Wednesday, April 26, 2006 |
Crispy critter |
I forgot to mention that Cam and I spent this past Saturday at Barb's. Most of it was spent outside in the pool-its first use for the year. I slathered Cam up with sunscreen. I put it on my face. Then I got distracted and went outside at Noon for THREE HOURS. My face isn't burned, but the rest of me? Well, most of me. My shoulders, upper arms, and upper thighs are burned. Everything that was exposed that day but is usually under my farmer's tan went red. Dreadful, dreadful sunburn. My shoulders and upper arms were painful to the touch, and every time I moved I wanted to was a crappy, crappy thing.
I said that to say I'm feeling like a snake-I'm ready to molt. Like NOW. My skin feels loose and crispy, and ye GODS does it itch! However, this sunburn is unusual in that while I'm starting to peel, it's still quite painful to the touch. Sticky widget, no? I'm thinking that I'll just exfoliate like crazy, and hope for the best. Anyone want to scratch my back? |
posted by Jen @ 7:44 PM  |
...gulp... |
The Band's Spring Concert is coming up, and I'm actually going to be conducting one of the pieces this time. Doh! It's one of the pieces they played for contest, so it's not like they need to work it up or anything, just sort of shake the dust off. I'm still nervous, though, and I will probably only get worse until the deed is done. We expect a pretty good crowd-we'll be playing the first two numbers of next year's halftime show, so a lot of the incoming freshman want to be there to hear it. No pressure, right? LOL I tell the kids that all the it's coming back to bite me in the ass. |
posted by Jen @ 8:14 AM  |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 |
Tuesday blues |
Well, once again it's the day after weigh-in. You know things don't go well when I don't post the night of, right? LOL Man. I gained a half-pound. Not entirely unexpected, but disappointing nonetheless. I went out for Chinese twice this week, and one of those days was Saturday. One thing I think may have affected things is that I didn't eat lunch until 3:30. I usually eat lunch around noon, and then do my dead level best not to put anything else in my tummy until AFTER weigh-in. Cheating? Maybe. Has it worked in the past? Damn skippy. Not so much yesterday, though. Oh well.
On an up note...I threw myself a big ol' pity party a few weeks ago. Dawn II was the only other person invited, bless her. It went something along the lines of "blah blah lost 30 pounds blah blah can't tell blah blah not fishing for compliments blah blah BUT STILL blah blah clothes fit SOMEWHAT better blah blah" Basically? I have no patience. That should come as no surprise to anyone that knows me, and especially to anyone that's ever ridden in a car with me behind the wheel. Heh. Anyway, a friend from work got married Sunday (Go Barry!!) (OH! TX Jen, I'll email you the details!) and I realized that I didn't have any idea what to wear. I was short on time, so what did I do? I cleaned out my closet! Yup. Shoveled out an absurd amount of clothing that I will never wear, mostly because it was either too big, or just plain UGLY. I found a great little tank dress to wear, and still felt like I looked pretty decent even though I was really, really late. I had a 6 year-old's birthday party to get to afterward, and so I managed to grab a change of clothes. The shorts I picked out, which were staples last year, were nearly too big. I was pleasantly surprised.
Then yesterday, the day of the craptastic weigh-in, I was wearing a pair of Old Navy khakis and a short-sleeved sweater. I sat down on the conductor's podium at school, and came THISCLOSE to a panic attack; my pants had just slid from "kinda low-riders" into "plumber's crack"/"Arrest that woman!" territory. Thankfully the sweater is long, so I was able to stand up without completely embarrassing myself. That's when I realized that I can now take those pants off without unsnapping or unzipping them. Which is really an odd thing to be happy about, but hey.
So my opinion of the scale situation? Meh. I'm not pleased that it didn't keep sliding down, but I gotta say I'm pretty happy with the clothing situation. FINALLY I can notice a difference! Val and Clark have been telling me all along that I'm losing weight, and I do appreciate that. :) It's just nice to be able to see it myself. And no, Val, I'm not talking about the fun house mirror at the school last night. LOL Though I still think we should have brought it back to the store-it was very slimming. :) |
posted by Jen @ 8:23 AM  |
Thursday, April 20, 2006 |
Jen goes to the doctor |
I'm finally home. I never did eat lunch today-I just ran around late all damn day. I didn't think to get lunch before Clark left for lunch, and then couldn't get it while he was gone. I couldn't get it between work and the Doctor's office, because I was THISCLOSE to being late for that. I definitely couldn't stop between the doctor's office and school because I was VERY late for that. TJ was home with Cam, waiting for me to get home so HE could leave. I couldn't stop on the way home, either. It would have been pointless as late as it was, anyway.
I got home and made myself a tomato sammich while I made Cam's dinner (microwave pizza tonight-easy!). Then I ate MY pizza, and I feel much better. I'm afraid I may have eaten too much too close together, but right now I feel fat and happy, so I don't care. I'm still well within my points for the day, so that's a non-issue. By the way, I highly recommend Lean Cuisine's french bread pepperoni pizza...much yumminess. Doh! I just found my new MP3 player-it came today! Whoo hoo! :)
So while I was at the doc's office...have I mentioned how much our doc loves my child? I've been seeing my doc since I was probably 12. I switched Cam to him as soon as he turned 2 and didn't have to see his pediatrician any longer. He's a GREAT doctor. I went in the exam room, the nurse complimented me on my weight loss (woot!) and handed me the gown and sheet. I changed and here comes my doc: "Where's my little buddy?!" "Well, I figured I'd leave him home for THIS particular visit." "Ah, true." (Jen is laid back on the exam table and a breast exam is done) He told the nurse how cute my son is, and that he's just SO smart, and it's just like talking to a little grown up. Yeah, I can hear some of you saying the same thing I thought, "Who? MY Cam? Wait..what?!" (Jen is scooted down on the table and set up in the stirrups) "Is he still playing Tball?" "No, we asked him if he'd like to play this year and he said no, that it was 'too much pressure' and he'd rather not." Both he and the nurse cracked up at this. It's a word for word quote, I swear. (Jen gets 'speculumed' eep!) "Well, there are plenty of other sports out there." "Yeah, I asked him if he'd be into soccer, but we figured we'd just sit this season out." (My doc coaches his son's soccer team and keeps asking Cam if he'd come be on his team.) (Jen is poked, prodded, swabbed, and otherwise made uncomfortable) "Have you tried non-group sports?" "He loves hiking. He carried a 20 pound pack when we camped last time." (Speculum removed, replaced with my doctor's forearm up to his ELBOW) "That's great! He's a great kid. Tell him he needs to get coughed on or something-it's been ages since he's come to see me! What, he's starting Kindergarten soon, right?" (Jen coughs, trying to remove his thumb from the area of her left lung) "No, he's in 1st grade now-OW!" "Sorry. First grade? Man, I remember when you came in for your pregnancy test. First grade, huh?" (the doc removes his arm from my innards, leaving my internal organs to return to their original locations for at least another 11 3/4 months) Blah blah blah, small talk, get dressed again. He comes back in with my birth control scrip, my receipt, and a handful of stickers and candy....for Cam.
I love my doc. :) |
posted by Jen @ 6:11 PM  |
Monday again?! |
I swear I'm having a Monday again. My actual Monday was MUCH better than today. I must have missed a memo or something. Cam and I were late getting out the door to catch the bus, and as a result caught all the traffic lights between home and the bus stop RED. He seemed to temporarily forget how to remove himself from my van once we got there. I peeled out to head to school, only to catch every light along the way RED once again. There were actually kids waiting for me outside the band room door when I got there. "Thank GOD, Mrs. Smith! We were afraid you weren't coming!" What, did I quit and nobody told me? Sheesh. I'm walking around while Pete directs, helping where ever I'm needed, and he tells the band that *I* will be conducting this piece at the concert. Wha?! Well, I probably ought to study that score, then. Blah blah, fast forward to work. It's a Club Roland day...'nuff said about THAT. I'm 2 diet cokes and 2 cups of coffee into my caffeine for the day, and I have a dull, achy head that refuses to stop hurting. My stomach started HOWLING around say it growled would be a gross was howling. Thankfully that crap stopped-I haven't had a chance to get lunch yet, but am noshing on some gum (mmm...Orbit Sweet Mint...) and am fine. As if all this crap wasn't enough, I'm scheduled for my pap this afternoon, too. Nothing like climbing up into the cold, stainless steel stirrups to cheer up a girl. Then I get to haul ass to rehearsal, and then head home. ...sigh...
I'm really, really tired. I was up way too late last night, and slept like a brick for the 4 hours I actually slept. I didn't get to sleep until after 1. To top THAT off, apparently all the big, giant, deformed, and rabid palmetto bugs in the swamp behind our house? They decided it's too damn hot and dry out for them, so they're moving in. We killed THREE in my bedroom alone last night. Three!! I haven't seen one in the house for MONTHS. We're not sloppy people. We're not bug infested. We're CAT infested, but that's another story. When I actually SLEPT and was not being strafed by some suicidal mutant bug, I slept well. It's no wonder that today has turned out to be such a gem. I'm going to go find some more caffeine in the hopes that my headache goes away before rehearsal...nothing like a trumpet sectional to help out a headache. Ugh. |
posted by Jen @ 1:14 PM  |
Tuesday, April 18, 2006 |
Busy day |
I didn't finish blogging about my day yesterday...I got so caught up with the whole key chain thing that I forgot!
First of all, how 'bout that weather, huh? Hello, drought conditions! I may have to water my yard this year-it was beautiful last year once Ivan ripped out a lot of the tree cover and it actually got some sun. Now it looks ...well, thirsty. Anyone have some extra rain they don't need?
I found out that one of my students was amongst the bunch rounded up and arrested in the vandalism sting last week. I knew he'd done SOMETHING stupid, but didn't know any details. Ugh.
I bought a new bra the other day. It's nothing fancy, really, but it actually FITS properly, so it's good news for me. I also bought a new shirt. I was wearing both yesterday, and really liked the way they worked together. A person I spoke with later in the day spent the entire conversation talking to my cleavage, so I consider the ensemble a success.
That's all for now-if I think of anything else you can be sure I'll be back. :) |
posted by Jen @ 8:38 PM  |
Ebay restriction |
I was poking around Ebay looking for an MP3 player for Resa, and ended up buying one for myself. Well, another one for myself. ...sigh... I got mine 2 years ago, and 256 megs was a LOT of space at the time. This one has 1gig....mmmm, more storage. I'm going to give my old one to Cam-he's been bugging the crap out of me about getting one anyway. Anyway, I'm not going back to Ebay for a while except to leave feedback. That is a dangerous place. |
posted by Jen @ 8:32 PM  |
Monday, April 17, 2006 |
"In the olden days" |
During dinner tonight, Cam mentioned something about a field trip coming up. They just finished two weeks of a big first grade standardized test, so it's party time now. I asked where they were going, and he said, "We're going to see a play. You know, like when y'all were little and before the movies?"
Um, what?
Yeah, so apparently the only form of entertainment we had "in the olden days before the movies" were plays. Perhaps the stage was lit by whale oil lamps? Or maybe we watched them during the day, as it was too dark at night, and we had yet to master fire. In between dinosaur attacks and cave paintings, of course.
I feel another gray hair cropping up. |
posted by Jen @ 9:12 PM  |
I said something earlier today to the effect of "if I'm able to lose at least half a pound this week"... I did pretty well this week-nothing spectacular. Jen and I had sushi Monday night, but I had all not-fried sushi, so it wasn't as bad as it could have been. I behaved this week, and even yesterday (Easter) I was pretty well behaved. I had 3 pieces of spiral cut ham, one scoop of Barb's pasta salad (one of the best side dishes she makes, hands down), two spoons of baked beans (the best deal on the table, point-wise), a wheat roll, and some margarine. That's it. I didn't fill up my plate, and I didn't have seconds. I also didn't have dessert. None of the beautiful, delicious-looking carrot cake, pecan pie, or double chocolate cake. Wow, that last sentence was very distracting. Where was I? OK, I was good. Not OVERLY good, or trying too hard. At all. No extra exercise. At all.
"OK, Jen, we get it-what's the point?"
I lost 3.5 pounds this week. Yes. Nearly 4 pounds, not really doing anything but counting points. Where as a few weeks ago, I busted my ass, being extra good, skimping on points, etc, and lost 1.5. All I needed to make my first meeting goal was half a pound, so I got that easy. I also passed the 25 pound mark (with room to spare). So tonight I got a haul...I got my key chain for my 10% loss, my magnet for 25 pounds lost, and I SHOULD have gotten another star, but I was too busy wigging out (I had to get up in front of everyone to talk!!) to remember to ask for them.
So now what? LOL Seriously. I'm going to start over with another mini goal, and keep on trucking. I figure I'm good for now...but Maevyn, if you plan on coming into town I need to know ahead of time (like you wouldn't give notice, right? LOL) so I can plan for some Hooters. Mmmmm....Hooters.... |
posted by Jen @ 7:39 PM  |
Easter such and such |
We had a nice Easter here at Paulding Manor. TJ was on duty, but brought his crew over to him Mom's house for lunch. It's always much more interesting with THAT group of guys around. Jen and Billy went to her folks' house for the day, and we BOTH brought home leftover ham. Heh.
I spent the day at Barb's going through some of her family record stuff to back fill TJ's side of Cam's family tree. Once again, I can find tons of info on his side of the family...I've learned that as long as I'm not looking up someone directly (blood) related to me, I can probably find out what size SHOE he or she wore. However, if I'm looking up a blood relative, they never even existed. Even the ones that are still alive. I swear to all of you that my paternal grandmother was hatched. I can't find hide nor hair of that woman ANYWHERE. ...sigh...
Anyway, I learned that Barb's great great (maybe another great, now I can't remember...) Grandfather and his brother immigrated to the US together from Germany in the mid 1800s. Her ancestor settled in New York while his brother ended up in Mississippi. Figures that I'd end up married to the New York branch, eh? There are lots of other interesting stories to tell there, but that will have to wait for another's not even 7 yet and I've only had one cup of coffee. I'm due to get Cam to the bus stop here shortly, but thought I'd hop in (heh, geddit? Easter? Hop? ...sigh...yeah, it was pretty lame) and let y'all know about the weekend first.
Weigh-in is tonight...assuming I was able to shed at least half a pound this week, I'll have lost 10% of my starting body weight. Woot! We just won't think about how much more I have to go until later. :) Wish me luck! |
posted by Jen @ 6:47 AM  |
Thursday, April 13, 2006 |
Aw!! |
Cam brought home his Spring Pictures yesterday...check him out!
posted by Jen @ 8:19 AM  |
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 |
I didn't get lost... |
...I've been busy running around like the proverbial headless chicken. I was chatting with Cassi last week about being in the woods and decided to plan an overnight camp-out this past weekend. The planning and prep work pretty much consumed the rest of my week, and the actual trip ate up my weekend. ...sigh... Anyway, that's the general report of my whereabouts for the past week plus a few days. :)
So the weigh-in from the week before...I learned something that week. Remember how I was very, VERY good? Didn't eat out, didn't divert from the plan on iota? I actually went to bed with a few points leftover at least 2 nights? Yeah. I lost a pound and a half. So, the following week, having learned my lesson, I ate all my points, and then went out for Chinese one night, ordered in wings another night, and then went camping this past weekend. I wasn't dreading weigh-in this week, but I wasn't looking forward to it, either. Once again, I lost another pound and a half. AND, as if all that wasn't enough (TMI alert-those of you that either don't know me well or just don't WANT to know me well, avert your eyes for the next sentence. You have been warned.), I started my period Monday, too.
I'm back on plan again after the weekend in the woods. I didn't oink out while we camped or anything-it's just very hard to find something good for you that you can tote in without coolers or such accouterments. I did some trail meals...cous cous, Spanish rice, and then some Easy Mac. That was EASILY my favorite meal of the weekend. Mmmm...mac and cheese... Plus I was moving around all weekend-we hiked in at least a mile, and all carried packs-even Cam! Bless his heart, he hiked in all of his stuff except his food. He carried in his sleeping bag, hammock, clothes, and game boy. What else does a boy need in the woods? LOL I have lots of pics from the weekend, but am waiting to get back to my laptop to resize them before I post them here.
Back (as usual) to the weight loss thing...I'm .5 lb away from my meeting goal. I'm not doing anything extraordinary this week; Jen and I had sushi Monday night (I didn't have anything fried...I had eel, soft shell crab, avocado, etc.) and went to Sonny's last night for the Warrington Revitalization Committee meeting. I was a good girl there, too, but still had to use some of my weekly points. Tonight we're having (fat free turkey) hot dogs (the guys are having sausage), baked beans, and I think maybe corn on the cob-I can't remember for sure. I'm hoping to get my loss back up (down?) to at least 2 lb/week again, now that things are settling back down.
And now I'm going to go...I not only neglected my blogging duties over the past week, I managed to put off laundry and kitchen duty, too. ...sigh... Off to get some work done! |
posted by Jen @ 10:07 AM  |
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