Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Emotional what?!
A friend of mine at work has endured a very trying few weeks relationship-wise. It all blew up for him magnificently yesterday, and he ended up leaving work because he felt it unwise to stay. Before he left, he ended up telling pretty much everyone about his situation, and we all listened and patted him on the shoulder and did the best to support him that we could. He didn't need us to DO anything, he just really needed to vent. So we listened.

He came in today and apologized for being so emotional and for getting everyone involved in his personal affairs the day before. We told him it was no problem - he obviously needed to get it out of his system and we were glad to be here for him. That's what friends do. He apologized again, and Val said something about how sometimes you just HAVE to get something out of your system and to quit apologizing about it. Then I piped up and said, "Kind of like emotional diarrhea."


I immediately burst out laughing, because mentally I'm only about 8 years old. Even our work friend got a laugh out of it. The more I thought about it the funnier it became...and I said (at least 3 times) "Resa would LOVE that! I have to blog it!" So once you get over the "EW" aspect of that, think about it. I mean, it's unpleasant, it's going to come out whether you want it to or not, and you'll more than likely be embarrassed about it later.

Toldja I'm immature. :)
posted by Jen @ 1:37 PM   7 comments
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Saturday night/Sunday morning

I figure that I should probably get caught up on last weekend before we head out for another road trip on Friday. State semi-finals! Yee-hawwwwwwwyaaaawn...

So rewind to the weekend from Hell. Remember? No? Well, I'll set the mood. Those of you just joining us don't need to review previous posts, just read the following recap.

  1. Lots of stress...unplanned football game on top of STATE MARCHING BAND COMPETITION.
  2. Incompetent bus drivers who manage to get lost at least once every time they get behind the wheel.
  3. Eating every meal at a different mall...every godforsaken day.
  4. Driving past the exit for DISNEY WORLD to go stay in Clearwater.
  5. Staying in a crackhouse/whorehouse in Clearwater for two nights, and the few precious hours I slept were spent in a couch bed.

Yeah, that about sums it up. Crap, crap, crap, double crap, and more crap on top. So, that about sums up Friday and Saturday. I think the last blog I made that weekend was before I went to bed around 11:30 Saturday. I'll pick up there.

I slept for about 2 hours. Around 1:30 all hell breaks loose around our room. It sounds like someone is being body slammed repeatedly in the room next door, and there is quite possibly a circus parade going down the hall. Our room phone rang repeatedly, with nobody on the line when we pick it up. People knocking and yelling to let them in as they forgot their guy actually tried to argue that *I* was in the wrong room. WTF?! I slept very, very sporadically from 1:30 until about 3:30.

At that point, the room phone rings again, but this time it's Stephanie - our woodwind teacher. She says that she had to have one of the boys' rooms moved and that they were having trouble - come down to room 210. My first thought was that the boys had done something stupid and were going to be in a world of shit the following morning...I grumbled as I crawled out of my couch and thankfully had the foresight to put on a bra. I was wearing my my new pink Peace Frog pajama shirt and purple PJ pants. I slipped on my Crocs (the floors were just not what I would wander around on barefoot, thanks) and headed down the hall. I fully expected to see elephants and monkeys and (evil) clowns and such when I opened my door. The hallway was empty.

I knocked on 210's door, and hear the boys whispering frantically, then hear all the locks and such disengaging. They GRABBED me, and pulled me in the room, slamming the door and locking it in record time...I half expected them to start shoving furniture in front of it, Scooby Doo style. "Hurry, Mrs. Smith! Get in here where it's safe!!" Wha?! Here's a condensed version of their story:

They started out in the room they stayed in the night before. They were only there a few hours Friday night, and of course didn't actually SLEEP. Saturday they were all worn out, so they pulled the covers down to go to bed and found (brace yourself) a used condom in the sheets. I’ll give you a moment to recover….. They called Stephanie, who called the front desk. They moved the boys to the room on the 2nd Floor (aka "Pot Central," "Circus Maximus" or "Git yer whores here!"....MY floor). Stephanie goes to the desk, gets their new keys, and returns to the condom room. They load up and all take the elevator to the 2nd floor. A couple of the resident potheads get on board and thus begins the most bizarre few moments of any band trip I have ever been involved in. The boys are S, D (the young man that ate dinner with the grown-ups earlier that night), K, and J. One of the potheads offers his opinion that D "needs some weed," and he can come on over to room 209 - they have weed, a couple 6 packs, and a couple hookers. In one breath, these four boys were solicited for sex, drugs, and alcohol. I mean, the 3 big no-nos for any band trip all in one breath. Stephanie declines their polite offer, and is much chagrined to see them all getting off on the same floor. The potheads are right across the hall, so they now know which room the boys are now in. Stephanie makes sure this room has no condoms, and gets them settled in. She's getting ready to leave and there's a knock at the door - it's the friendly neighborhood potheads, wondering when the boys are coming over. That's when Stephanie called me. the time I get there, they boys have worked themselves into quite a state. Everyone's talking at once. So much louder than necessary. Interestingly enough, this is the point that I realize that I really, REALLY need to brush my teeth. I don't know what brought on that realization, but the whole time I was doing damage control there, I was wondering if I'd slept those two hours with my socks in my mouth or something. Blah! Anyway, back to the crisis. In the time I took to put on a bra and get my shoes, the boys had found a roach (and not the bug variety) and other drug paraphernalia in their desk drawer. Ye I get them calmed down and call Mary - the head chaperone. She needs to know that the boys have been moved, and I wanted to see what she wanted us to do next. She is flabbergasted by the story...she's going to call the desk to get them moved again, and asks me to call her right back. Satisfied that I'd done everything I could possibly do for that moment, I tell the boys to get their stuff together again - we were going to another room. Oh, and does anyone have any mouthwash? No? Ok, I'll be right back. NO, you're not coming to my room! Stay here and lock me out - I'll be right back! ...Ok...

I returned momentarily, feeling much better about my mouth situation. The boys' situation still sucked, but at least I wasn't breathing toxic fumes on everyone around me. I called Mary back and was told to bring the boys down to the desk. The only room they had left was a double bed, but as D said, "That's ok Mrs. Smith, we aren't sleeping any more tonight anyway." So we head downstairs, unaccosted by the idiots across the hall. D asks if I want him to walk with me - I told him that if anyone – anyone wanted to mess with me that night it would be the last thing they would remember doing for a very long time. About 5 hours of sleep since Thursday? I dare you to mess with me. Hey, at least I brushed my teeth.

We get them down to their new, drug-free room (they checked the covers, the desk, and all the dresser drawers). We got them settled down again, and head back to the front desk...this is around 4:30. Mary calls for a cop - she has a lot to say about this experience and wants to be very thorough once we get back home. Stephanie and I walk the floors and make sure everyone is still taped in while she waits for the cops to show, and as soon as we step off the elevator on the now-infamous 2nd floor, there's a welcoming party of potheads. Stephanie stepped back on the elevator, but I was done. Overdone, even.

I stepped off and lifted my right hand to point, and they started backing away.
"You all need to turn around and go back to your rooms. Now."
"Why? What's wrong?" (still backing away)
"I've listened to your crap in the hall all night long and I'm sick of it. Go back to your rooms and sleep this crap off."
"Hey, we're just minding our own business-" (did I mention I was done?)
"No, you're not. I don't care what you're doing - go to your rooms. Now."
"Hey, we're just-" (still backing away)
They turned left toward their room and I turned right toward mine - I heard them stop at some point and they started to say something, and I spun around and advanced on them again, in full teacher mode. "Go to your room. Now. I don't want to hear anything you have to say. I want you to hear this, though. If I even think that I see you talking to another one of my kids, I will call the cops. And just so you know, we brought one with us so I won’t have to wait for the local cops to get here. He can be standing here next to me in about 2 minutes. Do NOT make me call and wake him up this morning."
I turned around dramatically and stalked down the hall. DONE!! I didn't see them again that night.

All the rooms were fine - some of the band dads had gone behind us and double-taped their daughters' rooms, and a few had done the same to their daughters' boyfriends' rooms. Heh. Little did we know that OUR kids would not be the problem... So the floor check is done, and Stephanie and I meander down to the lobby again. I called Resa at this point (this Vonage thing is AMAZING!) and she asks, "Isn't it 4:30AM? What are you doing up now?" “Waiting for the cops to show up” "Ah." I love my sister. :) So the cop shows up and helps as much as he can - I mean, he can't arrest someone for offering a minor entrance to a party. Basically he says, "Well, we come here for drugs a lot, ma'am." Nice. Really nice. Stephanie and I left it to Mary at this point, and head back to our rooms. I crawled into my couch and managed to sleep for about an hour before it's time to get up and get the kids ready to go. ...sigh...

I was pretty sure by this point that Mary did NOT go back to bed. She and I were driving the van, so I knew I was probably going to have to drive at some point. I drove from Ocala to P'cola, and didn't get to sleep in the van...Mary was having a hard time staying awake herself. As icing on the mud pie that the weekend had become, we're ready to leave Sunday morning, and one of the bus drivers realizes he has to turn the bus around. He pulls out of the parking lot and disappeared for 20 minutes. 20 minutes...he was just supposed to drive around the block to pull in another direction. I can only assume that he got certainly goes with the theme.

We pulled out behind the buses (once everyone got loaded and such), and realized that we needed to get gas. The buses weren't stopping until Ocala, so we told them we'd catch up. We turn off and pull into a gas station...I lifted my weary eyeballs and saw a Starbucks across the street. I saw a beam of sunlight strike the roof and heard a heavenly choir. Mary must have heard it too, because she looked up and saw it at the same time. We gassed up, and then hit the Starubucks drivethru. Aaahhhh....then we hit up a McDonalds. MMMmmmmmm. This is the point that we realize all the good stuff this weekends managed to happen when we LEFT the buses. Hmmmmm....

We drive along eating our McDonalds and drinking our Starbucks and have a nice, uneventful ride. We catch up to the buses at an enormous truck stop, and ended up leaving after the buses did. This is when the other van realized that pizza does NOT make for good road food. :) So we ended up not tailing the buses again, but had a very nice ride. We stopped at a rest stop and I took over the drive. There was a very funny moment in which we made fun of clarinet players (which I can do as I AM one), and then it was all me. The kids fell asleep in the back of the van, and then Mary went out, and it was all me. La la laaa.

We got back to the school about 10 minutes after the buses did. TJ picked me up, and I didn't even go in the Bandroom...I just took my stuff out of the van and put it in my car, and left. Run away! There was more, but it's either been repressed as too psychologically damaging or just forgotten for now. Please bear all this in mind when you hear my lack of enthusiasm for another road trip this weekend. I mean, I love spending time with the kids...and really NONE of the drama from this weekend was of their doing. ...sigh... We'll be calling local sheriff’s offices before we overnight anywhere again. "How many times have you been to the ______ motel?" Meh.

posted by Jen @ 10:01 PM   1 comments
Friday, November 24, 2006
I get it...
...we have a great football team. Tonight's game was was the closest we've had all season, and we were behind the first half. I didn't care for that too much. Then we got ahead (but not enough to be comfortable) and I realized that if we won, we'd have a road trip next week and yet another football game. We won 26-21, and the last 3 minutes of the game were intense. Those kids from St. Augustine did NOT want to go home without the regional title...that's going to be a long bus ride home. And their band wasn't there-let's see if they get blamed. HA!

Here's a link for people that speak football - it shows the brackets. The stupid News Journal hasn't updated their site yet, except to take off the score ticker at the top. I assumed that meant they were updating with a STORY, but it has yet to appear. Feh. I did learn that our local Krispy Kreme will be closing for 4 months, though...I suppose it wasn't a wasted website visit. Ooohh, they've added a few pics: here are two pics of the pit during halftime. Whoever the local station is that films games got some interesting close-ups while we waited to play the fight song...but I'm too tired to look any of that crap up. Y'all have probably lost interest by now anyway. I know *I* have...

Oh, and on another note, I was talking with Resa earlier tonight and realized that I left off a whole chunk of my escapades Saturday night/Sunday morning. I'll leave that for later, though. I'm worn out and am about to start drooling on my laptop. That'll leave you something to look forward to. :) See y'all later!
posted by Jen @ 11:29 PM   0 comments
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
I feel better
So it turns out that Cam's vision is not as bad as originally thought. He saw our eye doc yesterday. The general consensus is that yes, he is just a little more farsighted than most kids his age, but he doesn't HAVE to have glasses to correct it. The doc said it wouldn't hurt, though, and as I only paid $35 for the exam and the glasses, he'll have glasses for reading now. He's absurdly excited about it, and has written "Cam might get his glasses" on the house calendar on 11/28. They told him yesterday it would probably take about a week, so he's taking their word for it.

I taught this morning, and don't have to go back until the football game Friday night. Woot! I'm extraordinarily excited about that - I won't lie. I left school to head to work and realized I had a nail in my tire...of my new car...grrrrr. I learned that it will be worth driving out of my way to hit up a Wal Mart with a tire place, as I paid $17.92 at Vannoy's to have it patched. Maybe they used gold plating? I dunno.

I'm going to move my weigh-in from Friday (the day AFTER Thanksgiving) to today...I'm not exactly optimistic about my results, thanks to the band trip this past weekend. I sure don't want to lump Thanksgiving on top of that. I plan to pick up a sushi platter while I'm out and bring it to work. Sushi makes you happy, and we could all use some happy.

So, that's all for now - I'll catch up with y'all later. Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!
posted by Jen @ 11:05 AM   5 comments
Monday, November 20, 2006
I'm a bad Mom!
A few weeks ago Cam told me he needs glasses - just out of the blue. I said something along the lines of, "Uh huh, sure." I did ask his teacher if she could put in a recommendation for him to see the nurse for a routine eye test, though. She said she would...and apparently did. I got a call today from the nurse who said that Cam had come in for an eye test and that his right eye is iffy, but his left eye is just bad...she said something about "2200" and I seized up and didn't hear anything else. She's sending home a form that we have to have filled out by an optometrist during a check-up to go in his school record...I guess to be sure that we're doing something about it. ...sigh.. I totally didn't believe him, and now I feel terrible! He has an appointment first thing tomorrow morning, and they're almost sure to dilate his eyes. His Dad and Grandma have issues with dilation so I'm not entirely sure how this is going to go!
posted by Jen @ 1:08 PM   1 comments
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Before I pass out
I'm about to lay down and PTFO...

So Friday night...the wonderful news man patiently leads a pathetic caravan of 2 vans, 2 charter buses, and few band parents' cars to the stadium. We pulled in at kickoff, and the band made it in the stands in time to play for PFHS' first touchdown in the beginning of the 2nd quarter. They filed back down to warm up for halftime, and I stood resignedly on the sidelines. I had given up hope that the day would have any redeeming value whatsoever, and figured that they kids would all be struck deaf and/or dumb as soon as the drum major counted off the opener. Once again they surprised me and performed an awesome show...which made me feel better about contest the following day.

The plan was for the van people to leave immediately after halftime to go get everyone checked into the hotel so that the kids could just get their keys and go straight to their rooms and "go to bed." (eye roll here) So we start getting the kids together that ride the vans, because silly us, we assumed that we'd be taking the kids that have been riding in the vans this whole time. Their instrument cases are in the vans, their luggage is in the vans, their uniform hangers and boxes are in the vans... Well, it turns out that keeping 3 of the 6 kids we planned to take with us was integral to the continued survival of mankind as the dominant species on Earth. Who knew? So we had to find 3 other people to go...they would ride from Jax to Tampa in their band uniforms, as all of their other clothing would be under the bus and completely inaccessible until everyone arrived at the hotel around 3. Guess how many takers we had? I was livid by this time, and resolved myself not to speak to my boss again until I had slept and had a slightly better attitude.

We eventually get enough children in the van and leave. The GPS unit steers us out of Jax as I drive a van with our head chaperon and 3 bubbly band girls. R slept off and on throughout the trip; E and A? They talked the whole way. The W H O L E W A Y. Not loud, but constant. We arrived at the hotel, and were amused to discover a "Gentleman's Club" sharing the parking lot with our hotel. No lie. "The Caberet" Anyway, we get the rooms divvied up and I head up to put my luggage in it so I can get the kids settled once they arrive...I'm sharing a room with our other Mrs. Smith, and our room has one double bed and one couch bed. Hell's bells. I spent the next two hours helping arrange the kids and chaperons into rooms based on how many beds/couches are in each room. Oh, and there ARE no other rooms...they're booked. The genius at the counter was no help whatsoever...and I've worked the front desk at a hotel before. It's not rocket science.

The kids get there, and all hell breaks loose again. They have to completely unload the buses; luggage, instruments, and equipment. They're all too happy to get off these buses - they were disgusting. One bus had 5 broken seats, and had been used recently as a litter box by what could only be a very, VERY large cat. It reeked of cat urine, and there was actually cat poo on one of the seats. A few of the window latches were broken, and the bathroom door was locked shut with 2 Master locks. They got lost twice on the way from the game to the hotel. Imagine that.

So I got in bed around 5 AM, and one of the girls in one of mine and Mrs. Smith's rooms called at 7 to see if they were still taped in their rooms...they were ready for breakfast. The hell?! Did you even SLEEP?!! So we were up and running at 7. We went down for coffee and bagels, and helped spread the word about getting down to load the buses before we left for contest. We were back to our original bus drivers again.

We left for contest, and the buses went one way...the vans followed the GPS advice and went the other way. We got there about 30 minutes before the buses did (you guessed it, they got lost again). We ate lunch in the stadium, and then headed off to get dressed and ready for warm-up. They warmed up well, and were dead silent on the way to the field. Their show was nice...the music was nice, but not exciting. They didn't do a bad job by ANY means; it just wasn't their best show.

The results of the prelims were announced; we weren't in any of the "best of" categories. There were 14 bands in the contest...they announced them in reverse order. "Number 14 with a score of 6o-something...." D'oh!! "Pleasedon'tbeuspleasedon'tbeuspleasedon'tbeus" And it wasn't! This was met with general relief from the kids and staff...."SHOO! We aren't last!" Number 13: again, not us. Hmm... Number 12...STILL not us. The kids were getting excited. Number 11...not us! They were getting GIDDY by this time. Number 10...NOT PFHS! A male chaperon that busts his hump moving equipment around was sitting behind me and said, "Oh God, I can't take this. I'm going to cry!" We ended up number 9 overall, out of 14. Not too shabby! The more I think about it, the more I think it's a damn good place to be. I mean, we're not LAST, and we're also not going to finals...which would probably only just NOW be wrapping up.

Our drumline received 3rd place overall with a score of 88.something. Not bad! We headed back to the hotel and changed clothes to go to the mall. The parents decided that we would NOT eat in the food court this time, but would find a sit-down restaurant and only eat food that was BROUGHT to us. It ended up being 6 chaperons, me, and one student, D. He is enormously tall, and can eat like only an enormously tall, teenage band student can. We went to a very nice seafood restaurant outside the mall - not a chain place, but very, VERY nice. It cost as much as the rest of my meals combined, but it was SO very much worth it. D was very well behaved, and even tipped the waitress well. It was a very, VERY nice evening, and much needed after the shitfest that Friday was.

So here I am, up way later than I intended, but I wanted to get as much down as I could before I finally go to bed and lose any of these interesting trivial details. :) I'm going to take my make-up off and pass out. See ya!
posted by Jen @ 10:21 PM   5 comments
(insert witty title here)
I don't have 2 brain cells left to rub together today. I've had about 5 hours of sleep since Thursday morning, and right now the only reason I'm not unconscious is that I"m about to gnaw my arm off - I'm a little hungry.

We are back in the hotel temporarily for the kids to change out of their uniforms, then we're off to another mall. Yes, this will be our third mall in 24 hours. Don't be jealous...maybe someday you'll get to spend 3 days straight with 110 teenagers, get lost EVERY TIME you get on the road, and "sleep" on a fold-out couch for about 2 hours at a time.

So as for State contest...they performed pretty well. The show was musically sound, but it wasn't as exciting as it's been before. I'll post again later with results. :) See y'all!
posted by Jen @ 5:31 PM   0 comments
Started out shitty...
...and has only gotten worse. My day, that is.

Reported for duty at school at 7, along with everyone in the band...oh, and everyone else at PFHS, too. We couldn't load the trucks or the buses until about the time we were supposed to leave. Then it turns out that none of the pre-planning worked out...pff, out the window. I rode in one of the vans as I had to drive in the wee hours this morning. I've now been up since 5 AM's nearly 4 AM now, so don't expect this to be coherent...

First of all, the first set of buses we have flew low down I10. We were going around 85 or 90 to keep up. Weaving in and out of traffic...we got to Tallahassee with little fanfare...we ended up at a different mall than we were supposed to go to because "the bus drivers didn't want to go to the other one"... Well. We leave Tally and get on the road to Jax. We get to Jax around 4:30 ish, and the buses and one of the vans go to turn into the mall parking lot...only to find it's a ramp BACK onto the interstate they just left. We waited in the parking lot for them to loop back around.

Our 2nd set of buses was supposed to meet us there around 5...they weren't there. They were at ANOTHER mall, waiting for us. The kids go in for dinner, then go out to change for the game. They get dressed, then have to unload EVERY PIECE of equipment and luggage from the buses to the parking lot as our second set of buses had not yet arrived. They finally show up around 7...the games starts at 7:30. This is about the time that the NEW set of drivers realize they don't know where to go. I had a suggestion, but kept it to myself. Well, myself and the 3 people standing close enough to hear me mutter it under my breath. We have a GPS unit in the van, so everyone decides to follow us. ...sigh...

We drove 40 miles an hour across the *&^&%$#$#^ St. John's river bridge so the buses could keep up, and they STILL went the wrong way. They made a U turn and went back over the bridge, then back down and finally got caught up to us again. Some white knight in a channel 12 news van took pity on us and took us to the stadium...which, as it turns out, is over a mile away from the school itself...which is the destination programmed on our GPS. We wouldn't have ended up in the right place anyway.

SO...there's more to share, but I have to be up in 3 hours to make sure the kids get up in time to go to the godforsaken contest we've had scheduled since July. JULY!!! This was, by far, the worst day I have personally experienced in a long, long time. Every time I get ready to relax, another shoe falls and I'm back wigging out. There was the fiasco of leaving the game, and about a half dozen fiascoes involving the fine establishment I'm staying in tonight. But hey, they have wi-fi, so I can bitch about it all live to you!!

Wish me luck...I figure-statistically speaking-tomorrow has GOT to be better. I hope. :(
posted by Jen @ 3:04 AM   0 comments
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Bah humbug
I'm already over my weekend, and it hasn't even started yet. The football team is playing in Jacksonville Friday night, and the band has to be there. It's more of a, "We'll see you there!" than a, "You're going, right?" sort of thing. We have state marching competition Saturday in St. Pete. State Competition. Not a minor event. ...sigh... Thanks to hour limits for drivers and the Jessica Lunsford Act, we will have to have two separate sets of buses for the weekend. One to take us from P'cola to Jax Friday, another set to take us from Jax to St. Pete that night, and then our first set comes back to us Saturday morning.

Factor into this the fact that we have too many people going to fill up 3 charter buses, but too many to just take 2... We're taking two charter buses, two 9-passenger vans, a rental truck for our equipment, and at least 3 cars in a caravan along behind us. The really fun part is that if there are band kids on the vans, they must be driven by county employees. Guess who's a county employee? ...sigh...

The silver lining here is that should our team win Friday, and another local team (ahem...that we beat already!) wins, then we will most likely be facing them AGAIN the following week. At home. Granted, that will be a holiday weekend, but it will be a HUGE game, and as the band boosters get all the money from the concession's a big deal. I really don't know what to expect as far as how far we'll get in the play offs...all the band dads that I've talked to are het up about this weekend - the team we're playing is tough, but their star (fill in the position here - I suck at football-speak) tore up his leg and won't be playing Friday. Bad for them, good for us. I do know that if we end up going to state finals in Miami, the County will pay for EVERYTHING to get the football team and the band there. I wonder if they include counseling for the teachers?

Guess what, though? We have no practices scheduled next week. NONE! I don't know what to do with myself...already! Becky will be in town that week, TX Jen will be in town, and no band to get in the way! ...sigh...

Oh, and Mary, I did get your email, but I haven't had time to email back yet. I'm going to go email you now. :) See y'all later!
posted by Jen @ 10:27 AM   1 comments
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Time for a blog NOT about band! Woot!

As I confessed previously, I've been a little less-than true to my diet as the summer waned. I just caught up entering my weights since the first of July (ahem) and lo and behold, as of my last weigh-in on Friday, I weigh the same now as I did the first week of July. What a friggin waste of time the past months have been!

I've been steadily on-plan the past 3 weeks and have lost 7 pounds, putting me back where I left off. ...sigh... It sounds harsh, but it really put it all in perspective for me. I lost weight steadily since I started in January, and had I NOT jumped (I certainly didn't fall) off the wagon I could have lost about 10 pounds a month...that's 3 months...and THIRTY POUNDS!!! Egad!

So I'm back down to my July weight, which also happens to be .5 pound shy of my 50 pound mark. There's another psychological number game involved right now that I'm not ready to go into in least not yet. It's a big one, too...a doozy. At least in my head. ...sigh...

Anyway, that's me posting stuff NOT about Band. Hope you enjoyed it! I'm sure I'll be back to rant about it shortly. :)
posted by Jen @ 12:03 PM   4 comments
Monday, November 06, 2006
Playing catch-up

Monday: Leave @ 6:45 AM, teach, work, practice, get home around 6:30
Tuesday: Leave @ 6:45 AM, work, practice, get home around 6:30
Wednesday: Leave @ 6:45, teach, work, practice, get home around 6:30
Thursday: Leave @ 6:45, work, practice, get home around 6:30
Friday: Leave @ 6:45, teach, work, game, get home around 1 AM
Saturday: Leave @ 8 AM, Contest, get home around 2 AM
Sunday: Laundry and other things I wasn't able to do during the week.

So that's been my life for the past 3 weeks or so. We've done 4 contests so far this year, and have two left. I have this weekend off, though, and plan to do absolutely nothing all day Saturday, thanks very much.

So to recap the past few weeks...the football team continues undefeated. Our last 2 contests were a lot tougher than the ones we went to before...these are more along the lines of Bands of America than like an FBA kind of contest. We scored Superiors, but didn't win our class. We competed against Ft. Walton Beach, Daphne, E.D. White Catholic, and various other exceptional bands, so it's not like we was still very disappointing. We did qualify for state, and actually are going on as the first band after the last break...all in all NOT a bad place to be.

We've learned a lot from the past two weeks, though. We've changed a lot with the guard, and are adding about a dozen new GE moves. We scored through the ROOF in music, but the visual part of the score dragged us down. Actually, we scored less than a point lower than Escambia did in music 2 weeks ago, and then got the same score as friggin Choctaw this past week. That's a big, HUGE deal. close, you know what I mean?

So...our first play-off game is this week, and as our record is apparently SOOOO much better than the other team's. I'm slightly worried about the game following that one...we're supposed to leave Friday during the day to head to Tampa for state competition. If the game is between P'cola and Tampa we're good to go. If it's at HOME, then we have to spend the night on the bus and perform the following day. NOT my idea of a good time.

Anyway, that's been me the past few weeks. I need to go get dinner started...I'll try to post again soon!
posted by Jen @ 4:30 PM   0 comments
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