A student of mine sent this to my Myspace. TX Jen, I know you'll enjoy this - not as close to home as the beat-boxing flute player, but close enough to make you not care!
I glanced at my laundry hamper Friday morning before taking Cam to the bus stop. It was only half-full, so I added laundry to the mental list of "things NOT to do this weekend". Well. I took Cam to the bus and headed back home to shower and get ready for work. TJ came home from shift, and had to change to go look at some property with his step-dad. Off came his work clothes, and on went his bushwhacking, "hiking through the back 40" clothes, and he was out the door. I noted the hamper was quickly approaching the 'nearly full, but not full enough to HAVE to do laundry" state.
I left for work and didn't think anything of it. TJ had to teach PJC's Fire Academy that evening, so he wasn't home when I got home with Cam. I immediately went to the bedroom to change into my running clothes, and as I put my work clothes in the hamper, I realize that now the hamper is not only full, it's overflowing. The hell??! His hiking clothes were in there now, as were my work clothes. ...sigh...
He and Kas planned to grocery shop once he got back. I'll give you 1 guess as to what he did once he got home from the Academy. Uh huh. You know. He took OFF his "teaching fire newbies in an air-conditioned classroom" clothes (which he had been wearing for a grand total of 5 hours) and put on a t-shirt and jeans.
That, my friends, is four - count 'em, FOUR - wardrobe changes in one day. I could do an entire load of laundry using just the clothing my husband wore in one day. As he was putting on his "going shopping at Wal Mart clothes that I'm only going to wear for 2 hours max" clothes, I said, "Look here, Barbie. (no offense, Barbara!!!) I'm going to have to do laundry this weekend just because YOU have worn 1/2 of your wardrobe in one 24 hour period." He looked offended momentarily, and then realized I was right. He thought it was pretty funny after that.
So...the moral of this story, boys and girls? Don't count your chickens before they hatch. Here's a free bonus moral for you: Have a husband that wears many hats, not many changes of clothes. Gotta go fold laundry...
My weight loss averages about 2 lbs a week...when I'm on plan, of course. I started running 2 weeks ago, and have still been averaging 2 lbs lost a week. Weigh in was today, and I lost FOUR lbs this week! Whoo hoo!
I spent the weekend in the woods with some friends from my Mommy group. We had a great time, and most of us came home slightly sunburned. Even those of us that generously applied SPF50. I mean, I'm not complaining...
I weighed in Friday and lost another 2 pounds. Whoo hoo! Later that weekend Cam told Amanda that I'd lost 2 pounds and looked amazing now. Heh...thanks, kiddo. My running schedule last week was thrown off completely by my unexpected nap Wednesday night. I ran Thursday (by myself-it was a little creepy) and used my MP3 player for the first time ever. I started out with The Cure and ended up with Michael Jackson's Thriller at one point. Eep!
I brought my running shoes to the campground and did actually use them! I ran Saturday night, after the daytrippers had gone home and the younger kids were getting settled. I ran around the dirt road that goes around the Magnolia loop of the grounds for 20 minutes. I learned that I would much, MUCH rather run on a nice paved track, especially at night.
TX Jen and I are moving up to week 2 of our running program this week. I believe she's moving up tonight (don't quote me on it) and I'm going on Wednesday. At first I was alarmed...I'll be adding 30 seconds to my running time. Then I looked at week 3...yikes! I told Billy that I'll need to take a cheat sheet with me to remember what I'm supposed to do! I won't think about that for now.
I finally broke down and called my doctor today. I spoke with the nurse to see if I could have them call in a scrip for my preventative inhaler (which I let lapse) or if I had to make yet another appointment. She said she'd talk to the doc and that since I was just there 2 weeks ago it shouldn't be a problem. The only drawback? I said "Singulair" instead of "Advair", but my doc is pretty smart...I'm sure he'll figure it out. Hopefully his smart-iness will counter my stupidity. Here's hoping... Anyway, I'm certain that I'm using my rescue inhaler entirely too much - Advair is a steroid inhaler, but if it will keep me from doing what I'm doing now...I'm good with that.
So that's all for now...I'm going to grab some dinner and get Cam to bed. See y'all later!
The events at VA Tech have reminded me how much I really dislike guns. I'm one of those annoying people that rolls my eyes when I see an NRA sticker. I'm not saying that we need to throw away all the guns - besides being just a silly idea, it would be completely impossible to carry out. I see very little distinction between a gun obtained through legal channels and one obtained illegally...I believe that has a lot to do with the fact that the law sees little difference between the two.
Ideally, in a cupcake & cheerleader perky sort of world, I think that in order for someone to buy a gun he should have to pass a background check (local, state, federal, and international, if possible) to verify they've not done anything idiotic in the past. Once those results clear, he must undergo some sort of psychological evaluation. Not a catch-all, brain-scanning kind of test, just a cursory exam. That might weed out any psychos that made it through the background check. :) Once those two hurdles are cleared, he should have to take a class...much like Driver's Ed. This will teach gun safety, gun use, and the safe storage of weapons. After the class, they are to take a written exam and a practical exam. THEN they can buy a gun. They're issued a license, and must renew that license every few years. Renewing will put them through the whole rigamorale again.
Pure fantasy, I know. The Constitution gives us the right to bear arms. I understand that. I believe it was written in so that the people of our fledgling country would be able to arm themselves in the event the whole thing just didn't work out. I support that.
I realize that when people can't get a gun legally, they can just get a gun. I think that the laws should be stiffened for people found with a gun they are not licensed to own. I also think licensed people that leave guns laying in nightstand drawers or dresser drawers should be held accountable if the weapon is stolen.
I don't think that untrained people should handle guns. That's asking for trouble. I am horrified to think of what would happen if Cam is somewhere with friends and they find a gun. I've told him that he is to leave immediately, but who knows what he'll really do?
Having said all that...we have a gun. I don't know what kind...it's a pistol-looking gun. I don't like it. It was kept in a box on top of our closet for the longest time, but it's been moved to near the front door. There's a trigger lock and some other safety device on it, and I do not know whether it's loaded or not. I do know enough about guns to know that one should always assume a gun is loaded. (shrug)
I don't like it there. I get a nasty feeling whenever I open that drawer and see it. However, if I knew how to unlock it and how to use it, I would like to think I would not hesitate to use it if someone were to break in. Sort of a necessary evil.
Events like the one at VA Tech are horrible. I personally believe that there is nothing, short of armed guards and metal detectors at the doors, that could have prevented the shootings. He had a history of signs of mental illness; un-prosecuted stalkings, morbid and highly aggressive creative writings, and a 'friend' called the police to say he (the shooter) was suicidal. He went for counseling. The news stories I've read (and I've read a lot from a variety of sources) tell me a story of a very calm, very angry, and very methodical man. He chained the doors shut to prevent people from exiting. He aimed to cause as much damage as possible with each shot, shooting victims multiple times. He shot till nobody was standing, and then moved on. When he couldn't gain easy access to another classroom, he found another one to enter. They found bodies in 4 classrooms and the stairwell. This is not a crazed, hyped-up teenager trying to make noise and scare people.
How do you protect yourself from something like that? Do you live your life every day with a gun holstered to your hip? Do you constantly live in fear that you may have to use the weapon to defend your life? We can't all be in 'cop mode' all the time. That's why we HAVE cops. They have the training and experience to respond the best way in a situation such as this.
Someone suggested that if all the kids in the classroom were armed, the shooter would never have caused as much damage. I disagree. I have to think that 40 guns going off in one room would case as much, if not more, damage than this guy did on his own. Besides, I would not want to attend a college level engineering class knowing that all of my classmates were armed to the teeth. How do you suppose the professor would feel? Shew.
I'm not a fan of guns. I don't like them. I do have an uneasy truce with them. Again, as I said in the title of this post, I don't have a better idea. More laws? Better enforcement of laws? More testing in schools? (Heh, just kidding. That was for you, D2 and TX Jen.) Dunno. That's why I'm a music major. :)
I ran again last night...my third time, and by far the best I've done to this point. I ran the full 60 seconds every time, and didn't stick in any extra walking time. Halfway into the 20 minutes I hated everything to do with running, but I feel much better now. :) I still have that crap in my chest, but was better able to control my breathing this time. I didn't have to stop and take a break or anything! Don't get me wrong-it's still hard. I just don't feel like I'm going to pass out standing up anymore. Vast improvement!
Billy and I run on Mon/Wed/Fri nights. This weekend my Mommy group is going camping, and I really don't want to slack off Friday night, so I'm seriously considering bringing my running shoes and running around the campground that evening. I figure that will help me avoid unhealthy snacks, too. At least that's the plan. :)
I don't run tonight, but I'm thinking about starting crunches and possibly push ups or something else to get my non-leg parts better in shape. Cassi is up to 17 push-ups...I'd probably be lucky to get 10. We'll see. I won't promise anything - I slept badly last night (godforsaken cats) and may just say "screw that" and go to bed early.
That's all I have to share for now...off to get some work done!
Caller ID is an incredible invention. Thanks to caller ID, today I laughed so hard that I choked and then nearly gagged. That, my friends, is funny. Unfortunately, nobody else has found it as amusing as I have...but that doesn't stop ME. No. Frank and Clark were there and will be featured prominently in this little tale. Just remember that I am very, VERY easily amused. There you go, that's all the warning you get...shall we commence?
I'm sitting at my desk at work, calling on late accounts and typing up "you're behind, send me money" letters. The phone rings, and I glance over to read the ID before I answer it. Caller ID says "Rodriguez, Jesus." I paused long enough to snicker a little under my breath and note how incredibly immature I am, and in that time Clark picked up the call.
I looked back to my computer and get back to my letter when I hear my intercom buzz, and Clark stage-whispers, "Jen." Heh...this will be good, I can tell already. "Yes?" "Did you see who just called?" Hee! I'm not the only immature one here! "Hehe...Jesus called!" I giggled. "Heh..." and he hangs up. I was laughing out loud at this point. He takes the 10 steps from his computer around the corner to mine and says, (gonna type it phonetically) "Yeah, JEE-zus Rod-REE-gus," so that it rhymed. Oh dear. I lost it at that point, and laughed until I started coughing, very heavily. Clark walked up to tell Donny that he had another call waiting on him, and Frank chose this time to get off the phone. I tried to explain it to her, but was having a hard time between coughing fits. Clark's phone started to ring back, and Frank went over, read the ID, and says in a loud voice, "Who is Jesus holding for?" Gah! I started laughing again. Clark steps out into the main drag of the store and says loudly, "Jesus is holding for Donny!" Another wave of hysteria from me. Frank nods, and says to me, "Well, who else would Jesus call here?"
That was the point at which I laughed until I coughed, and coughed until I gagged. I admit that you would have to know the employees of the store to really get the gist of that joke, but just trust me...it was good. I enjoyed leftover chuckles from that the rest of the afternoon. Ahhhh...good times.
I'm sitting on my bed in my room...since I rearranged it, the head of my bed sits right under my bedroom window. I have the window open...not to let in a breeze, because we're still on the hot & muggy side of this front coming through, but to listen to Cam play. He has a friend across the street, Ray, that's one year older than him. Our neighbors are watching their granddaughter today...I'm not sure how old she is, but I do know she's older than both the boys.
What I love is that it doesn't matter to any of them. They saw her outside and ran up and started playing together. I'm envious of that. Can you imagine just going up to someone that looks interesting and joining in on whatever they're doing? Maybe it's the INFJ in me talking. I dunno. It just seems so easy for them. I hope Cam can retain that as he gets older.
Speaking of Cam, he asked for a snack tray for lunch today. We shamelessly stole the name from Sunny, but my Mom used to make them for us all the time, too. We just didn't have a cool name for them. He ran out to stare forlornly at Ray's house (this was before Ray got home from soccer) while I got it together. I tell you, I was inspired today. Usually I cut up ham, cut up cheese, throw some crackers on and give him an apple. Today, it was a work of art...should have taken a pic. LOL I rolled up two pieces of ham and laid them on either side of the plate. I cut 4 long slices of cheese and arranged them pointing out from the center along the edges. I cut a pickle into spears and had them pointing out, too. I put a bowl in the center with his favorite thing ever - croutons and ranch dressing. I held it up when he came in the kitchen and his eyes got real wide. He asked me to set it down for a moment and when I did, he hugged me. Aw! He devoured it and ran outside to play.
My hot tub plan has been postponed to tomorrow. We're supposed to get some nasty weather this afternoon, so I figure I'll let Cam run amok with Ray until it gets too nasty to be outside and then we'll hang out inside together. Sometimes it's good NOT to have a plan.
So here it is, the day after my second run/walk. I was concerned about my various aches and pains beforehand, but it turned out to be my asthma that was the biggest problem. Since we went running Wednesday night, I've had this weird congestion thing move into my chest. I lose my voice and have a very, very dry cough. I'm half suspicious that it has something to do with my asthma, as it started after the first run. Anyway, it led to me having a very difficult time controlling my breathing while I ran, and then while I walked. About ten minutes in I walked for about 5 minutes just to keep from hyperventilating. I got in 3 more one minute runs after that, and then we headed home.
So yesterday was Friday the 13th. All told, I had a purty good day, except for the coughing and the pain. I got my scholarship letter from UWF, and I'm going to get $500 a semester...which I was kind of bummed about until I found out that two other folks got the same or less, so I'm pretty cool with it now. I weighed in and am 2 pounds down from last week...even after eating whatever the hell I wanted for Easter, a chocolate bunny, Chinese food, and girl scout cookies earlier in the week. I told Cassi that I think the pounds are being shunned away because it's too much stress on my body...something like, "Get that shit OUT of here - it's too heavy!" We'll see what happens next week, I suppose.
My plan for today is to go out to Barb's and soak in the hot tub. Mmmm...hot tub. Gonna get some lunch and head over there. See y'all later!
I'm having a difficult time categorizing the pain I'm in. Yes, I know...Jen - at a loss for words? It's not a constant pain...I mean, when I sit or stand for any length of time I feel fine. Then when I try to sit or stand...I'm swiftly reminded that I am in the first stages of a running program. Egad! My quads SCREAM at me when I sit down, and my shins throw in their two cents with more of a dull roar any time foot movement is involved.
Having said that, I want to say that I'm not giving up. I am 30 years old, and one of the lessons I've learned in life is that you can't judge someone or something based on one experience. So...I'm going back out tonight. Sore, aching, and with the new stopwatch I got this morning at Wal Mart. Now I won't be tempted to throw my cell phone across the park, and I won't be able to throw the stop watch, as it will be hanging around my neck.
I'm not nervous this time so much as slightly worried. I mean, my first experience, while not unsuccessful, was hard. That seems a very meager word to describe what I mean, but hell...it was! The last time I ran was high school, and that was mumblemumble years ago! I walk, I hike, and I've lost 50 pounds in the past year. I'm still woefully unprepared for the stresses of running. I'm not so naive as to expect to be able to fall right into running - don't get me wrong. I have a sneaking suspicion that actually going through with this entire program will be one of the most difficult things (mental AND physical) I've ever done.
So. Gonna go running again tonight. I go into this assuming a few things. 1.) It was very difficult to do in 'prime' (work with me here - I mean prime by MY current standards) condition - doing it in my current condition is bound to be worse. 2.) I will most likely NOT be out of the first phase of this program within the prescribed week. I'm fine with that. They say to stay in it until you're ready to move on, and that's exactly what I plan to do. 3.) I will sleep very, very well tonight.
Oh, I weigh in today, too. Heh. I maintained last week. I didn't exactly behave earlier this week, but I'm hoping that the running thing will help out. We shall see...wish me luck!
I started this last night, but got sidetracked doing laundry and hating running. Oops, did I say that out loud? Holy crap. Here are my answers to the nervous questions at the end of the other blog:
No, I do NOT have a stopwatch. Yet. I don't even have a watch-watch. I used the timer in my cell phone and ran with it in my hand. I wanted to throw the damn thing across the park by the end of the experience, but that is neither here nor there. I will be getting a stopwatch today or tomorrow.
The 60 & 90 second intervals were easy to do - I just set the timer for a little less time than I needed, and used the extra time to set it for the next bout. As for "how do I know when 20 minutes is up"....We crossed the line at 8:41, a time which will be burned into my memory for EVER. Believe me, I was watching my phone for 9:01. I knew. Oh yes...I knew.
I don't know how many laps I did, to be honest. We did one warm up lap and one cool-down lap...3.5 laps of this track make 1 mile, FYI. I'm pretty sure I ran/walked 3 laps, so I figure that total, I got in about a mile and a half. Run/walking, about 3/4 of a mile.
I did manage to walk home under my own power. I needed to use my inhaler so we stopped and sat down before we left the park - I was afraid I would pass out if I used it standing up.
I didn't fall down, so nobody laughed...at that. Around the middle of the 20 minutes I felt like my version of "jogging" was more like a very long, barely controlled stumble. Nothing graceful about it. Toward the end, I was pretty sure that's what I was doing - just leaning forward and trying not to fall over. Great technique, eh?
I did not throw up my delicious salmon dinner. However, once I got home and got over the "I hate this, and I hate you for making me do this" phase, I realized that not only was I hungry, but my stomach sounded like a starving animal. Shoo. I drank a lot of water and then showered, then I had a bowl of corn flakes. Don't be jealous.
So there it is. My first day on my new running program. I don't have to do that shit again until Friday, so I'm going to spend the rest of the day happy and very secure in that knowledge. I am very happy I'm doing this now, and not in front of the kids once it gets hot out. Ugh - that would be embarrassing.
Also, despite finding myself ravenously hungry (still!), this is going to help with my diet. I know a lot of people that look at exercise as a way to be able to eat more stuff...not me. I look at it as something I really don't LIKE to do taking away from what I've done. If I eat a twinkie just because I ran those laps, I would negate the whole dreadful experience. No freaking way I would do that - I'm not going to splurge just because I'm working out more - might as well just not work out!
Oh well...such is Jen. I never said I would make sense. :) (singing) I don't have to run today....I don't have to run today!
I'm sitting here watching birds at the feeder out back and it made me think of the other night - Billy was at the table and hollered for me to come look, but to be quiet and not to rush up to the window. ?? Cam got out of my room faster than I did, and he goes, "Oh, COOL!" I made it around the corner to see a very large blur take off from the top post of one of our garden benches and fly off over the garage. Billy's eyes were big and Cam was grinning. It was a hawk! Billy's not sure what kind, but he knows it was a bird of prey. Hooked beak, talons, etc. He said he noticed the birds at the feeder took off in all directions and was wondering if our cat was back there when he saw the hawk had just landed. Brings a whole new dimension to the words "bird feeder," eh?
We have two little blue finches at the feeder now -they are GORGEOUS, but we can't find them online or in our bird book. They have little yellow beaks, a black mask/head, and this bright blue body...very pretty. I never saw them at the feeder before this morning, but they are enjoying themselves there immensely today.
We regularly see cardinals, blue jays, mockingbirds, and pigeons. There are at least two red-headed woodpeckers that will land and sling food everywhere while they eat. There are a lot of little miscellaneous birds that I don't recognize or know the name, but none as pretty as those little blue birds.
Those of you that have known me for a while are probably curious about squirrels... We have at least one that raids the feeder, but I really think he's the only one. We used to have dozens of squirrels in our yard, but Ivan took care of them with much of our tree cover. We found a lot of dead squirrels with the tree parts in the yard...it was sad. I hated them eating all my birdfood, but didn't want them dead...know what I mean? Anyway, the squirrel isn't as big a pest (or entertainment...remember the Vaseline? Hee! Good times!) as before.
I start my jogging program tonight...this is sure to be amusing. I'm going to try this plan for now - it seems to be the most "doable" of the ones I've seen out there. Billy is my running buddy. He's been running a lot since he started Fire Academy, and when I mentioned I might possibly could sorta maybe be interested in running, he decided it sounded like a good idea. Heh. I think he wants someone to actually run with him, as opposed to what I've been doing...walking while he runs.
As a testament to how pathetically my body is wired, I've had a nervous stomach all day. The two cups of coffee this morning probably didn't help...anyway, I ate about 2/3 of my lunch today, and couldn't bear the thought of eating any more. There was a Cadbury Egg on my keyboard at work today, with a post-it note that says "EAT ME" (my pal Frank did that for me)...I was horrified at the thought of eating it and what it would do to my insides if I ran. Stupid? Yes. Unfortunately, it's very typical of my train of thought.
So, here I am, staring at the salmon we'll be eating shortly, and worried about how this is going to turn out. Do I have a stopwatch? How the hell am I going to know when I've run 60 seconds? How will I know when my 90 second walk is over? How will I know 20 minutes has passed? How will I remember how many laps I've managed to do? I'm a MUSIC major, not a math major! How will I get home from the park if my legs turn to rubber? How hard will the people in the park laugh at me when I fall on my face? What if I throw up my delicious salmon dinner? ...sigh...
I am taking the liberty of posting this picture because I know my sister might be too shy to do it herself. This is she and I at McGuires the night before my birthday - the very same day our grandmother passed away. Admire the svelte beauty of Jen (and ignore my pasty whiteness). Doesn't she look AMAZING?!
I posted much of this to my Mommy group, but since nobody can overshare like *I* can overshare, I figured I'd post it here, too. Brutal honesty, my friends, is good for the soul...or so I've heard, so I figure I'll give it a shot. What the hell, right?
Jen is back on antidepressants. Hooray for pharmaceutical medicine! As implied by the "back on" comment, this is not my first time on medication, but it's the first time my doc and I have found something that works. Whoo hoo! I started about 3 weeks before Grandma died...good timing, lol.
Friday was Grandma's birthday...well, would have been her birthday.
My baby sister came back from Korea for good. She stayed a few weeks, and then hightailed it out of P'cola before she got stuck like the rest of us. I miss her lots. I think she's terribly funny, and I swear it isn't just because she laughs at the same things I do.
3 of the 4 weeks in March were spent NOT dieting. ...sigh... The last week was good, but I haven't undone the damage completely yet.
I've started walking most nights...at least a mile, and much of it at a pretty fair pace. I'm thinking about working my way up to jogging, which is a huge, HUGE step for me. I've always been of the opinion that the only GOOD reason to run is if you're being chased.
I was possessed by a madwoman this weekend, and cleaned my room. No, cleaned is not appropriate...I excavated my room. Decades of crap were sorted into three categories...keep, throw away, and give away. More than half went into the latter two categories. I filled up the roadside garbage can and started piling stuff up on the porch to throw out once the garbage ran. It was cathartic.
I also rearranged my room. I had much, MUCH help from my dear friend, Billy. He's a peach. He helped me with heavy things (everything except my bed) and did his miracle work with my TV/DVD/CD stuff. Every inch of my floor has been vacuumed, and I won't even go into how disgusting my bagless vacuum was by the time I'd finished. Blech!! By the time I went to bed last night I was exhausted, and yet still managed to toss and turn all night. I heard all the normal "Jen's bedroom in the middle of the night" noises, but as my bed was in a different position, I heard them from a different angle. I spent all night going, "What was that?!" "Where did that noise come from?" I was also pretty sure that I was going to oversleep, as every time I would jolt awake from a sound I would check the alarm clock to make sure I had not only set the alarm to go off, but that I had set it for the correct time, AND that it had not magically set itself an hour ahead or behind since the last time I checked. It was a busy night.
I subbed Friday and most of today. That wears me out. I missed an after school meeting because I was at work trying to catch up on all the stuff I missed out on Friday by teaching all day. Viscous cycle. Tomorrow I only have to go to work - no school. Hooray!
I'm worn out. I need a vacation.
Heh. Thanks to Val, from whom I stole the idea for bullet points.