first week of the new pack that very day.
My body's never been one to listen to directions, or to follow common guess what happened today? I started my godforsaken period. I don't have the cramps or the bitchyness (heh, though *I* may not be the best person to judge that) but I still have the MAIN bits that I was trying to avoid.
The worst part? I have nobody to complain to at school! There's only one other female instructor, and she's knee-deep in the pit the whole day. Besides, I like to be relatively close if we're going to talk biology (ahem...except when I'm blogging...) and she and I just aren't very close. I could totally gross out my boss and tell him...he gets woozy when you talk girl stuff to him.
Anyway, I feel better having gotten that out in the open. Cathartic. Now I'm gonna go read the news and head out to stand in the sun for 2 hours and yell at freshmen again. James, I know I relayed the info about the show to Jen last night, but I'm still planning to post about it soon. :) |
posted by Jen @ 6:02 AM  |
Monday, June 05, 2006 |
So how'd it go? |
It went really well. This crop of freshmen seems to be pretty bright. The weather was AMAZING-nice and cloudy and a heavenly breeze. I don't think I broke a sweat. I made sure they knew it would be vastly different tomorrow, however. We spent about an hour and a half out there, and we got through attention, parade rest, marking time, and other misc. things they'll need to know to get through the stretching and warm-up outside. Good stuff! They didn't freak out when they got their music, either, so things are looking up. Our trumpet line is going to be freakishly amazing this year. Like, we could be billed as the Pine Forest Trumpet Line, with band accompaniment. Shew. I'll post more later on the show-I'm too wiped out right now. I'll catch up tomorrow! |
posted by Jen @ 9:25 PM  |
Here we go! |
Today is the first day of freshman camp. We find out how many kids we have coming in (for sure, finally) and start going outside and spending many, many miserable hours in the hot, hot sun. Whee!! I know the upperclassmen have been looking forward to this, many because they will no longer be freshmen. It's never fun to be at the bottom of the pile. Anyway, I'm hoping this will be more of a diet aid (ooh, all that work, she's really lost weight!) more than a hindrance (wow, all that work sure made her HUNGRY!). Keep your fingers crossed. Oh, and while we're wishing and hoping, here's hoping that this is a bright crop of kids. Please? |
posted by Jen @ 6:15 AM  |
Thursday, June 01, 2006 |
Happy Hurricane season! |
Thanks, Cassi. I blame this on you. I dreamed about hurricanes and hurricane-induced madness last night. There's that dream of being lost in Wal Mart, and then there's the one where you're trapped inside a Wal Mart full of people getting ready for a hurricane. (shudder) Frankly, I'd rather have the dream about being unprepared for a pop quiz or forgetting my pants or whatever. Ick!
So yeah. Hurricane season again. Last year Barb, Cam, and I evacuated on Cam's birthday as Dennis rolled in. My "to stay or not to stay" argument changed after Ivan. Well, more like during Ivan...I've never been so scared in my entire adult life. Here's the new rules...we hang for tropical storms and minor hurricanes. A category1 or 2 is fine, and maybe even a minor, teetering-on-the-edge-of-a-high-category-2 category 3. Ivan was a 3, but had just been downgraded from a 4 when it came on shore. COMPLETELY different situation.
I had a lot of time to think as we hunkered down in the hall that night...I remember quite a few hurricanes in my time. I remember being terrified during Frederic, but I was very young then. I remember Mom and Dad put some mattresses in the hall for us to sleep on...and under. I remember Elena...and that one hit us what, 2, 3 times? Opal, Erin, Georges...lots of them. NONE of them were like what we had with Ivan. The ones I remember came and went relatively quickly. The worst parts, anyway. The "bad part" of Ivan? Yeah...I remember thinking around 11PM that "Wow...this is not good...and the eye isn't even supposed to make landfall until 2..." It just got worse and worse and worse and worse...
On that note, I've decided that this whole "category" system just ain't working. Nope. "Sustained winds" my ass... They need to change that more from a label to an equation...something to do with wind speed and how far out from the center those sustained winds reach.
Anyway...that's my hurricane rant. Let's hope it's all I have to say about hurricanes this year. Keep your fingers crossed! |
posted by Jen @ 6:33 AM  |
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